us CARS TRUCKS Government seared *e*den *rom. S’00 fords Mercedes Corvefi** CNivyS Surplus Buyer* Go*de (t) 006 96- 6000 C «iS964^ _i« COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS B»?i mht ? <0 «up» VGA moMot $750. tnctudm K>5wa<« fVsnd n«w tank only S90 Can 4»4 m* i70 SOUND SYSTEMS CASH"* Wn txi> M« And *vc« VMS VCR'S and M#*«os Tftompoon Ei«e1fon«^. 1122 0a* 343 9273 185 BOOKS CASH FOR BOOKS Two Convenient location* 706 E 13th 525 wmamette (campus) (downtown) 345-1651 345-4717 BUYING HOURS 0-5. Mf 5-1.2 5,1*-* 5-2. Set Smith Family Bookstore 205 OPPORTUNITIES LGBA Pride Week Poster Coolest 550 PRIZE Theme Gowtg Beyond Stereotypes Bu»tdmg Bodges. Breaking Barriers Submission Deadline Jan 0lh to LGHA o^ce Into 346 3360 I ( I.ASSIHKI) BOOKS ; ATTN: SUntan ts i<4i»d«r* YOU It < AM1M S CONNKtTlON! Or^jfnn Dmilv t'mrrmJd 316 4343 210 HELP WANTED WST 101 Intro U Women's Studies ne« S529 tor interview THE FAMILY CENTER’ I MU •* lookwsg for volunteer* and mlernt to Help $taM t. and work or j tam*ly-oner»ted SCtsvOe# and project* j to* W-nter Quarter Commitment car j oe as i Assort* AUmMui fXm S'JOOSSOOC MO Cars*' (W«*i €»*»■«* ^ww^w#1 (9t6) *22 177' f «? t?$ JAP AN WOP K sJs f-und/W** )» #mp*oy«rt an iapar Frss into f*0 Boa tU6 Sobastopst. GA 964?? f ** 707 &?/■ t 737_ Law Enforcsmsnt Jobs S'-7 .M2 SS6 6S2- Y* Pofaos. Shwt* Slat# PstroL COfffKftonat Oftcsr* Gait t' i H05 962 ttOOO E«t K 9642 Subtacts n—dsd Btek to bac* studws oo fc*Xr'*f'’ »od dwiston Pay $6 $40. *. ht*> arxl pado*"' gano/at of*c* dufeas $6 SO pw hour Opportunity to »*arn WO/d p»OC«»*og ftfc&S f «»<*• a/T«*r ISOOO hours f'tH Out «pp**:.«tK>r< at 320 Chap/nsr Mafl S«a Jsrucs_ Work Study f «p«n*nc«d ititcft#** n«KK)o<.1 *o V8* COSlumfiS 'c* U^ v«(S-?y Th#*fra 0*1346-1975 Wofh study tftatont *wsd*d to *5*00 and run n*rands kx Unrvws^fy Thaafrs Own cm 346 1975 220 HOUSES FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL SETTING 2 Mr^ l5m«n sooth oi campus, oast 0* O—Wft, ft?8»7 Bradford S&?5 343 6000 _ NEAR CAMPUS Thf»« bedroom house $600 343 9011 225 APTS DUPLEXES Foim*h«d studio Hv,v U o' O L» brvy 1515 M«!yafd 484 992? Redwood Park Apts. Quirt, Country Living With City Conumimrr Un(urni*h«d 1 Bctrm 1485. (tiarting Nov 1) Low Busline Equipped Weigh! Room. Spa Wood Park & Playground Laundry facilities Alto Furnlthad tuKtt Studio. 142&R 1800 to 1875 Individually Decorated Completely Furnished Everything From Cafcie TV to Lmene For Bed. Bath A Kitchen On Site Management Team 4103W. 18th _ 484 3773_ 22S APTS DUPLEXES Qu** ipmkx* 7 act cm ffcmuflfet ctv^rpto* at 60' Coburg ^w? U9$ 484 S4JU Vou *r* «w cottaga f » $306 a •« Ck/d*t uf*4sa*. porting 190 E 24TH AVENUE ' tyVoom apt Na«1 k> Amazon run rung cx»|f' Launtfry Parking $040 94ft E 10TH AVENUE 1 tardroom apt t ary« •* laundry 1044 KINCAID STREET N*»iy furn;ah«d ? hrfrm apt N«ar I camput laundry Parking $450 3635 EAST AMAZON 2 bodvoom dupla* $4 f 5 361 E 14TH AVENUE *’ bedroom at* Nrr* nr pat l sundry parking $400 971 MIL TARO Studio ap» $335 l sundry W« asso nav** v»v«i‘rTowam iwdad i No pal* Shoam by appoint man I SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 345 W 101b 666-1130 280 MEETINGS 725 APTS OUPlEXES CAMPUS Adorifcte > txlrm «# hardwood Soor* $400 *lVaw • dtp l>tv« try * '*> I G** 344 C Am put Apflftffl«ftt» Fumi«h«d 1A< Bodrocxm Winter rate* $J7S$45C 4IB-2U3 QUIET. QUIET, QUIET Enpy lh*> r.xMuty a* **xxJ» anti wrkHifn m «up«f floor p*4»n 2 BEDROOMS. iv, BATH • Bo* to CwnpuB • 'wmwnmtf^g Pool • WwgftVf *»teM Rm • Sour*.