COME USE THE CRAFT CENTER (JKNKK VI. INFORMATION 11m- I Ml ('fall Center is a v omprrbensive Arts Iboetaii ullmop well equipped lattimes ami workshops in most arras of the Visual Arts lit. progtnm ■•.qheduv aiumal and revi ai 1 i an,'* entourages all levels ot interest, In mi beginning tst to enous artist If vou have an mine i manor a lasonlc hobby. I lie I Ml Craft < 'enter at the l 'm-. tv of Otegon i. for sou' Sou'll lt«d us in (hr I rt> Memorial t nion I I Sib and f nhrrsitv i on the lower level, east wing MKMHI KSHn* INFORM \ilON i rail t enter membership entitles v ou to use the fat titties and tools in tlte ( i at 11 enter for lire tei in Membership is always available lor the entire l Ovommunitv (> alumni ITk general publi. mas pun.base a ( rati < "enter membershipv»uhenrollment in aC raft ( enter work shop loslmg SI' j or more Day use passes arc available for current l Otommumlv and! O alumni ID is inquired Mrmhtrvhipv art valid far the Irrm in which thru art purchavtd, and art not rrfundahlr Membership fees <|H'r Irrmf S' I f) siudenls and v|>ousev Sin t O I acuity vlafl and spouses SI' CO alumni • si' (ienctal I'uhliv with enrollment in ( raff f 'cntri workshop costing SI' <« more •d the iintividual vainels the wot k shop general puhln membership will he voided NEW FEES EFFECTIVE WINTER TERM 1993 Dai l se fees: SI CO students S2 UO lasulty and stall S' I O alumni Membership is required (or workshops thal uve ( rail t 'enter lav times and equipment Workshops requiring memberships are starred < ;}{ .. sn Dio i \< imiKs I Ml < raft ('enter lac limes ms lude a ceramics area with high tire capabilities. darkrooms equipped for both Mack ami while am) color printing, 4 jcwclrv lab with casting ami fabric alum equipment, a complete woodshop. ami facilities for silkscrccn. batik, stained ami fused glass lapidars bike repair, sew me and numerous fiber lev hntqucs 1 he Craft ( enter h i hand tools, hooks and periodic als for inernher use sc ithirt the Center \ aiious supplies are as ai table 1 or sale, lockers arc as ai table to members for $ ] 7S t small t or S2 25 (largei pci term WORKSHOP RKOISI RATION Registration is on a firsl-comc first serve basis, conttnmng throughout the temt until cl.oses begin oi air filled Pfcrcgi stratum is strongly recommended to ensure sour place in a - lass Workshop registration can he dime in person or by mail, and must be accompanied with full payment. Members of the Cnisrrsits community purchasing (raft Center memberships will Ik required to present l msersity I D KKH ND POLICY H „ri shop» will be refunded IDO'S. 4 days pnor to the fir\l meeting. O'* thereafter It a workshop is cancelled, a lull refund will Ik given Workshops which do not meet the minimum requirements w ill he s anc el led on or before* the lust class meeting Memberships and "intro \ptcial" workshops art not refundable If the Craft Center cam els the horkshop, membership mas be refunded 1ST ROM ( TOR) SPEC IMS It IK I! DOCTOR IIitvc Bevon Just the picscription to perk ii|' your bike and help you •ivi>kI \ tear, and lepau bills Instruction will cover lubrit anon, lire trouble. brake and gear service, and trouble shooting Learning these care and maintenance skills will help keep your bike rolling smoothlv and safely Bring your hike toelass. 'hour ot instriu mm Three sessions offered: 1 Tuesday. January 12 *> hi h M) pm 2 Wednesday January 6 b d pm I 1 hursday. January b 4 pm 35M\1 ( AMI K \ t SI \ alerie Nguyen I earn the "secret meaning ol all those numbers and letters' Short let lure including how your camera works Includes discussion of film selection and composition tor tv iter pu tures Bring empty .'5mm camera to class, t hours ot mslnu non Mondas January I I. b t KI 9:00 pm otW.t N5 BEADED BRACE! KTS Kim Balsam Make colorf ul beaded bracelets using lac e and flower stitches Bracelets are fun to wear and make great gilts’ I Ins ts a good introduction to be ad work for beginners and a chance to ask questions about beads and heading techniques ' hours of instruction Wednesday. Januaty h. b:'0-0;'() pni »UH4 >5 Ml OS & BOWLS Frank tiosar Tired of l upperware,' I funk you’d rather starve before eating another meal oil of plastic ' You can artistic alls handbutld your own mugs, tumblers and small howls in this workshop ( lay and gla/es provided ' hours ol instruction Thursday, January 7. 