Mayor Jolt Millar and Mayor-elect Ruth Bascom embrace as she gives him a plaque lor his service to the community Mayor issues farewell address By Jacqueline Woge ! fr.v,vrl Reporter _ Mayor Jeff Miller urged the media to help edu cate the community during his farewell State of the City address Wednesday Miller issued the challenge after reviewing the successes of his last four years in office and list ing what he believes Mayor-elect KuSh Base om and the new ('it\ Council must remedy "We are in challenging and exciting times." Miller said "Unfortunately, I don't believe the challenges we face have always been reported adequately "People don't know what's really at stake and don't understand the internal workings of the c ity,'' he said, asking the media to look beyond the cursory reporting of c omplex events and to re port issues more dccplv and broadly Miller acknowledged budget limitations and asked local media managers to recognize the im portance of ihe- moment and fund news efforts ac c ordmglv Miller said the- course il still needs in address is sues such as affordable housing, public safety, re during the cost of city services funding a new li brary. opening Willamette Street and improving the Kerry Street Bridge. Miller s;iU! Eugene could cither fund the Long Range Plan for Public Safety now or spend even more money Inter in property damage, lost lives or reduced community livability The plan would provide for preventive polic ing against gangs, police in schools and more uniform fire protection. Miller said Why not do it right the first time7" he said Miller also said the library should Ire relocated to the former Sears building In the Eugene Mall He said that even \f Eugene could not create its ideal new library, it should at least huv the1 build ing and do minimal reconstruc lion now. leaving expansion for later. In response to Miller's list of continuing issues. Base otn said, "I expect our agendas would he somewhat different " Miller's list of community accomplishments during the past four years inc lude expanding Mablon Sweet Airport, launching the Interfailh Community shelter program, elevating Eugene's Martin Luther King Jr celebration to national prominence and opening Olive Street Miller also made an impromptu addition "The Ducks under my tenure have gone to three txnvl games." During the address, the council also recognized six citizens with Community Service A vs ards ET ALS MKK'HMiS AStO Maallfc < Incur ami m «»ill rn««i today m 2 pm in lh® hadUh «*tra»i m#dK*i binary Iot (iioitt tllfcinnrtion <*11 >4»» 1702 KuliMor. Saw w*C* Will >’■•«*«'*■ U»Uy -it f n at ' ' tn th«- ainum a‘ 90 W Unit Avr > t mot* mformaUMn .*]}!*«» ** |W MJM 1 i I ASM M S Sludanl ImpIttytiMml » k•* • »«>}■:•■ ym«u wctfkih 5> i .lay ftotn 4 ' ■ p <»> *n W.n.m 12 M*-* ' *' For mt»iitin(<'ttnitutMt.(Ali *4*> wi4 CISC \P util f»ra**f't t *» ti !.»> f‘ f Intrmotional Human Kiftbu Hay Hit- fir*t vid»- niil l-r at tv, ;■ it; i)m- l“Nil • IWf. Li’ !rr K t> tn »n the I Ml Walnut Rt**m lh* >n‘ii!ni will follow th« ismwrnu'.M t t I <>t m< r» infonnati : «U »4s ron: ( aIKiiIh Nrwman Centra will p CJuUtmc* >: ■ Unlay 4t 4 K)pm aflrt mwnnn *t *>»•» Nowtnar. < • i* fat tnotv information, fall t4 » ’oil tk’+iilinr for *uh/fuiiihff ft Ait /<• thr front tirtk I M( Sum* WMI. Ill noon t/w 'la» fujhth J.’I The nowi ruin or d<.*r** not h**-* 4 tiiTHi mahitM* Arulu**» of pvonii with a i/,nation of aJmitt> n i h*f|[r ml/ not bn a. « (ampul Kipfin »nd m hv*iuU-i thn publt* man Jatr will /<- ^iren priority t hr Kmeralii ir*4*i\r* the to nitt for Ki4ftirti4/ and »lyf« ft 4/» run on •» */** «* Jtailahh />4m CORRECTION In Wodneaday’s Emerald story about, hlruciiil students, a quote was mlsaltrib uted Sarah Koss, Honoring Our Now tethnic: Youth president, said she lielievos so< tolv is becoming more a< ( opting of hi ractal fiimllles. "To identify with lx>th i ultures. that's what l think would he the natural course," Koss also said I h*» Eniariihl re grets the error. Greeks bring Christmas joy to children By Jason F Jensen [-rTH^tiki Conlfibuky Four-yearold Aaron Wheeler ran inln the I'i Beta Phi house living room, nnd promptly ran out again, apparently frightened hv the two dozen young women silling inside A moment later, he crept cautiously hack, weaving through the crowd of people until he stood Irelow the 10 foot (Jiristmas tree "Christmas'" he shouted in .me. and then disappeared again The I'i Data Phi sorority and Theta Chi fraternity celebrat ed their lfith annual "Santa's Coming' philanthropy func tion Wednesday night The evening gathering was prodtu od for the Headstart Program, which gives aid to underprivi leged i hiidrnn. I think it's a reallv good way to brighten the kids holiday season, said Kim White, philanthropy chairwoman for Pi Beta Phi White's t o-chair. Lisa Coldstverrv. agreed "We were looking lor a wav to give back to the communi ty A lot of kids don't even have a Christmas tree. Colds berrv said The lot k of Christmas spirit is one concern of the Head start Program a federally funded organization designed to provide a first, positive s< hool exponent e for four-year-olds Teresa Frizzell, family advocate for Headstart, said many families do not have the financial support to provide a tradi tional Christmas gathering "It's just the most wonderful thing that could happen to the family." Frizzell said a trout the celebration "This is the biggest gathering yet," said Theta Chi philan thropy chairman Adam Buas. glancing around the crowded room at the f>0-ti() young kids PNao &y Standi* Four-year-old Mario Acuna troata cookiea with junior Nicole Portz ol Pi Bela Phi Wedneaday at the sorority a house Santa .uui Mrs Claus made their appearance, of course Santa was somewhat thinner, shorter and younger than tra dition dictates, hut the kids didn't notice They were too busy opening their stockings, frosting cookies and making ornaments Five-year-old Nicole asked Santa for a Barbie Do IT And a Ninja Turtle Bicycle is the only thing Vk tor wanted When asked his age, Victor said proudly, "I was five, hut now I'm not.” Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS LAI XU T o •t a Owt*! * Yo./ \iJ Onto XU LA£ Congratulations To AH Nowty ( loctod Gamma Phi Officoia Good Luck! 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