CRAIG Continued from Page 13 of last soason.” Crulg said "Thorn wasn't tlmn to have sur gery then, so I Just had finish out tho soason with the Inju ries. Amazingly. Craig said that several limns during tho soason. Orognn coacbos holpwl put his shoulder track Into tho socket during matches Despite thn injuries. Craig finished 7-6-1 overall and rap tured second place In the f’ac 10 meet, qualifying for thn NCAA tournament Craig looks to lx? thn Ducks' best hope for a Pac-10 conference individual champion. Orqgon Is coming off of a dis appointing performance at the Las Vtrgas Invitational tourna ment. where the Duck's wore only able to take 22nd place out of 32 loam# The best match on Saturday night should occur at 107 pounds, when Oregon's only nationally ranked wrestler. Mat Sprague, takes on third ranked Trent Flack. Other matches in volving Duck wrestlers mooting nationally ranked wrestlers will include Jason Muggy against Kyan Sugai (6th) at 142 pounds and Clint Meissner versus Dan Alar (10th) at 156 pounds DEMONS Continued from Page 13 mi wed. Wilson led the Ducks with 18 points and Stowoll added 14 Oregon shot 50 percent from the field while the Blue Demons shot only 43 per cent. but Del’aul attempted 19 more shots than the Ducks. Forward Rita Halo led iho Blue Demons with 15 points followed by center (lathy Pcrdilz with 14 "This seems to be the way it always Roes," Heiny said. "We hit the road and look rock! and then come homo and sort of fizzle. I think fa tigue was a factor.” Oregon Daily Emerald Monday. December 14 will be our last Fall publication! Look for us again starting January 4, 1993! 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