Heisman winner Torretta wants national championship NKW YORK (AP) — Mini college foot ball player* would txi satisfied with one Hoisman Trophy and two national cham pionships. Not Glno Torrotta. After winning tho Hoisman on Satur day. tho Miami quarterback Mil his sights on a third national title. Torrotta can achieve his goal by leading tho top ranked Hurricanes over No 2 Alabama In tho Sugar Bowl on Jan 1. "I'm ready to go for the national cham pionship," he said "It would bo a per fect way to end my college career " Torrotta started four games as a red shirt freshman whon Miami won the na tional championship in 1989, and guided the Hurricanes to another title last year If Miami beats Alabama, ho will become the first quarterback in 17 years to lead his team to consecutive national cham pionships "My main goal was to leave Miami with more wins than any other quarter back, and 1 did that." said Torrctta, whoso 2t>-1 record as a starter is liotter than Vinnv Tostaverdo, Stove Walsh, drain Erickson, Hemic Kosar and Jim Kelly Tostaverdo, who won the Melsman in l«Ht>, is the only other Miami player to win the coveted award Mis backup dur ing that season was (Jeoff Torrctta. one of Gino's three older brothers "I was very happy when Vlnny won. but obviously it means even more when your brother wins," said Geoff, who was at the Downtown Athletic Club for both announcements "I can't think of anyone morn deserving than Gino They couldn't have made a better choice." Some people disagree. They sav Torretta won the Hnisman not because he was the best player, but because he played on the best team "I don't buy that,” Geoff said. ''He's still the guy who touches the ball the ‘I’m ready to go for the national championship. It would be a perfect way to end my college career.’ - Gino Tcxretta, Heisman Trophy winner most and makes the most decisions You can't have a great team without a groat quarterback." Torrotta won by a comfortable margin over his closest challengers, running backs Marshall Faulk of San Diego State and Garrison Hears! of Georgia. Torrotta. thn most prolific passer in Miami histo ry. got more first-place votes than Faulk and Hears! combined. Faulk, the nation's loading rushor the past two years. was the Heisman favorite midway through the season Injuries forced the sophomore to miss 2 games down the stretch, including San Diego State's season finale against Miami Torretta passed for 310 yards and one touchdown as Faulk watched from the sideline. "I think that really swayed the voters," Faulk said. Faulk said he will remain at San Diego State next year Hearst. a junior who led the nation in scoring and was second in rushing, said he hasn't decided whether to play another season at Georgia or turn pro He will make up his mind after the Bulldogs play Ohio State in the Citrus Bowl on Jan 1 "After that game. I'll sit down and weigh ail my options." Hearst said. "Right now, I'm really not sure what I'll do." WE'RE OPEN SERVE YOU! Although the EMU building will be closed for the holidays, the Oregon Daily Emerald offices will be open between 8a.m.-5p.m. daily, except for these days: Dec 24, 25, 31 and Jan 1. 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Doubia fulon $’50. piac* rug 11 V«‘ i 7“ $100. both m groat OOntWon 343 1849 Nancy or Slav _ Croat tor studont. wood d«U $50o0o 1988 ford Muuang, 57.700 m»iaa groat condition. ‘-as: $5 500obo Can 6417 5859 GUITARS GALORE' Musxa* 4oms of oN tuna* Also camoras and tiarao* Pe.