Shreveport not pretty sight for bowl game From the Sidelines Dave Clufbonrwau SH R K V K P O R T . La.—' WELCOME WAKE KOREST AND OREGON state: fans." Believe it or not. that was vvliat tile bulletin hoard read in the lobby of the hotel where 1 was staying for the Indepen dence Bowl. That was only the beginning Anyone who argues that the bowl system should stav the way it is obviously has never been to Shreveport Sure, the people of this run down city do their best to pro vide that infamous "Southern hospitality." and the cajun food is good, but the fact that this city hosts a bowl game is .1 little embarrassing. To get a (letter feel of what the Independence Bowl is like, imagine moving Parker St ad i - um to Springfield and inviting two barely above MM) teams to play in a bowl game there every New Year’s Kve {()! course, the name of the bow 1 would have be changed to something like the Homophobic Bow l ) Bossier City, which was where I stayed, along with much of the media, looked like LA after the riots There were literally blocks of gutted-out buildings that used to be small businesses Directly across from Indepen dence Stadium is a real nil e re finery piping smoke and dust into the air. One Duck booster told me she at tually saw a man peddling drugs in broad day iighl on a i orner in Shreveport A cab driver in the i itv told me the economy is so bad in Shreveport that many residents i an t even afford a tii ket to the game "This i itv is in terrible shape economically.” lie said "Peo ple gel so cvi lied about ibis game Ihm nuse il gives our ei on omv a little kii k in the bull, even if it is for just a few days Turn to BOWL Page 10A “30 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 10% discount w/valid U0 I D card good thru 12/31/92 MTTfl lUWNHi •UttAU >* • m ;i . «tr*4 ■GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, Oregon, 97402 ENJOY A FAMOUS STAR COURTESY OF CAMPUS .Carl’s Jr. Orrgtm Ikuh AND THE Emerald WHEN YOU PLACE A $6 OR 3-DAY CLASSIFIED AD: Place a minimum $6 or 3-day ad