Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 04, 1993, Page 2B and 3B, Image 14

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BT—iMiirimniiiii■■■■ . ...... .. - . -?$%' ' .
Frank (iour/Petar Meyer
Pus workshop is everything you need lor a thorough
grounding in ceramics Wheel throwing, handbuilding. and
gla/mg techniques will he covered, with mdi\iduali/cd
instruction for beginners and those with some previous
experience Glares and 25 lbs. of day inc luded. IK hiHirs
of instruction
Three sessions offered
1 Tuesdays TOO -6:00 pm
January 12-February 16
2 Tuesdays 6 'o '> ft) pm
January I'Jlebruary 2'
V Sundays 5:00-8:00 pm
January 17 -February 21
Peter Mrvcr
* V42
* *42
lor the advenuuous spirit who has had some previous clay
experience I sp.ind your foundation skills and personal
expression with day Increase your throwing and
handbuilding skills, make spec i.ili/ed tools, and refine your
gl.i/ing techniques 25 lbs. of day and glares pros tded IK
hours n( insiiuclion
Wednesdays TOO 6:00 pm
January I TFebruary 17 MM)4 **42
Trunk (invar
T.xplore your ow n unagin.itis e pox ess through play mg w ith
clay learn ancient methods ot slay construction coil
building, slab building, carving, additive and subtractive
techniques, ('lass provides both directed and self-directed
op|x>numlics. 25lbs.ofda> and glares provided. 12 hours
ol instruction
Mondays 6: MTU. Ml pm
January 25 Tebruary 15 MMI5 * *T2
Frank (invar •
\ special, one tune firing tor intermediate and advanced
students interested in ex|'crimenting wuh raku techniques
Bring 5 (i pieces ol bisquect pottery oi sc ulpture to gla/e and
tire in this (lainhosant pnxess (,la/es and Tiring pros ided.
6 hours ol instruction
Saturday I I 00am *>1*0 pm
February 2(1 MMMi * SIS
IVler Meyer
HandbuiId beautiful cups and how Is w till colored porcelain
We will use white, shades ol grey and a lew accent colors
Colored slips will be available Porcelain, mason stains
and glares provided. I 2 hours ol instruction
Ihursdays 1:00-6:00 pm
January 2H February IS MK)7 * *.(6
Frank (invar
Spec nil \ .dentines lot Valentines Day V< SI’F ( IMS on
t\h i piigf
Mark Krefer •
Create your own bcautitul stained glass window! 11ns
course w ill help sou turn your ideas into colorful works ol
an l>esign principles and the foil w rapi (instruction method
will he taught Beginning as well as experienced students
are welcome Tools and some materials pros ided. Allow
a little extra money lor glass IS hours ol instruction
Sundass $:<KV-K:06 pm
January I7 lehruary 21 #0<W *115
Mark Keefer
Rediscover the ancient I gspnan anloriti ol glass fusing
Hus two session class w ill coser primary (using techniques
and allow students to create a lew small pieces ol jewelry
I ools and glass provided s hours ol instruction
1 Sundays ’ (X> 4 JO pm #000 Sin mnnhers
January M A I ebru.irs ' #010 $20 non-members
2 Sunday s 2:00 4 hi pm #011 $16 members
l ehruar , 14 A 21 #012 >20 nou-meiiihers
t raig Kat/at
Obsidian and Hint tool making
I'll tfi
See SIT (IMS ’! /*/. i
Brad Nik Alan Halkck
Materialize your ideas in the wood shop Create .1 project
mIiiIc leaminjl power tool use and safety Instruction Mill
cover project design. Mood properties, hand and power tool
use. ami joiners Allow for extra shop time ami cost of your
project 21 hours of instruction
Three sessions offered
1 Tuesdays 6.00*9:00 pm
January 19-March 2
2 Thursdays ft: 15-9 15 pot
January 14 February 2'
A Sundays 5:00-8:00 pm
January 17-l-cbruarv 2X
* $45
Hal leek
#014 • $45
Hal leek
#015 *$45
s *
I im kiiivrr Sarah lleliners-llappe llrrtf Bcvon
Stranded hy a broken bike ’ Never again' t eam to
overhaul bearing sets, adjust gear' and brakes, and true
your wheels By the endo( 6 weeks your bicycle » dl tv
overhauled Bring yrrur bicycle toe.ich class Allow SS
lor replacement bearings 1' hours ol msiruclion
f our sessions ottered
1 Iuesdavs4 Wl-? (tOprn #016 S35members
Jamiars I'* I Thruary 7 < #01? non-members
Instructor Hcliners llappc
2 I uesdavs ’ HUV .10 pm #01K S.'5tnembers
January I'M ebruury 2' #019 SA9 non-members
Instructor Kaiser
I Wednesdays 7 0(1 9 '0pm #020 W5mrmbrrs
lanuary 20-1 ebruary 24 #021 i.W non-mrmtirrs
Insiruclor Be von
•1 Sundays 5:OO S OOpm #022 S'5 members
January 24 l ebniary 2H #02,' $»W mm-members
Insiruclor Bevon
Tom Irban
Lxplone new techniques and master old ones. f inish a
project or stall something new We'll investigate design
and practice dovetails, monise and tenons, alternative
joinery using the router. biscuit jointer ami a shop full of
toys.-tools The shop is still open during this time
Wednesdays 6:30-9:15
January 20-February 24 #028 * 45
Brent Baker
Various wood lathe techniques will be demonstrated,
including betwccn-center turning (furniture legs, candle
holders, rolling pins) and face plate turning (howls and
plates) Discussion on design and finishing methods w ill
Ire included. Time w ill be allowed for hands-on practice.