> and Sort Cantar36’ W 5th hfcjat aail 20" RCA IV, good condi tion Cal Harm 68? 0308 or Wuan 345 4584 Ho Hat Shda Profactor »*a n#w $75 SpaciaWad Hard Rock Mtn 22" f/ama n»adn work $1QC Womans Roaalgnal ska i80cm Salomon t*noN SAL t1 B»ac% -«jKto* 3’SO Ai«' 26O0SX compufw*. 31GO, FilhV M> wo •kp«*rtM*''s V30 ipa.'). 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U22 Oa* 34.1 9273 i7S INSTRUMENTS IBANEZ 54CR Guitar won m oontll. won* $1050 set) b »55Cobo 64*3 294*1 i65 BOOKS CASH FOR BOOKS Two Convamant Locations 764 E 1 Jth 525 Wiliam ads (campus) (downtown) 545-1551 545-4717 BUYING HOURS 9S MF H.JI.MF 92. Sat Smith Family Bookstore 205 OPPORTUNITIES RIM will ollw bagtaning swing and m( adv ballroom and coupw dancing wmtoriwm Schedules 103 Gw»nger 205 OPPORTUNITIES L GOA f’rid* Wwfc Poatar Corrt**: ISO PHl/t I hama G»ng Beyond Ssaraosypa* Budding Bnogaft Bmak irtQ Ba "*»'*. SutyntMIOn D»»):=n® Jan am 10 IGBA otto* Into 346 3360 210 HELP WANTED Cirn c«im voting «nw»>o(j«» a hama A; mata*4rts p'Ov'dad S«yx3 SASf jo PO Boa 9643 Spnngr**! MO CVlCn_ Cain 160 flatly aaaamtKtnc &aau*'M *tu**o animat* a! noma No »*pa< anew nao^nad No aafemg Wx! 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POO dep hmvi On vie laundry 143 1 009 ivmsg [ lira spacious tovefy arid nee 1 bed OOm Paid. laundry parking 967 Pal •non *356 pius d«pO%< tW fc stale 4pd^wesi 343 4109 _ urn* shed 2 bsdroom t9th and A^ A* UliKtiM >nduded AVAlltfMS Jfen 1*1 S06 3Q7C 0> 636 0/4.3 _ :um 1 bdrrn Ava-'e Si. «vn>: Jan 4 call tor ap »Otf* mar* &> app»*nca* mo waah yoryar. *3/!>.™o 343 <9000 THECOtlEGlAN ’8tn anc Ax)** w««! tfudan kvrng including ma*. swvxu Apply now tor wwttar 343-12SS EUGENE MANOR SlsjdKM and 1 bdrm, gn*»: v«w. ow *nci. sian.ng ai fSftV 10$0 Tarty Si 484 7441 'OREST VILIAG ai*aima(M:& E QUIET, QUIET, QUIET Enjoy in* boauiy of woods and wiidfi'e in supor floor pUn 2 BEDROOMS 1V, BATH • Bus 10 Campus • Swtmmmg Poo* • WwghtT »n**s Rm • Saunas K9S & *5i SMONTH Ass aOout Nov A Doc Spoon: SE Eug*n* (Donald A EoshoAow) 687-1318 225 APTS DUPLEXES Redwood Park Apts. Quiet. Country Living With City Convenience UnturnUh*d 1 ■drm 4345, (starting Nov Y) Low Utilitiaa-On Bualina f qu*>pad Waight Room, Spa Wood Parti 4 Playground Laundry Factfetias Alao FurnlaKad tultaa Studio, Y 4 2 8 R 4600 to $475 individually Dacoratad Compiataty Furniartad tvaryihmg From Cable TV to Ltnana For Bad. Bath 4 KRchan On SR# Ma nag am ant Taam 4103 W. 18th _484 5775_ 2 Bad room furntfthad. vary n ta cioar •m apt. covarod parking. i20C I *rry U9&™q 343 3318 You ara waltoma to atop by our oft tea for a traa and mora com plata list of our availabia rantaia 2140 KARRIS STREET rood with tot* of light 'ey qu«« nor &rn4rtftJwooo floor* laundry. park>ng $325 2795 OAK STREET 1 Ano 2 Ddrm* Laundry. padflng $340*425 3501 MK. YARD 1 bd'm apt Parking. laundry $340 341 V» E 14TH 2 Dorm apt laundry, parking $400 SPRINGFIELD 152 SOLTTM 53RD Ou«t amaff butiding ? Ddrma $390 319 C STREET 1 Padroom Laundry $300 No pAta Shown by appoint mam SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 345 W 10th MS-1130 Jennings f Co UNIVERSITY IIANOfl SOUTH 745 E 15th You can 1 beat tha pros* on thw&« 1 badroom urnia 1 pioch from U of O library Ca* Rk* tor wiai raiaa m 343 9907 or pagar 465 0502 GARDEN TERRACE APARTMENTS 1993 Cardan Roomy two Pad'oom aoaa 10 campus available mow" Ouwt neighborhood. omy $465 CaA Paul tor showing 344 1721