CAR Continued from Page 1 LTD Officer Tim Bulski, who holped start the UIJ1I car pro gram, said LI’D's DllII car may bo Ihc only one of Its kind in the United Slates. He said other cities that were targeted by the Contury Coalition usod their money to buy DUH equipment for normal police cars, but did not get one specific car. as Eu gene did. The inside of the car is quite impressive. A $5,500 camera that hangs down from the ceil ing of the cor can rotate 3<>0 de grees to tape from all angles When Harvey drives the car the camera points straight ahead and tapes. A three-inch monitor located in the center of the car's dash hoard shows a clear picture of what the camera is recording Harvev also wears a cordless microphone that transmits back to the t ar The images raptured by the camera and the sounds recorded by the cordless micro phone are both put on a VHS cassette tape that is locked in the trunk of the t ar. The car, which has been in service since Sept Hi, is also equipped with a S3,000 lap-top computer and radar. Once on the the streets, Har vey exploined his mission. He said the DIJ1I car's sole purpose is to arrest drunken drivers. He can go wherever he wants and does not normally respond to other calls. However, Harvey said ho pulls people over lor a variety of offenses. "Of my 32H DUlIs, I've only pulled over about eight people because I thought they wore drunk,” he said, Harvey suid radar is very use ful because most of the drunk en drivers he arrests are origi WUNDERLAND —• | Slh STREET •voio ?^ES 683-8464 VIDEO ADVENTURE < VALLEY RIVEH Pt A/A -;y — -■ . . • <** *•*! ! , signed to sen if the woman s tracking idiility is affet led by alcohol He said he looks to see i! a suspect's eyes txrunco as they track the pen, a sign of lie ing drunk Next the woman is asked to walk along one of the painted lines in the parking lot She is instructed to count nine steps while she walks heel to toe, turn around and take nine more steps liack to her original pose lion. The woman miscounts and walks only eight steps l» fore she turns On tier wav Ixu k the woman wobbles and her heel misses her toe several times The woman then is asked to stand on one leg as she counts from 1001 to 1030 The woman has trouble keeping her halanr e and uses her arms to right her self In the next test, the suspect is told to close her eyes and tilt her head up as sho counts from 89 to 101, and hack down to 89. After completing that lest, the woman in asked to oatimale .10 seconds with Harvey timing her The woman lulls him to stop after 22 seconds Harvey then asks the woman to stand heel to toe ns she re cites the alphabet from the let ter E to letter S The woman wohhle* and forgets to stop at the letter S In the final test, the woman stands with her eves closed and is told to bring her hands up from her side and touch the end of her nose with her index finger She misses the first time hut connects on the next five attempts Harvey handcuffs I he woman and plat ms her under arrest tor DUII The woman begins to < rv as she sits in the I) i k si it . 1 the ear Upon arrival a! ttie police sta tion. the woman registers a Oft blood-alcohol level on the breathalyzer the legal limit and enough for a IM it citation The woman, still in tears, tails her son and asks him to come pick her up The son arrives amt hugs Ins sobbing mother as Harvey walks past them. "That’s the part of the job that can get you down,’ Harvey said, "but she is not supposed to drink ami drive Hopefully. I taught her a lesson and slut won’t tio it again " The woman is just one exam ple of the many people caught by the DUII tar More than UK) DUIIs have boon processed by the car since it hit the streets in mid-September. Itukski said EPD spokesman Tim Hirr said EI’D has tiled 42 more DUIIs in September and October ol tills year than last year Itirr said the increase of DUIIs is a direct re flection of the offer tiveness of the car if 30 years of Quality Service Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen fjfa Audi • Datsun • Toyota 10% discount w/valid UO I D card good thru 12/31/92 ff Nnn luiMm %‘JUakj -GERMAN - AUTO SERVICE, INC. 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, Oregon, 97402 r$1 oo ■ Foot long Sub t 50' • FREE DELIVERY • »<*«•»- s \' • j A* ff < <( ^MOVIELAND ] AT W[ SI 11th 808 SENECA ST . 342 4142 <5. 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