Materials provided 5 hours of instruction.
Saturdays 2 (XI 4: V) pm #029 $I7 members
January .10& February h #030 420 non-members
I’at (Jreenwell
Architec ture and art majors spendtwo Saturday s making
the ultimate light table This design incorporates your
Mas line and Boren into a shape that tits studio desks in
Lawrence 1 os kahlc. portable, and functional, this table
is a must for your studio space Wood and screws
provided. Students will need to purchase their own
glass, lights and Horen 9 hours ol instruction.
I wo sessions ottered:
1 Saturday.January 16.10:00am 4 10pin(1/2hr lunch)
Saturday. January 23. 10:00 am 1:00pin #031 *435
2 Saturday. February 1 L IOdOam-4;30pm( l/2hr.lunch)
Saturday I ebruary 20. l(l:00am I :00 pm #032 * 435
^ Starred Classes
Craft Center Membership.
Vnnrllr Jitirdjian kciH-aa I hompson
I earn how to use your camera develop HiV’A film, jiul
make B.VW uml.k i print-, and enlargements Photograph it
composition. the camera and datkroom techniques w ill he
covered Bring your empty '5 nun camera to lir\l elate
Film, chemicals and some paper will be provided. IK
hours ol instiut lion
Three sessions ottered
MondaysMIi 9:00 pm
January 2‘' March I
I uesdays 2 JO-5 JO pm
January 2b March 2
Sundays 5:00 K <X> pm
January 17-February 21
Ml 24 * V4K
Ml 25 • V4K
MI20 • V4X
Andrew Harvev •
This course is designed tor photographers who are already
at quainted w ith general darkroom procedures .ind have an
interest in fine-tuning the process ol exposure control
Learn aspects ol the /one System and use a variety of
pipers and developers to produce prints w ith desired contrast
and depth Aesthetic considerations, subject matter, and
composition w ill he included Students w ill need to pros ide
their on n black and w hue film and paper as well as one roll
of color slide film Bring cameras to first class C hemicals
will he provided. IK hours ol instruction
fhursdays 2 JO 5:30 pm
January 21 February 25 MI27 * S4K
See back page for registration form
and details
Andrew Harxry
Ibis is .1 hands-on workshop !i>r those interested in
learning to make color prints from color negatives In ms
weeks you will leant basis colot printing techniques and
color theory I Tie \ anety ot color films and filters currently
on the market w ill also he explored ( hrmicals and some
paper will be provided IK hours of instruction
Thursdays 6:00-9:00 pm
January 21 February 25 #033 *555
Valerie Nguyen
Add color to your B&W photographs In this two week
workshop, we will explore traditional and contemporary
methods of handcnlormg prints. The in-class studio time
will help you perfect your techniques Previous
photographic experience not required You will need
B&W' photographs printed on matte surface paper iRC
paper will not work). Color pencils, oils, dvrs, and
practice prints will be available. 5 hours of instruction
1 Tuesdays b:00-8 '0 pm #034 $15 members
February 9 & 16 #035 $19 non-members
2 Wednesdays 6:00K30 pm#036 $15 members
January' 27 & February 3 #037 $IVnon-mcmbers
Rebecca Thompson
Responding to photographs is largely a matterol personal
taste The elements ol a photograph somehow combine
and strike a chord lor one person, but not for another Yet
some pictures have a quality that cvetyime can recognize
and appreciate Ihts class will identtly same ol these
qualities through a discussion of composition and light
Basic know ledge of camera use required Slide film will
be provided. 12 hours of instruction
Wednesdays 6:00 9 IK) pm #038 $32 members
l ehruary 3 24 #039 $36 non-rneinbers
Klainu Jamieson
ll you enjoy drawing, but need guidance, this basic drawing
class is for you Individualized instruction encourages
development in drawing from observation and imagination
Using pencil, charcoal and ink. work on developing
compositions focusing on line, value, proportion, pcrsectivc
and space. All materials provided. 15 hours ol instruction
