RACE Continued from Page 1A r.n »• relations in the l' S .md to let students loam about people of nil different colors.' l ee said. A new committee ni a \ c hange that. In spring of 1 >2. the l ,-nivcr sits Senate transformer! the ad hoc committee to a new com mittee of students, fncultv and administrators The new Multicultural Currie ulum Com m it tee is working on a proposal that would narrow the focus of the race/gender/non-Kuropean Ainerican requirement. Milder the proposal, (lasses that fulfill the requirement would study contemporary ra i ial and ethnic groups in the United States, said Sandra Mor gen. an associate professor of sociologs who helped organize the committee "Thu current requirement gives students some hint of the diversity of the world's peo ple,” Morgen said "What we're formulating is a requirement that would focus more spec ifi cally on understanding what vou to know to live in the multicultural w* i**t\ that the U S is fast becoming " (bourses dealing wit h mule female relations in the United States would fulfill the gender part of the requirement, said ASUO President Bobby Lee. who works with the com mittee Main of the proposal's de tails hose not U*en worked out. though Morgen said it should lie reads for the University Sen ate bv )an. 11 The committee spent most of last term discussing the mean ing id "multii ulturnl Most of the i ommittee members agree that the requirement should ad dress the four mam minority ra rial groups in the United States African-American N’a tivo American, Asian American and Ijitino/( Im ano. Hut other members believe ethnic groups such as Jews should also he iih lulled Committee memU-rs are still discussing the meaning of "contemporary.’' or how far hack in history a course may study and still fulfill flu- re rpiinunenl. BIKE SALE! Start 1993 on the Right ) Pedal! NISHIKI Mountain Bike Chrom-oly Frame 500 LX Derrailleurs Deore LX Brakes Deore LX Crankset Motivator Tires Second Nature Bicycles 446 East 13th Avenue • Eugene • 343-5362 (Three Blocks From Campus) Hurry In! - Limited to Stock on Hand! I^A ZAR’g ftAZAfi COME IN AND SEE! WE HAVE EVERYTHING • Posters • Dr. Martens • Cards • Vans • Clothing • Converse • Shoes • Incense • and more shoes! Mention this ad for 10% OFF FREE CONVERSE *> khotlK»f with •vary pair of ahoas < l g - w J OFF COflVERSE It’s whai's inside lhat counts c with coupon LAZAR S BAZAR 57 W. Broadway 4 957 Willamette Downtown Mall uP_uP_ mm imw ALL REMAINING INVENTORY MUST BE SOLD NOW! ALL PRICES SLASHED DOWN TO FINAL MARKDOWNS! 3520 WEST 11th. Aernt (ttm hti Mtytr VIDEO-AUDIO LIQUIDATION PHONE 4«S-3254 r~—~] IN GRAPHICS thru Jan 16th, 1993 8> xacto knives & blades spray adhesives krylon • 3m • blair stainless steel rules staedtler • bates 5 letraset color tag system o •applicator machine o *. • base o • two pkgs color strips £ -instructions 20° SO SO 6996 muu new! new! color strip sheets 35* 25 sheet box 787 fontek digital fonts 60 Ietra^et display fonts for Mac users student • faculty • staff owned 13th & kincatd • m sat • 346 4331