UNIVERSITY Law school receives $500,000 endowment By Colleen Pohlig f mcraid Associate tdiio-' An endowed $5tKMKX) fund tv position in the University School ol Law will he i mated with .1 gilt from a law school alumnus anil his wife. Dean Dave Frohnmaver announced Dec 14 James I, and Hone Randolph Hershner of Eugene committed $250,000. w hit h qualifies for a state mat< hing endowment pro gram created In the 1901 la-gis I at ure. making the value $500,000 "This is a magnificent gift ■ind will help us tremendoush in our efforts to build on the strengths of the school s distin guished teaching and researi h faculty,” Frohnmaver said in a press release "The Hershners' gift will la* an invaluable in vestment for what we do today and for generations to come The University Foundation, an independent non-profit cor poration that raises and invests gift money for the University, will manage the investment. The interest from the endow rnent fund will he used not to replace state salary or operating funds, hut to provide the school a margin of excellence beyond that level. The endowment will help to support the teaching and re search activities of the chosen professor, who will spec iali/e in providing students with the ‘The Hershners’ gift will be an invaluable investment for what we do today and for generations to come Dave Frohnrnayer. /4 graduate ol the law si hoot, is a senior par! ner in the Kugene law l^rni of Hershner, Hunter. Moulton, Andrews and Neill The Hershners’ motivation for donating the gilt, thev said, i times from rei ogni/.ing the ill i reusing need for private sup port of puhlii higher education and the many positive expert ernes lames Hershner rvieived from lus training in the law school. ET ALS i Ml H«>*f d v* i. !>•*-! .1' Iht* i Ml Hoard Hootn For morn information, call 346 3720 Ihmdlin# fur *ubmttting kt Ai* lu the knwtbUi front ilf\k ki\ll Suite lOO mm nut the iia\ hi* ha* pubi nation I he mUtiu diM‘% iiftt /jwvp a time nun ititte k.t Ah fun thp (of grammar and *tyk' H \l* r\m on •» available b*$i* NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL Oregon west Fitness Is the place to work out! Oregon West -fitness 1 1 Best Hours Best Prices ★ l Days a week 6am-11pm ★ 485-1624 r NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL • $35 Per month for 6 months • NO Initiation Fee • Pay by the Month Oregon West f I T N E S S 1475 Franklin Blvd. Across from Campus 485-1624 L POW! Pul the [)ower of Oregon Daily Emerald advertising to work for you. Call 346-3712 THIS WEEK Register Today PHUTOCBAIWV DNMDWOUUWi OEIaMICS JKWH.IV miu (a *ss * stost lliu ll»K Erb Memorial Union Service Recognition Award December 1992 r Kathy Cooks Scheduling W« nil Kathy >« bn that her work U very much appreciated. She la aa rumple of a staff member who la provldinf notable cnatocner aarelee. To Congratulate and Celebrate staff who are appreciated! Organic Coffee ^ Don/T PANIC GO OPCANJC | S’Wt'fa &ict}euKti} Now Available At The EMU Breezeway (Chemical Free Java!) flrtHiftjhi lo ym» ta OSHH*. SURVIVAL CENTER KM I 'I'T.WJ.I J I'll T 4 food l SERVICE *emu. T^TaSIAN CUISINE c1iG£ -ir(i Floor KMU hast SkyUght *;*ra i 2 Fridays * track TOWN PIZZA ★ 6” Pizza only Fountain Court Calcic. fresh Hakccli I lam -g 346-3705 WORK STUDY POSITIONS arc available iri the EMU Please stop into EMU MiOl for information. Welcome back from your holiday break! YOUR PATRONAGE SUSTAINS US. USE OUR SERVICES. TELL US HOW TO PROVIDE SERVICES THAT MEET YOUR NEEDS. YOUR FEEDBACK IS VALUABLE.