Not surprised In response to T.1 mmy Batey's Doc: 7 column, and the response to it I saw Batey's work as either very credible or an outright lie I doubt the latter very serious ly Therefore, 1 think there are some lessons to learn from it What is prejudice, folks7 Dis crimination7 No’ Prejudice is the act of judging without a complete set of facts Discrimi nation is setting one apart from another, very possibly as a re sult of having a complete set of facts (Right, physics people?) As I walk down the side walks. I see people 1 don't know I say. "Hi." because I al wavs want to extend a greeting, an invitation to become my friend if anyone is making a judgment about what that means, they too are prejudiced along with the people who turn away from my greeting each day So why should it surprise us that Batev experienced it? Bob Weigel Eugene Misconceptions 1 am very appreciative of the story about Aaron Johnson [ODE, Nov. 30) However, some misconceptions flowing dim t ly or indirectly from the text should be corrected. We believe God named Ins church The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by ilirei t revelation in 1838 We proclaim the Book oi Mormon to be the word of Cod. hence our nickname However, then is no Mormon Churt h While Johnson served his mission (which consists of seeking the humble to teach and baptizing them into the church) in Salt Lake, others in the campus ward (a geographi cally defined body of LDS wor shippers) served in Germany, Japan. Ireland, Lis Vegas, Chi cago, the Philippines and Tex as, among other places We have congregations on all continents, save Antarctica, and leaders are drawn from these fellow saints Th« Churt h of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Samis is not a I'tah church or an American church It is our Heavenly Father's earthly Winn dom that loaches his truth and performs lus work that all who have, do now. or will live upon the earth might !>e saved and dwell with him. Thank vou again for shining the spotlight on brother John son and for your policy of sen sitivily that assures against fu ture replication of ihe import i sums herein pointed out and made right William Gaskill Latter-day Saint Student Association council Dig deeper This is in regard to the 'Write Angles' opinion section of the Dei 7 L'mera/d. and the article covering the Afri can/Asian American forum on Page BA of the Dei i ICmrrtiltl f irst. I find il extremely in teresting that the opinion piece that 0 words, legible, signed and the identification of the writer must lie verified when the letter is submitted. The Emerald reserves the right to edit any letter for length or style. Toys for Tots UNIVERSITY OF OREGON A Food for Lane County Donation Boxes are in the Lobby i, of Our Store j»r*■ vi-nt«■ would help bring out thr positive Is of till Mill allon vi t shr portrays every tiling negatively and sari asti tally, focusing only on one word used by one Individm. Some oi us spoke on tduca tion, knowledge, and cultural pride and awareness l.ven the title was manipulative Let us remember the word at the top 'Opinion " It’s too had she i nine with su< h a c losed mind Your printed words should have been expressed within the loriiin We would have t otlstd eretl them Ironically, you did shoot the un quoted person down The pen was the trigger, the paper the bullet and you pulled it t'.asollne does mil pul out a growing tile lalui alion is the water open your mind and stop looking in one dim lion W'e musi all lnt reuse the peace with education ot each oilier, not blatant ignorance Kevin Kwock Jung Chang National Student Exchange T I Yogurt* | (tOFF v Any I ifcs* I I’fUtVt l OfliS) w Campus SUBSHOP 1225 ftlder 345-2434 V* \ i . , h iiVfry .. f with any othrf ».tw* mint* i*r * oufxxut l >*v«* u»u|Hm jvr iiMXttrr l «pm*» \3/22/y*l Experienced CRIMINAL CALL HUGH DUVALL V*i«kud i CUfk. Atloirwyv PC 345-3333 • OUH/BMMftth Teat Defwnse • Drug D#f«ns© • Illegal Stops A Searches • Th^fi/rorgofy/Sl^optitl • Assauft/Hiirtissmont • MlP/Faise Us© Of I O ' Price quote by phone' IF YOU WISH, WE LL PACKAGE IT TOO! Boxes & Packaging Supplies Computers • Stereos • TV's 1 to 1000 pounds ■ Insurance available *... Packaging 66nr8 s 344-3106 2705 Willamette Street convenient parking available Tire Copy Sbj> Open Mon-Fri 8-7 Sat 10-4 Ik+mw f'.iTiVtin A / o/ry Ht/il » W 485-6253 00 Foot long Sub SUBSHOP I I FREE DELIVERY • G4h»4.% i $2 OFF ADULT ADMISSION »V 3 ' J •V • • I.. >M MOVIELAND AT WEST 11ih 808 SENECA ST 342 4142 6 I Kill I W \l) I I I SI) N UHI AIL SEATS iicu'i riciAt INC.AM M* NTS CAl t t <»H MOWI INI < tIMA HON BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL gooo>simati*e BRING TIBS AO IN FOR 0NtY TMUn $1.50 ADMISSION FOR ONE OFFER GOOO THRU 1 MlW DRACVLA 1215 2 35 5 00 ) 730 10 00 THE BODYGUARD (12 15 240 505)730 10 00 ML'PPkl CHRISTMAS CAROL ( 12:15 2 00 3 45 5 30) 7 15 900 * PQ THX HOME AIME 2 (ON 2 SCREENS) (1215 1 30 230 400 4 50 ) | 630 7 15 000 035 ALADDIN ( 1 05 3 10 5 15) 7 20 0 25 SHOWTIMES IN EFFECT FRIDAY 12 11 THRU THURS 12 17