Tuesdays 6:00-8:30 pm #040 $29 members
January Id-February 2 < #041 $33 non-members
Chris (iuiiroil
Fxplore the mystery ol what makes a good portrait t sing a
variety ol media and a I■ v e model we w ill locus on the balancc
between creating a likeness and individual expression. All
levels of drawing ability, from no experience to the
accomplished draughtsman, welcome All materials
provided. I .A hours ot instruction
Thursday 6:30-0:00pm #042 $37 member
January 14 February IN #043 $41 non-members
(WLLIGRAPHY - Medieval and Modern
Jennifer Fancher
Do you have any ancicnl qur Nations just w ait mg to fie presented
in the Uncial style ' How about any ot your own modern day
prose to be rendered in Netiland, a popular sty le revived from
the 1930V Both hands are easy to learn with a little work
I .letnents ol color and design w ill be demonstrated to give you
more creative options Ml materials provided including pen
and ink for you In keep. 12-1/2 hours ol instruction
Thursdays P MJ-9 (K) pm #044 $25 members
January 2K February 25 #<>45 $29 non-members
Marilyn Mohr
Make your own hardhtHind journal or skclchho*>k basic
bookbinding techniques will be taught focusing on ihc
hardbound hook Smaller projects demonstrating Japanese
ami pamphlet sewing will tv taught as time allows Ihc lirst
i lass w ill feature the designing of paste papers that i an tv used
tor future projects Most materials provided. 12 hour* ol
Mondays MKVO:00 pen #052 $-M members
February H March I #054 $47 mm-members
Aimer Yogi
Come in from I tie rain and join us tor some papermaking
We'll have a short slide presentation on the history. process,
and plants used for papermaking then we ll make papers
using 4 methods I apa. Himalayan. Furopcan, and Japanese
All materials provided and a source list will tv funded out
h hours of instruction
Saturdays 10:40 am 12 40 pm #054 $15 members
January 24 February 6 #055 $ I •» non-members
\imee Yogi
We start cookin’ in this class! After an introductory walk
around campus to see the different plants used for pajvi making
students will cook and sh.ire pulps gathered Irom the fields
VII materials provided h hours ot instruction
Saturdays 10 Ml am 12 to pm #05f> $15 members
February I t 27 #057 SI*) non-mcnthers
Charline Durchanek
Design and weave a Navajo rug l sing a frame loom,
students w ith i>r w ithoui experience w ill sei a loom, design
ami weave a small project Artsanced students w ill learn
more complicated techniques and designs t usl includes
frame ItMini»Inch is vours lo keep and first w arp v arns.
You w ill need to allow extra lime ami money lor materials
Ifi hours ol instruction
Mondays6.00 o tsi pm #046 M2 members
January 25-March I #047 546non-members
(•er man (Joel Maquehur
Beginning Students will design and weave a belt and vcarl
on a South American Mapuche loom Students will learn
to warp and prepare the loom Advanced vtudenls will
design ami weave a belt using Mapuche style picking
techniques ( list includes a Mapuche loom which is
yours to keep. 17 1/2 hours ot instruction
Thursdays 6(10-8 JOpni #(U# $42 members
January 14 February 25 *04** $46 non-members
Kirn Balsam
l:\press your creativity with colorful heads' Sou will
leant traditional and contemporary heading techniques,
including Peyote stitch. Comanche weave, lace vtiteh.
loom heading and others Indiv iduali/ed instruction and
guidance w ill enable you to design and create projects ot
your choice, such as earrings, necklaces, pendants,
bracelets, anklets, pouches and more All levels of
experience welcome. ( ovt includes a bead loom for sou
lo keep, warp threads and needles. Beads will be
available for purchase during the class. 12 hours ot
Wednesdays 7:00-9:00 pm #050 $50 members
January 20-February 24 #051 $54 non-members
Class sizes are limited and
preregistration is necessary to
assure your space in a workshop!
