Warm and Cozy! have on ^ Woolrich Heavyweight Chamois Shirts NOW 29" reg. $36 size s-xl IJmil 6 per Customer Brand acknowledges staff cuts By Lisa Kneelel f.mtealcJ Reporter The University is planning for a 5 percent cut in adminis trative. support and service areas, according to a letter sent to all faculty and staff lust week Recognizing the frustration of many employees faring possi ble termination when the Ore gon Legislature's budget for the 19U3 »5 biennium muteriall/es. University President Myles Brand explained in the letter the University's preparation during the interim period Brand said cuts will not he made until they are known to he necessary, and cuts that are identified will bn directed to areas that can he rebuilt quick ly if replacement revenue is t reeled in the future Academic programs are diffi cult to rebuild once they are eliminated, Brand said, so cuts will Ini made in the Universi tv's service areas “The principle that's guiding us is that wr it protect as much as we can the educational mis sion of this university anti make cuts In administrative areas." Brand said The level of cuts is uncertain, the letter states, but the lies! case scenario appears to be a 5 percent reduction in state funds and the worst case a 15 percent reduction Planning will there fore specify a 5 percent reduc tion now and an additional 10 percent listed In order of priori ty. "How far down that list we will need to go, and at what rate, will liecome known as the political process unfolds this coming spring and fall,” Brand said, referring to the forthcom ing developments from the Leg islature Planning for the 5 percent re duction will lie done with some help The University Senate Budget Committee, the Faculty Advisors Council. me Manage monl Service Advisory Coun cil, ihe ASUO President'* Advi sors Council, the University Senate and University Assem bly and deans an♦♦♦♦♦< Of OIICO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxiittfxtx ♦♦♦< >♦♦♦♦♦< ♦♦♦♦♦♦< ♦♦♦♦♦♦< ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< iliiil Museum of Natural History Gift Shop Darwin would have loved our natural selection. Visit our friendly, uncrowded shop and explore our special selection of nature-related merchandise. l>nfv>rnk«y cW Oregon Muirumd Natural Htetoty, lfctK)E. lSth Ave. Kugrne 1'Scmr 34fc>lKN Opr* Wednesday through Sundry. 12 to 5 Special hoiklry hour* Ofk. 2 through 23 opm 7 dry* r enrrk, 12 to S. ARE FINALS KEEPING YOG UP ALL NIGHT? Need a coffee break? BEGINNING DECEMBER 14th AND THROUGH DECEMBER 17th BURGER KING®ON FRANKLIN BLVD. WILL BE OPEN UNTIL 3 AM. We'll have FREE coffee & FREE soft drinks for you at Burger King\ SHOW YOUR STUDENT I.D. CARD a FREE COFFEE & MEDIUM SOFT DRINKS AVAILABLE 9 p.m. -3 a.m- Kl HAPPY HOLIDAYS SEE YA' IN 93 F fame pJus foam core fuion Single‘159 Double M 89 Queen *209 FUTON 686-5069 1172 AJtkjf Canps Skate Co. - Introduces - Hip Hop Funky Streetware 11M "Ufefcw ' "Uld '1 Jasaicaa SlfU 720 E. 13th Eugene, Or CS3-35IS