Ducks knock off BYU. lose to Ohio State in Classic j Oregon plays well against two highly touted teams By Dave Charbortneau EmofA'd Sfxa'.r,! lead on a three point plav In Johnson John son's tip in gave tin* Ducks a tti JH Iliad Buckeye Grog Simpson gave Ohio Stale the lead with a three-pointer, but Johnson answered again to give (Iregon the lead bat k Ohio State took an early 17-14 lead in the second half, lint the Ducks went on a 7-0 run to take a 4 1 - (7 loot! The Hut keyes regained the leatl lit Vt-’i.’ with nine minutes left From them the two teams battled bat k and forth until Ja mie Skelton's three pointer pot Ohio State op M f>2 with a Id lie mure than live minutes re maining Oregon took its last lead alter a pair of free throws In forward Jeff Potter. (>8-117 Four straight free throws li\ the Buckeyes put them up 72-f>8 with two minutes remaining, and five of six down the strefcli to seal up the 7*1 7r> vi« torv Sloudamire led the way again lor the Duiks with 24 points. Reece and Williams eat h scored 11. and Skelton led the was for Ohio State with 21 points Moudemire n as honored with the tournament's most valuable player award. He was joined on the all-tournament team In Ohio State's i^wmnce I underburke and Jamie Skel ton. Oregon State's Hrent Barry and HYl )'s Gary Trust Stoudatnire averaged 2.'t points and (>.5 rebounds a game in the tournament. Jordan also averaged (> T> boards for the two-game tournament Oregon State dropped its opener to Ohio State, but re bounded to beat BYU in the third |)!ai e game Tonight s game against Hart ford begins at 7 OS at Mi Arthur Court BOWL Continued from Page 9A WIiimi 1 asked the iiili (trivi-i what I i ouId do in loxvii on N»nv Vciir’s I ve. In- replied "You like strip joints '' I'll. I ll pass It was at this point that it he j ame rrvstnl dear to me why the Dm ks lumped oil the first pin lie out of town after tin* game Who want', to spend New Years in Shreveport ' t ended up spending rm New Year s lae in my hotel riMim with a pizza wall fling the I’ut k i s trilogy on I SA's I p All Night It mav he unfair for me to kikm k Shreveport («■< ause this bowl is not for the media, it's (or (lit! loams Him ause of this howl, two meditM re teams get a chance to say they wont to .1 how I gamo Oregon would not have Ihm ii on iteil to another how l game and 1 doubt Wake Forest would have boon either My point is. I wonder how mill h of 1 ri'Vvard it is for two teams to lose a majority of winter break because of prat aiui fly down to a slum laden < 11\ and partu ipate m a sot ond rate bowl' This is espe t:iall> questionable when your team ends up losing and fin ishing the season at ti-ti, in stead of ending the season t>-f) with a victors over your intro state ri\a! Sure, most of the l)u< k fans who made the trip will irgue that they hod a great time. Hut anyone who will shell out about .$<)()() to vs ate h a B- 5 team {> 1 av in Shreveport, i.a., is probably not too hard to please /Iftie (■h.irtHiniwaii is sports editor ol tlu Kmerald Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! ENJOY A FREE FAMOUS STAR 5 HAMBURGER CAMPUS Place a minimum $6 or 3-day ad at our student or regular rate in person, Room 300 EMU, and we will give you a certificate for a FREE FAMOUS' STAR HAMBURGER, courtesy of CARL'S JR. Remember, you must pay for the ad in person (Rm CarfScfc 300 EMU only) before you receive the certificate. If you have any questions, call one of our classified salespeo ple for details at 346-4343. Only private party ads quali fy. No refunds or credits with this promotion. Certificates are limited... so place your ad today1 CLASSIFIED POLICIES l‘u\mint • All -kJs nui'.t he prepaid unltM billing has been cMablished (all '46 4*4* fur billing arrangements. • \ is \ \u are k>i , u.1 • \ purvhase «>ivk i must .KOMnpany ,ii! University departmental ad* H5TYPMG SERVICES A- 0759 ROOM GRAD SCwOOt APRROVf D . ,*%V (J,S\ t.** yov^yj Term Ddpc#%f uR resume ** . ■■ r • V ; . im I ; * ON CAMPUS* M you hovo n>m«thwf to Ml... You hovo oomottwnf to «*orlJfro. ODE CLASSIFIEDS 346-4343 Typing wol*-»p*C*c! laser 2* hr lum •round Free campus ponai. later $1 00 p*9* up 4H4 9038 JO THE TYPtNG PRO Thetet O«»*«rtauon» on Lett* 683-6068 v »* Rwt*ng Grad School Atonf. thatas. f®5um«*s 'rar-iparancias A more* CINOV 464-54S4 TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Land *" 485-3343 Peggy % Typing Sefv»c* i *$«■' »- > JyjK'sr ..>*?»«-g ki> f*< x I SSLV jiApi An \<-Hoai AmnAgiTTRR 605 E. 13th 125 INSTRUCTION Pro/Edit j Pefsor-.tiM^oa p#o%»s*on^ «d st> & costs also to vi« OPEN Tu*% En Sst lt-3 773 ftfenro* 34^-4660