Knitting is a pcili'ii was In relax while creating beautiful
garments After learning basis knitting techniques, each
student will select a simple project sin.fi as a hat, si art, nr
simple vest Hus class is lor students with little or no
experience Needles and some yarn provided. 10 hours
ot instruction
Mondays 6 30 X AO pm *T«5K $22 members
January 25 February 22 #05‘J $25 non-members
Hintsv Hrown I akahushi
Classic quilt patterns ami modular piecing techniques
combine to produce a traditional quality quilt in a traction j
ol the usual time Select one of the following patterns
Snow Ball, Bla/ing Star, -Around the \Aodd, or l og
Cabin live first v lass meeting will include discussions ol
patterns.color and labric requirements and selec lions All
levels of experience welcome Out of class sewing tune
may be necessary 12-1/2 hours of instruction
Thursdays 6:<XM 30 pm #060 $2H members
January 2X-February 25 #061 $32 non-members
Ardis l.etey
Make your own market basket using lattan reed and an
oak handle. Great tor shopping, picnics, storage, and
more' Beginning and experienced students are
welcome AH materials firr one basket included, b
hours of instruction
Wednesdays bAO‘MO pm #062 $20 members
February 17 A 24 #063 $24 non-members
Barbara Kriedson
Create your own marbled dx*signs on labris using this
am tent artform. Printed fabrics can lx- utilized lor quills,
vests, home decorations ansi other projects Fabric and
paints will Ire provided. Wearing work clothes is
adv iscd 4 hours of instruction
Mondays b \0 X 30 pm #064 $22 members
Januarv 25 A February I #065 $26 non-members
Mona Hummel
Create a delicately sewn pine needle basket in this lour
week workshop A variety ol stitch patterns will he
explored and numerous shaping techniques will he
demonstrated Materials tor one basket will lx- included
X hours of instruction
f uesdavs 6:00 KOO put #066 $2X members
February 0 March 2 #067 $32 non-members
I lain,i Jamieson
Hus mmxtui mis i lass will cover the basics ol wmercolot
painting Partici[wilts will learn Itow to mis colors study
ol tlu-1 oil if wheel w ill lx- me Imleil Draw mg expenem. e is
helpful but not required \ll materials provided. I 4 hours
Ol instruction
Wednesdays bOOK to pm WWd* $42 members
January 20 l ehniary 24 «1Ki*» $4b non-members
japanf.sk papkr marbi.inc
Marilyn Mohr
Summagashi is possibly the most ani lent fontiol marbling
We will explore this traditional medium, in w Inch sunn inks
are floated on w ater toerrate subtle designs evoking patterns
in nature Paper and Inks will be provided W ear work ,
clothes and bring any handmade paper. Japanese [viper, or
inks voii wish to try 41/2 hours ol instruction
Wednesday MUM* It) pm *070 $15 members
lebruarv 10 *021 $10 non-memhers
Peter Meyer
Design and print your own I shin, (xrsicr, or cards l earn
the photo emulsion melhtxl ol silkscteen stencil We II
discuss various inks, stencil methods p.i|x-rs and tahrics
Mlow $14 it you want yout own screen Ink and some
stencil material provided. IK hours ol instruction
Morulays (> to 0 Mi pm
January 24 March I »1>72 * $42
liedcrick \gudera
I sperieru e the toys ol fine wmxiblock prinlmaking I earn
iumlantent.il steps of creating images m bl.uk and white,
use color alter some practice Punt votu own pictures,
cauls for birthdays. Valentine's l>.n greetings, or
thing your imagination and an apron tor set ol work
, lot he i Basic tools and materials provided. I t I 2 hoots
ol instruction
Tuesday* 6: to 0:15 pm »07.l $2K memtrers
January 2t> I ehruary 2 l *074 $42 non-members
5jS Starred Classes Require
Craft Center Membership.
Marcia MacDonald
Ihis beginning level claw w ill explore .1 v aricly ol lei hmt|ues
m which one or more project*, will he compleicd during
claw lime Imphasis will lx- on lahticalion with conic
divcuwion ol casting Demonstrations anil discussions
include lulling, tiling, soldering, design, design iransler.
■narriagc ol metals, findings, and cold connections Some
materials pros ided. 21 hours ol instruction
1 I uesdays <> 00 9:110 pm
January I*)-March 2 #1175 • $42
2 ITtursdays MX) 9:00 pm
January 14 February 25 #076 *$42
<Jar> Dawson
Ispand your jewelry skills further w uli demon sir aiions and
discussions ol fabrication, alloying, slock forming
techniques, prong tyjie gemstone selling, finishing and
casting problem solving There w ill be open time w itheach
session lor working on spec ul problems Some materials
provided. 21 hours ol instruction
Wednesdays 6 <0 9 '0 pm
January I' February 24 #<177 • $42
(•retchen 5 osl Rebecca Si human
Fashion sour own unique jewelry, using colorful I I MO
clay laugln by two accomplished fimo artists from lixal
high schools, you will learn alxiul the mixing of colors,
techniques ot marbling, milleliori. and incised design lo
cie.ile ix-ads and broixhes \ll materials provided 10
liiHirs of instruction
Tuesdays 6:00-8 <0 pm #<|7X $28 members
January 12 February 2 #079 $.<2 non-meinlwrs