VILLAGE Continued from Page 1 "Tin’ tents arc available In state supplies, like at the National Guard Armorv.' Dodd said, "it's like having bandages Iv ing around anil letting people bleed to death." The village will In’ divided into sepa rate areas for families with older chil dren. couplers, or single people and fami lies with small < hildren. The planned community renters will not only serve as a plac e for the campers to sot iali/e, but also as day < are t enters if someone comes in at 11 pm and needs a place to st.yy. Dodd said tile community tent can be used for that, as well as overflow during bad weather and a place for the families in that area to gather during rainstorms " Dodd said Gov Barbara Roberts' com plaint with the village is that the t amp ers are seeking to implement a Third World solution Wary Birmingham, another activist working with the campers. said the workers want to make the village so beautiful that if you have to camp in the Third World, this is the wav i<> lu it The t ampers have also planned for the extra garbage service that would I"1 need ed .ind have organt/ed the village so the majority of the people would live closest to the larger of the Armitage restrooms Dodd said the community eventual!) hopes to install a solar-healed shower at each of the- sites Currently, there are between and JH people camping on the hunks of the Mi Knn/.ie River, and Dodd said the tents are "crammed in Dodd said moving to the new sites across the river would also help to pre serve the pristine nature ot the park !«• cause visitors to the park would no long er have to see a tampground set up di rertly across the river Birmingham said order will be main tamed within the village hv camp hosts, families serving the same role is the manager of an apartment < omplex try n. * S.j ,x> Jamos Nealy (let!) anct Mtic Me hidden unload pallets that will be used in building the new Armitage Park lent village lor the homole*» 4 Jody Coyote Local Jewelry Manufacturer Jewei^y W-rwtetiouse §^L.e |ody Coyote, a local jewelry maruifac Hirer. is selling close outs and factory sec onds at Ire low wholesale!! (‘ay from $1.00 to $10.00 tor handi ratted sterling silver and goldfill ear rings. UP TO 80% Off OF KETAIL PKICES!! This jewelry at these? pric es makes great stoc king stutters. Also, we have a large selection of jewelry making supplies and I reads tor those- who like to make their own earrings All at nx k bottom pores!! • Close-outs and factory sec onds at below wholesale • Handc rafted sterling silver and goldtill earrings • Up to 80% off retail pnees ^Great for stocking stutters Cf « ^ • l arge selection - a jewelry making sopj Ties at ruck bottom prices • tree pair of earrings with this ad \Us.Vrr h.Vfp' I'kI Sir-' i/ ^ W^kc nd* starting Nown>b^r 27th through tWccmlyr 201 h KKX) am to 6.-CXT pm 1205 Oak patch %1. off of llth I ■ ■■■ a «w»-t *u« ».n,u,,ov,n» |.iriima£. and found in the classified section CREATE JL YOUR S OWN -SHIRTS E FAST letyour imagination go wild! Photographs ♦ Artwork ♦ Slides ♦ Drawings ♦ Anything you want as a T-shirt ♦ Custom design senices kinkor Campus Sinn WOK. IMS Att. kcrau from Iht l of 0 Bookston .U4-7H94 Opts 7-Midnt(hl • 74ajrs XPERIENCE THE FUN G BUY a pair of Durasoft* colors for Light Eyes and get a second pair of colors or dears FREE! Chooae from 4 rating ah*** BUY a pair of Durasoft* opaque colors for Dark Eyes in any of 14 stunning colors and we will give you a dear 343-5555 1740 West 18th Just west ot Chambers ramDow optics Moure U f l**n 8pm S*t 8 TOam 5pm nmriulivm « ntnu ilrama Nk. K'lU v' III.Ill) i III I noli' X h.llllll' Minli juuL' 1i' \ 11 1 H >k ' [i ll'll III l' -ik'iiu' Ik nun IIIN 'Il'IV WC'llTH' [Ollialki' I.iiil'U.i;Ji' IIOU'Is iIk I ion.UK' tll'IOfl him pliolo r.i|>li> an 'kill' an lii'ioi) ari IiiUi i in i lllll'K l\ I ill \ liU'iar) I IIIK I'll) pla\' llkalii plnliiMipIn (ill ion iJ ik ain >n anlluopolo II11 III >1 ll N I'Slli' u ar pi an' i oiliputii' hu'ilK" CASH FOR BOOKS monday-friday 9-5:00 Saturday 9-2:00 two locations QUALITY USED TEXTBOOKS UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE LINFIELD COLLEGE LAYAWAY NEXT TERMS BOOKS no money down bring your author, title, and edition find your books - pay by January 9 Smith Family Bookstore textbook and general bookstore (across from Sacred Heart Hospital - near the U of O campus) 768 East 13th Avenue 345-1651 general books (across from the post office near the Hilton/Hult Center) 525 Willamette Street 343-4717 textbooks may be sold at either store monday-friday 9-5:00 Saturday 9-2:00