*** , Bolle StftV AND MORE... BO oes "REFLECTION IS OUR BUSINESS" One of the Largest Selections in the Northwest 524 Valley River Center 345-9437 DRINKING Continued Irom Page 3 of my crash, the policemen didn't do me a favor. Let's hope the policemen and the court system did you a favor by sen tencing you to listen to us to night." Before he spoke to the crowd. Durrant said it took him several years after his crash to com pletely stop drinking and to turn his experience into some thing positive for others. "It was about four years after my crash before I stopped to re alize thwasn't an unlucky thing happening to an unlucky guy." said Durrani, who is also in volvod with MAUL) and has spoken to hundreds of thou sands of people over the years "It was a very obvious tiling that was happening, i always thought my accident was an ac cident Rut in actuality, it was a crash that was stupid. It didn’t need to be." Durrani said he tries to relate to the people at the panels bv telling them that, oven if they never hurt anyone but them selves. drinking and driving is not a victimless crime "I have a Iwo-yeur-old son and I've never thrown him up in the air and caught him and watched him laugh." Durrani tells ihn crowd "i'll never do that because of the choices I UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Starts Friday, December 11th thru Christmas Eve! ‘Many items are not eligible for this discount. Lists of eligible & ineligible items are posted through the store. Main store only • Cash & credit card sales only-no account charges No further discounts • Limited to stock on hand made lfi years ago. I’ll never stand behind him and teach him how to swing a ha! I'll never put up a basketball hoop and shot baskets with him "You drink and drive, you're going to have victims." MADD’s efforts, tougher laws and new approaches, such as the panel, are helping raise awareness and combat the problem, Danforth said But there are still a lot of people getting DUlla. About 2.500 peo ple wore arrested last year for driving drunk. The average age is between 20 and 24, Danforth said, in "the rite of passage years," as he calls them But both he and Rico note a change in attitude "Everyone's really become aware." Rice said "It's just not socially acceptable to drink and drive anymore " CUSTOM PRINTEP '“ l T-SHIRTS Lowest Ratesi Experienced CRIMINAL DEFENSE CAlt HUGH DUVALL Varalrud & Clark, Attorrxys. PC 345-3333 9 ¥ • ( )’ - (I Hr.i.iUi !«•>!( • )r ; l ' >«*f I ! i*»»» • iIIimj.jI Stops A S«- ir< 1m*s • Tlu»ft 1 of j« ry Shoplift • Assault M.irassnmnt • Mlf> f Price quote by phone” ^>RIDE SHARE Traveling soon? Need a ride? Offering a ride? Rule Share brings together people needing ami offering rules any where in Oregon or throughout the country. I-or more iiilonnation call 345-7600. FOR IN V IT A I 10 N S BROCHURES FLYERS P O - T K R - RESUMES AND M O R F Graphics 346 4381 SUITE 300 EMU