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MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS AND DISCOVER NY schools battle over gay books NEW YORK (A!*) — The chief of the nation s largest school system is locked In a bitter dispute with some parents over whether first-graders should be taught to respect gay people Schools Chancellor Joseph Fernandez suspend ed a neighborhood school hoard last week for re fusing to accept the "Children of the Rainbow" curriculum, which contains a section on how to teach respect for homosexual parents The city’s Board of Education dealt him a set back Wednesday night by voting to reinstate the nine-member elected board in District 24. a large ly Roman Catholic section in Queens However, It affirmed Fernandez's authority to supersede the board if the two sides cannot come to terms on an alternative curriculum Fernandez set u Friday evening deadline for the school board to meet with him and his staff If the board doesn't respond, he will appoint three trus tees to assume all responsibilities for the develop ment of a multicultural curriculum What has particularly angered some parents in the district aro two books on a suggested reading list for teachers — "Daddy's Roommate" and "Heather Has Two Mommies Thousands of letters have been mailed to par ents warning that the curriculum meant first graders would lie taught about the "homosexual lifestyle, including oral and anal sex ” "I'll be the first one to pull my kids out of the school" if the curriculum is enforced, said Anna Sac/, who heads a parent association at Public School 89 "I wish it wasn't in the school at all," said an other parent, Hetty LoCtcoro. "If it's going to have to be. let it be in the junior high school." It's the latest controversy involving Fernandez, whoso name has surfaced as a potential education secretary in President-elect Clinton's administra tion In excerpts from his upcoming autobiography, Fernandez disclosed last week he nearly died of a heroin overdose as a teen-age dropout in Harlem CHRISTMAS TREES ON SALE NOWl 101A Hily.utJ Front t.iwn ( hi I’w f r.iUfmty --1 (f OFF v Any j Yogurt* | V?v II <*except small corn's) jiy Campus SUBSHOP 1225 ftlder 345-2434 N»* vain! vHt iWivw »*r with *ny ♦ xhe* difeimnt* t* rxmpon* Oor CPUfX*) JVf CIAHIOW \ Apin* 12/22/92 . Li ■§ mb mm mm mm mm « Clinton will consider Iraq loan investiqation LITTLE R(X:K, Ark (AP) — i’residnnt-eloct Clinton said Thursday ho would consider an investigation of the Bush ad ministration's handling of an il legal loan scheme to Iraq. Clinton, answuring questions at a nows conforoncu to an nounce the appointment of his lop economic aides, said he would make his decision after consulting with his prospective attorney general ■‘We certainly need to know more than what wo know now," Clinton said. "1 want to know what else 1 should do," he added Attorney Cenoral William Barr on Wednesday rejuctod congressional demands for the appointment of an independent counsel to examine alloged wrongdoing in the prosecution of the $5.5 billion in loans by an Atlanta bank branch Democrats, including the chairmen of the House and Senate Judiciary and Bunking Committees, contend the Bush administration botched the prosecution of the Atlanta l«ink manager in order to conceal Its embarrassing policy of support ing Iraq up until its Invasion of Kuwait in 1900. Barr made his decision after receiving the report of a special investigator he named, fudge Frederick Lacey, who cleared the Justice Department and the Atlanta prosecutors of any wrongdoing. But Democrats in Congress called Lacey's report a white wash, and announced they would ask the new administra tion to investigate. A Clinton attorney general could docide to start an investi gation or could ask a three member court to appoint an in dependent counsel. The current law that allows for the appointment of an inde pendent counsel to examine al leged government criminal wrongdoing expires Dec. 15. Republicans blocked an effort to extend the law in the final session of the 102nd Congress, but Democrats are confident of better luck in the new Congress that convenes next month. (Minton said he favored the re-enactment of the indepen dent counsel law The New York Times bestseller that tells why “Black people will never gain full equality in this country.” "Stingingly effective.'’ -front page Washington Post Book Woild “Chilling....the stories challenge old assumptions and then linger in the mind.'' ~Ne» York Times Book Review "Disturbing but ultimately inspiring" -San Francisco Chronicle The ftTuianence of ItiU'iHni S20.CC st bookstore* or toU fret SCO Ml-1HI ft Basic Books A /bitMU* ut lltirrri aimJWiiAri WUNDERIAND VIDEO Fgamis Slh STREET PUBLIC MARKET 683-8464 VIDEO ADVENTURE ---- •» VALIEV RIVER PLA2A ‘ " h(it*' I T“t IT • .#•» '••• <*«- • **• Mil - WA/U .AJ It »^V¥VVV¥¥VVVV¥» /-poppi*/-N * ytna.4olia. 'The Land East' Traditional 1 Greek f> Indian Food ////// Winter Hours Mon.-Thurs. 1130-930 Fri. & Sat 1130-1000 Sun. 5.00-1000 992 Willamette Eugene. Or 97401 343-9661