** $496 A $S1&M0NTM S E f (OorvMd A fomhoBow) 687-1318 2« ROOMS FumhtfWKl room, $156 CX'XW' vno*0f J»Jncl ar'<1 OuimNws No and last Ru*f> .144 rj£ N*c# tufnt*^*0 room ■■ * -i? S‘ • 4»h MC*v/^« ( f . W.1ST ' - y t- *v ■'*:*« !0 !>** -■ rTV*<**» 255 ROOMMATES WANTED f to *ha*e. twlt M iX'* • ->*.» '“># M 68/ £6tiC 180 MEETINGS N0 ▼ Lane County Meetings for Old and Now Volunteers January 7th .7-9 p m. With report back from last mootin') January 28th. 7 - 9 p m Both meeting$ held at Central t’resDytenon Church 1475 ferry Street Euyene 380 E 40th Avo Suite 107 Eugene, 9/405 (503) 485 0870 recording and nv.-v.iii)* phone ONE STOP SHOPPING THE FAR SIDE By GARY l ARSON W flCOfAV , &U TIERS.'ftte Annum vio»s Ort'Ron Daily JHinvi.tlil i.>L ASSIFIEPS 346-4343 God. CoMtngs. I hate to start a Monday with a ca*4? tiki* thi» “ Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson I M not getting up UNTIL Its AS WARM (XT THERE AS W \S IN WEES *80 MEETINGS GAY RIGHTS MARCH ON WASHINGTON DC » rrvMon Gd*y l eVU" *#HJ ,»■ co*^v«wg» oa DC 1 Ai* , *?• • WJ HI TMtHC" ’ ’ j ■ nj I "«Vaj f-'4r' .•a'* A. * p *” Ma ;•** Room, f MU H i .U* IJU'G 2» CLUB SPORTS WOMEN'S WATERPOLO Trtlnf m' <'* j dttr A For great ar*J j •rtf*** x> •yL**'*K'* e ''fl* esMTJj j ODE i«i» < i AVMtitm I MUPMHU’PIM. U6 4.U< 320 SERVICES Sooc#rn« pregnancy ’»*tn ( arty d* (Ml f M4 1 o in in 4; i_ Q. in LU Cafe Latte Cafe Hor®^ 5 Chocolate 2. jc Italian o g Sodas 2- At The EspresscTCart ^ now located olffMi ^ Canon W#«f Skte Wo Mon-Frl 6 30*m-10pfn S»t-Sur\ 9 30 «m-10pm Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU htrtSA FflMX'ATnr in ttx / n Cintt' Xn&fHOM PC A w* ■ xx* on ■ ' PfiAt . I , F ’ ■ tfiwmurnun it /,'/>'• *l)(0 \i-rv "ffjro rut action r HHV)' POUT nfU UWN. >V ON IP WMAl'iUP arrurc f is \ ... /*■ ! j l 47CH ■ N RAY'S 5,VK>, c MY* UJHfN cASr *t CHOW MU W 1M ROORlt sum rnxftf nc hap ms • .. .1 ;»*. V/A -’ 4J.WH >* »Sf •• CROSSWORD By Eugene Shejffer ACROSS 1 Mag a/in* 4d* («S7 5 Word within twe« kwts BH’I «g 12 Money, m nlang 13 Hacking 14 In dua time 15 *tefs Make a DeaT of Mon 16 Mourned lor 18 No 1 Hun”? 20 Tailor* «n 4 way 21 ‘Money *(Jf K % grand? a Iher) 23 Becau'.e 24 Mad 28 Approach 31 Author 32 Durable fabric 34 Hot tub 35 Ciret elul 37 look umbrage 4! 39 OloUr yngology iWw 41 Jafte or Barred 42 Morse shoe holders 45 Susan ol ‘t A lre 49 Coined 51 Corn country 52 Ogle 53 Candle couni 54 Act the robot 55 Acidic 56 Manh or Ettdyn 57 Costner pod ray el DOWN 1 Alan or Robert 2 Cheer 3 Acedemr 4 Hitler ronfk.1 5 Go where. a* cooking grease 6 George's brother 7 Mobm Cook book B l aschri ous 9 Pits bonus 10 Busy one Solution time 26 min. 11 Tackles' 17 Sprue 19 'The Swedish Nig hi m name 24 Party mm 25 l oeding Lady? 26 And 27 Chaos 29 Mimic 30 'Terr*!* 33 PC options list 36 I urn lopsy 38 l and 40 X. rating? 42 Sword 43 Draft able 44 Impale 46 One of Hamlet's ichore os 47 In Mills reverent *» 48 Aye*, antitheses 50 Cause of