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Lovelady said According to campus radio records, the station applied for the first permit in Novumlxir 1990 and was granted it in February 1992 The I t'.d said it received the newest construction permit applica tion April 24. 11*92 While the campus radio station wails for its fi nal permit, so does the University student body for KWVAs first broadcast In a campus election nearly three years ago. students voted to fund a campus radio station with student fees At that time, organizers said they ox pec ted to begin trans mitting within a few months Sinc e that spring 1990 elec lion, however, KWVA then called KRMA has had little luck and no air time KWVA may not have received Us final go ahead. but the Incidental Fee Committee has allo cated campus radio three years' worth of student funds amounting to $UMi,809 to get the station started Most of (ho monoy covers ono-tlmo costs such ms lug equip men! expenditures, ms equipment makes up $5 i,4fi‘i of what campus radio has (aten budgeted for during the three yours Another 523,008 was allocated for stipend ex penses fur KWVA'.s paid employees These in clude the station's department direr tors and man agers, hoveledv said, but l))s will hr' volunteers lit' chairman Strive Masat said when the IFC reviews KVVVA's budget this year, the allocated money will he significantly reduced" to less than what was given m the past three years "It appears now that the groundwork hits been laid,” he said We expect the budge! to go down 20 to :i0 percent. In the or .current e that another year passes with out KVWA going on the air. Masat said the sla lion's situation would definitely he re-evaluated "if they don't get on the air this year," he said, "their funding is in jeopardy " ASUO President Bobby Lee said that though the station has not gone on the air. campus radio organizers deserve stipends ix-cause they are do ing the work oi an "up ami-running" station Lee, though, is going after the money that one former employee received for working lour months this year Thu student was written a letter earlier this month asking for the return of SIM) because the student was not lured through proper procedures, Lee said When l-ee look office last summer, one of his main goals was to have KWV'A go on the air lac fore the end of his term as president, he said Let said a neutral, third-party group of people did an evaluation and audit of the campus radio station during the summer, and some former KWVA or ganizers who were asked to leave did resign Lee said the only major offense the evaluation found with the station was S43‘l 21! In. pelly cash missing from its fund-raising money He said it may not be illegal, however, la-cause the money was never put into a state account as it normally would have been *If they don't get on the air this year, their funding is in jeopardy Steve Masat. IFC chairman Ma-.ii!. who represents the IFC' on the KVVVA Board of Dim tors, salt) hr hits born advising the station on finance) 1 mutters during the past throe months The Ixi.ird consists of several student positions including a representative from the IFC'. ASIJO and Student Senate - and community at-large positions Masat said the IFC position is included to "keep an eye on them and see what’s going on " One thing that’s not "on” is the radio station, and most often the PCX is blamed. i.ovelady said non-profit or educational sta tions seeking accreditation are often ignored a while because they lack the money to fund a law yer to lobby the FtXI for the necessary paperwork. "It can’t he afforded," Lovelady said, "especial ly with the way current financial things are today. We re going to be important to the University, but we have to work within the (financial) con str.unts Love lady said former station directors probably made the prediction of soon biting on the air after the loot) election because they may have been basing their views of receiving permits on how long it would take a commercial station - with lawyers and more money. Paul Bjornstad, general manager of the Univer sity-backed KVVAX classical radio station, said the I'CU is known to take a long time. He said his station applied to increase its power and move to a different radio lower, and the PCC took 18 months to approve it Porter said tile FCX) should not be blamed lor long waits She said stations but not necessari ly KWVA or KWAX .ire prone to make errors in the paperwork that eventually require more time from the PCX,' " The reason whv it takes so long is il you fill out an applii ation wrong.” she said "And then a letter takes (>0 days to lie processed.” Bjornstad said he believed the HOC was in the final stages ol looking at KWVA's latest applica tion and simply needed further documentation He said last week he believed the student-run sta tion's application was "probably 30 to 60 days away from getting approved After KWVA gets Us permit, it will lie one to two weeks iiefore the station is ready to transmit. Loveladv said He said assembling the PLC anten na and transmitter is just a matter of nuts and boils and will not take long There seems to be little doubt the University will have a student station, hut Loveladv refuses to get too hopeful with his predictions of exactly when KWVA will be allowed to go on the air. "To say anything is for sure is impossible to do," he said. "What the 1’CC will do is what they’ll do ” HK S Wi.il S |!()|! "Battle of the Bands" The Finals The Big One. This is the one that will deter mine the best band in the county. December 14th at SWg&s tflGHtUVe, 535 Main St. Springfield • 747-0307 720 E. 13th across from Sacred Heart The Best Espresso Drinks This Side of the Big Boot! IF YOU WISH, WE LL PACKAGE IT TOO! Boxes & Packaging Supplies Computers • Stereos • TV's 1 to 1000 pounds • Insurance available i^KEKajina Score. [5 344-3106 2705 Willamette Street convenient parking available