--n (t OFF | * A«y i Yogurt* | (*except small cones) W Campus SUBSHOP 1225 ’Alder 5>lcl< 345-2434 N't# VAitd on iMtvrfy »«r with any i'Jhrf dMKtMJiHi t*t < \Hipons Oiw* rt*up**i f*e» t mKMMff Uptta* I2/22/V2 Lmmhmhhi J .v Ck# ft# ft#__ rr BLUE HERON jJWMl. J~ «*> BI C YCLE S*T5Jf ^ U«*«ul • jk**» 0^ ^ £ • |x;ww U»n> • m*i*i txtftt** * -iyf.fi • Curt4> twxWei • f*». •* *G* 2» ■■QjynsBjgggHi (g, C i ■DSQsEEEBZBBi 2 «* r,k;i r,4. TUESDAY s p A G H E T T I ALL YOU ' CAN EAT EVERY TUES! includes Gartc Bread 11 30 am 1o I 10 pm Pizza ITALIAN KITCHEN 2673 Willamette 464-0996 136 E 11th ♦ (near Willamette) 342-3358 Must be 21 or Over Monday >>» u $3 Filler Wool '.v 11J > : i v kawr, Cfloarir fikm-W- **j Sot*®} Lupo Tuesday iw r $3 I uxor • Ixmg Division IX'hhie Diedrich Wednesday] $3 2 Minutes Hate Thrombus • (’apt. IVipps. C oming m Jan. IW) iivrl The Npautnrt 1 SufKivu ken M> Naim VvkwI'xi tiejnhtft, ami Morr“’ Music Starts at 10pm Mon Sat Music starts at 8pm Sundays Western Bacon Cheeseburger* Over 50 years ago. Carl Karcher built bis first hamburger stand. Since then Carl's Jr * has become a favorite by doing things differently from other fast food res taurants. We charbroil our hamburgers. We offer a variety of delicious Charbroiler Chicken Sandwiches*. And best of all. every customer gets a generous helping of old fashioned. friendly service. Come into our newest location in Eugene on the corner of E. Broadway and Hilyard just off campus. Enjoy our Ali-You Want Beverage Bar while you watch sporting events on our dining room televisions. Now open at 686 E. Broadway MU Two Western Bacon Cheeseburgers’' l’rrs*rnl dim coupon .mil n«-t two Wrsli-rn Biutm Chpf»rl)urgrr»* lor $2.tW Ail c«u^oni: V*Ui»l at r*»»r* Jr RmUut-uv(. K tu.^iway KujgriM* Onr rmipuft per rut4otWt per rfc»4t (*»vr oftrr pet rou|»n S.*t valul with any oU**r or • ( iti i K.u« hrr Knif|jwt*f» /\ for Only .99 Valid through IXrcrmtx-r 27. IiW2 CaiTsJr. Charbroiler Chicken Sandwich'Combo. Present this t oujxjn «uvl save $1.50 on the purchase of any C’harhroilrr Chkrkcn Sum 1 wit h*. regular frrm li fries, ami regular beverage. Ail toupon* Vaikl at (iuti Jr ftMktaurmnt. t»H*> K hrtwwlwuy. t'.u^mr t>«w prr cu»ti>ri*r per vuut < >iw offer per ixntpon Not vi»U0-53, but the Ducks had some luck thrown their way when Kicks was forced to come out of the game after receiving a unin tentional shot to his bottom lip. Leading 63-57, Oregon turned up its game going on a 13-0 run to seal the victory. Thu Ducks defense held Idaho to only two field goals in the fi nal eight minutes Idaho as a team shot only 32 percent from the field Vandal head conch Larrv Eustnchy said he couldn't believe how his team played. '"That was probably the poor est performance since I've coached here,” he said. 'When a guy goes two for 17, that puts a big whack in your percent age ” Oregon forward Clyde Jordan hit seven of eight shots to finish with 15 points and center Bob Fife had 10 points The Ducks play Pacific Lu theran Dec. Id WOMEN’S Continued from Page 7 goal shcxrting whom ()mgon struggled .it 4.1 percent, still much l>et ler than Weber State's .11 percent Oregon committed 1H turnovers but forced tlie Wildcats to turn the bull over 35 times The Ducks had 15 steals compared to Weber State's two. The team now has a week to rest before a game with Louisville Saturday night at Mac Court. Hut the Ducks will have little time to practice due to finals this week. OSPIRGS HUNGER AND HOMELESS CROUP PRESENTS /■ /' 4,,/ V^rTolP •MCMieuur.BABES IN TOYLAND kw KYUSS SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 7:30m EMU BALLROOM t*»n» MiKUtl Ml HU tun HU IMI IM MWtK MCMHAMHD COUMlS MWU t* MCMOt MOOVCIO MV MCA COMCIUTt ? Iflt S MtAI S HOT! "Battle of the Bands" The Finals The Big One. This is the one that will deter mine the best band in the county. December 14th at SWg&s tflGHTGLU* 535 Main St. Springfield • 747-0307