Welcome Back Ducks! * EURO-ASIAN AUTO REPAIR ; bosch A S.E Certified Technician BOSCH AUTHORIZED SERVICE CLOSE TO CAMPUS 20 1917 I r.inklin Hlvd., Fugene 485-8226 Oregon Daily E 11161*3Id Deacons devour deficit, Ducks j Oregon drops 19-point lead in Independence Bowl By Dave Chart>onneau Err#*aid Sports Echo' SIIRBV I PORT I n Ore gem’s foot Kail irnm saved its worst for las! The Due ks gave up a season worst f>IS yards on defense and lost l‘l l'i to Wake forest in the I’ouInn Weed Pater indepen deni e How I I lei 11 But truth la- told, the out come of the game would have tui'ii a lot worse for Oregon if it were not for the play of its de fense Cornerhac ks Herman O'Bern and Ah?* Molden each returned Demon I)e»< on turn overs (or touchdowns that heljmd t(it? Due ks ttuild a 19 point lead late in the third quarter It took Wake Forest seven minutes to do awa\ with that lend The Demons stored three touc hdowns in that span as they i nnfusnd Oregon's second ary with truk pla\s and long honihs to take a 32-29 lead with 12 minutes left in the game Another Wake Forest touch down pul the game away for good, as a late Dutk rails tell short "This esas one of the toughest losses I've ever experienced, Oregon head coat h Rich Brooks The kev play of th«- drive was a BO-yard bomb from quarterbai k Keith West to Todd Dixon Oregon running hark Scan Burwell tied the game with a •40-vard touchdown run an the following drive That was the onlv big run the Dm ks would have all game "I thought after Bur well broke that one for the touch down. we would he able to keep running the hull elftx five 1 y.” Brooks said "But after that, we didn't do mm h on the ground Oregon stopped the ensuing Deacon drive when safety Kric Castle puked off a pass at the Dm k six yard line and returned it ii? yards The Ducks next score came SAVE $$$ ON TEXIBOOKS! • in the front of the same building (only one block from campus) • same low prices • expanded floor space Bring your Textbook Information author, title, edition We'll help you save $$$ Sell some ot last year's Textbooks and help pay tor this term's boohs Smith Family Bookstore 768 East 13th • (503) 345-1651 Eugene, Oregon 97401 said lilt' game mirrored mir seuson We played well at limes, and poor I \ at Olliers. We got our fannies kicked m the sec and half !t\ halftime. Oregon had (.nosed four Dem on turnovers and led 21’. 10 After Molden's ililert option return for a touch down early in the third quarter, It looked iis if the Dm ks fiat) the game loi ked up Oregon plaved that wav the rest of the game I d like to sav we weren't overconfident at that point." Oregon quarterhai k Damn O'Neil said, "hut I think, that mav have I teen the i ase today " Wake f orest devoured the defii it quit klv hv going deep against a i (infused Dm k set ondarv rhf De.u ons scored tile next 2ft points of the game tli,inks to touchdown passes of .10 and fit vards The other two touchdowns were set up bv passes of i5 ami -t 1 yards Wake Forest mav have put the Dm ks awav mui.lt earlier if It weren't for its first-half turn uvers On their opening drive, the Deacons ate up Oregon s defense, man lung tit) vards on seven plays for a touchdown whim O Herrs ripped the bull out of Wake Forest running back Ned Moultrie's hands and ran ihl yards for a touchdown. A Deacon field goal cut the Oregon lead to I t 10 in the sec ond quarter, but O'Herrs came up with another fumble recov ery at the Wake Forest It) Four plays later, O'Neil hit tight end Vince Ferry with a three-yard touchdown pass to give Oregon a 1‘) It) lead forums Thompson k 1 c ked a 48-yard field goal with two minutes left in the first half, and the Due ks led 22-10 at half time After Moiden's tout hdown return put Oregon up 2') It), the Deacons started to build mo mentum. The first Wake f orest touch down came on a one yard run after a IS-yard pass front West to tight end John Henry Mills "You could feel their mo mentum growing," linebacker Joe I arwell said "We knew we had to stop them, hut we let the barrel roll over the top of us.'' Oregon cot the lead to t‘l-1 r> vs 11it less than a minute left ill the game hut .in onside kn k wits re< nvered Its Wake Forest. ) KAMPUS BARBER SHOP ( has been serving the campus community tor 70 yrs We oiler 3 experienced barbers lor any style haircut Men and women welcome We use Nexxus and Paul Mitchell products $9.00 HAIRCUTS/NO APPTS 8 a m -5 30 p m M-F 343-7654 851 E 13th mShutterbug’s EVERYTHING YOU NEED IS ON SALE SALE! Use These Great Money Saving CouponsI We Print Better PicturesI Easy To Use ; Location! 890 E. 13th Across from UO Bookstore 342-3456 t "ne Shutter bug .MPNBM_ • Developed & printed • 1?. 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