2:00 5:00pm #085 *5 ffOXO S5 «WI V5 WIH2 >5 COMING FEBRUARY 5-14 1 ho Annual FAMILY ALBUM SHOW I Of more information contact tlie LMIJ Cratt Center 346 4361 i ik dykim; Kathy Kuh' Ium your icc shirts, shorts and sinks into wild and bright tic deed items I earn Ikiw to create .1 \ artety of patterns using different tying and dyeing ICc hnnjucs firing up to three prew ashed ltMl'. cotton items to dir. ' hours ol instruction I wo sessions ottered 1 January <1. i?^ <10 pm «>Hf> S5 2 Wednesday. January. (>. 6 (10 'Mil pm mis' S5 I hr EMU Craft ( enter will he < hard Monday. January IH in observanc e of Martin iMiher King Day \hiist PAUL KOEHL The focus of this workshop is the creation of mulUple-run monopnnts, emphasizing painterly methods. It will begin with examples ami discussion of contemporary trends in monopnnt making. Use of inks, brayers, rollers, and priming techniques will lx- demonstrated, followed by an opportunity to create several monopnnts. Rix*hl. an instruc tor at San Jose Suite City College and Cabnllo College, has exhibited his [Tints and paintings at the San Jose Museum of Art, Monterey Peninsula Museum of Art and U.C. Santa Cruz's Scsnon Gallery. Free Slide Lecture: Thursday, March 4, 8:00 pm, 115 Lawrence Hall Workshop: Saturday, March 6, 9:30 am-4:30 pm, U of O Printmaking Sludio Lawrencr Hall #091 $25 U of O Students #092 $35 All Others Limited Enrollment This Visiting Artist event is co-sponsored by the EMU Craft Center and U of O Art Department. Em more information on this and other visiting artist events call 346-4361. \\ 7\ri R special FLINT KNAPPIM* ( raig Kat/al \n mtroduv lion Histone uxil working techniques Participant* w ill learn how to make obsidian and Mint tools, such as knives, axes, and arrow points using antler and stone hammers and (lakers Raw materials and knapping tools will be provided, hut bring a pair of leather gloves. 10 hours of instruction. I hursday. 7:(X) 0:00 pm January 2* I-ehruary 25 WtHX \2X BOS'* S52 HOI ll) \) snciM POR( Kl. VIN VALENTINES Frank (iosar Ii's a gilt from the heart to sour heart's desire .1 porcelain s alcntine, handmade by you lor that special someone. F.mhoss u ssiih lace, palm u wuh brightly colored days, make u unique, special |usi like the one you lose. All materials prosided. 3 hours of instruction Saturday 2.30-5 30 pm February 6 #000 $10 ... ■—1 .. .. . REGISTRATION BEGINS DECEMBER 16 Send mall-in registration to: EMU Craft Center, University ot Oregon. Eugene OR 97403 j University ID required for purchase of "student rate" membership Mail in regis \ trations are confirmed by mail if self ad dressed stamped envelope is provided All other mail in registrations are con h| firmed by phone Please include daytime Hf phone number For more Information, call 346-4361. | mi—i WORKSHOP RN.ISTRATIOV FORM • WINTKR 1993 name address city stale /ip 1 ! phone: day evening 11 workshop —— TITLE PL! # S - membership —-— UOStefrtf Sfmtt S5 fuv*) Statft Spat* $10 \\S membership # ^ Vf H Mt MHt KSHIP h t h S FO# /VV» total fees $ nunaMHWV STl DENT RECEIPT - WINTER 1993 name work\!n ip dass # (PLU) ICraft Center] refund policy ; Workshops will be refunded lOO'i 4 days prior to the first meeting. O'* thereafter. Cancelled work shops will he fullv refunded. Memberships and'intro special" workshops are not refundable? If the ('raft Center canctls the work\hop, mrmhrr\hip may br rrfunJrJ. tuition lee membership total tees BIKES: Cables, Bearings, Patches, Tire Tubes CERAMICS: Tool Kits, Stoneware, Porcelain FIBERS: Silk, Silk Scarves, T-Shirts, Dyes GLASS: Copper Foil, Glass cutters, Solder METALS: Silver, Saw Blades, Saw Frames, Findings PHOTO: Paper Chemicals, Film WOOD: Plywood, Sandpaper Dowels, Hardwood