with the leading names In calculators, typewriters & wp's ■1/j BA II PLUS <3,,,. ad vatu i*d fliuiiu lal and v icn lifi* funtHioiisiminccasy (>> um* i all ulaior 1995 ^ Texas Instruments 4? 79“ I TI-81 A powerful, vet easy to-use graphic s calculator. TI-85 GRAPHICS CALCULATOR The powerful graphics calculator tor math, science, .inJ engineering. ^ Qggg HP IOH m HEWLETT PACKARD HuNtn<‘KN Calculator • All ih<- '■'.srrUKilj- fur husirii-ss 2995 HEWLETT PACKARD • Lar^t*. I'.tsy tu read 12 iltarai icr display • Kffl>nl*‘ss milVI'MHMIl lH*tWiM‘ll furutmnv m ssss 1399s HP IluNiness Consultant II ^ • Auto im n*nu*nt !» a!un* that mak«vs ainortt/^ttion srhfdult** easv HP 17B1I Financial What Hewlett mLTM PACKARD Calculator 9995 • limit in algebraic entry aiul HP's ••flit min KPN • ( Kit 250 functions fur real estate ami finance • Menus ami softkeys easy acces* to solutions • IIP Solve feature customize your calculator without programming • limit in altfnbrau entry anti Ill’s eHh tfnt lil’N • ( her 160 funt’lions for finance. i math .uni statistics • Menus ami softkeys easy access Id solutions • HP Solve feature customize your calculator will loll I programming • InformaUon management features ap(M>mtmei\Ls, lists of imjxirtant data, travel expenses and more What HEWLETT mitiM PACKARD 279 brother Ill* 48SX Scientific Expandable Calculator brother gx-csoo CORRECTRONIC ELECTRONIC TYPEWRITER ■ Automatic Word-Out' and Line Out correction system ■ Full line lift ott correction memory ■ Automatic relocation after correction ■ Automatic underlining, bold printing, centering and right margin flush ■ Clear View Quiet Sound Shield increases viewing ol text while reducing the sound level ■ Pertectype* professional touch keyboard thru Jan 16th, 1993 13th & Kincaid • VI-Sat • 346-4331 SRJKh WP-1450DS* PORTABLE DAISY WHEEL WORD PROCESSOR brother • (iraphii s ami ralculus function* oomlniunf lik«* never before • Symbolic ntalti functions to lit your needs • Kasy automat ic unit man affluent ■ iUo way infrared l<) for easy I Easy Vo read M wye by 90 chdim It* LCD itepiay I Starvlard 3 5" 7V0KB floppy »•,« .five lot MS DOS" toe oompat4>*fy with PC s ■ Mows irartsfer of ASC» toes tt and *rurr> PC s • Aikjw. converson of spreadsheets to LOTUS’ ' ? 3 • WK' f*»s hi transit* to and from PCs R0Q 389 (taut transfer • Kxpansion options witli plug in i arils and PC linkage capability Put down menu COM mam mono AddmstxxA with Data LU*r ft' Dual screen caftaOWties Global selectable search and replace Insert overwrite Bloch movecopy delete Double column printing Paye layout view Abbreviated phrase memory 34995 „ UNIVERSITY OF OREGON BOOK COURIER Continued from Page 1A Powered Mm hines. founded the service !<• prove that his work-hikes can work I'm known throughout the t ountrv for my work-hikes, hut people are always skepto il ahout them." he said. "One ol the < lean's! ways for people to see that it works is to prove it Using his own f u nils. VnnderTum made down pay merits lor the company's insur ant e and other business costs He said lie also wanted to show that work hikes are not abusive on the body. VanderTuin has made them a pleasure to ride by using mountain hike parts and is the first in the world to do so. he said. One of Pedalers Express' cus tomers said the service is sav ing him money and is good lor the community. |im Dotson, of Dot Dotson's Photo Finishing stores, repine ed a full-time van route with Pedalers Express. "We've done our delivery routes forever hut looked at what it r ust to run a pickup truck around and what we were adding to pollution and com pared it to the bicycle servii e," he said "We save about 20 to .it) per cent of our former delivery cost, and that doesn't even in clude vehicle costs." Dotson said "And I feel better about tt." Dotson said tn- him) tries to stimulate .is mm h interest in the Pedalers Depress as he c an I.ong ( .nogun would like to add some ol Eugene's 4.ri0 attor neys into the servil e's client list Diane Bishop, i it\ ot Kugune Bicycle Coordinator, said she set’s Pedalers Express as it re lates to the entire state She said the serviee is another small step toward the stale's Coal Id. whit h nulls lor redui ing Oregon's reliance on auto mobiles by 20 percent during the next 30 \ears Bishop said the state realizes that .is more people move to Oregon, air quality and traffit will get worse Portland is al ready in nom ompliaut e with air quality regulations $21* reg 524 95) • Locks - Kryptotok onty •Racks only 34, ifw»$!7OTi • Fenders - Zefal Mtn. Only treg S76 9S» • Ughts - Cat Eye Halogen only*'1295ir*j 518 001 • Raingear - Jackson & GiOOens Coats onfy •Pants *24” (reg 559 95> only treg 579 95) 1340 Willamette 687-0288