Oregon Daily Emerald Center Attention Sara Wilson began last season hop ing to establish herself as one of the best players in the Pacific-10 Conference. One year, and a foot injury later, Wilson is looking to do the same thing this year. By Steve Mims Emerald Sports Reporter Wilson, a 6-fool It junior, is Oregon's starting center and. along with forward Debbie Sporcich, she is expected to fie the focal point of the Ducks' of fense Wilson was in the same situation last year after coming off a freshman season in which she averaged 6.8 points and I U rebounds per game, but a varie ty of injuries and illnesses al lowed her to play in only 15 ol Oregon s 28 games "It is unbelievable how frus trating last season was,” Wilson said 'll was sort of a wasted season because I was never able to reach my potential. I have a new attitude this year to make the most <>ut of mv talents " Wilson came to Oregon after being named 1‘iBH 89 prep pluver ol (he year hv I hr bos Angrlrs Dally News and 7hr l.os Angrlr* I'imrs. and she showed flashes of brilliance during her freshman campaign, including a 28-point effort against 1 KM.A Wilson was forced to sit out Oregon's first eight games of the 1091 02 season with mono nucleosis and a stress Irai lure in her right foot Wilson re turned to average 9 1 paints and r> 8 rcliounds per game tie fore a stress fras turp in her left foot ended tier season prinna turoly Oregrfh coach Elwin Heiny calls Wilson one of the hardest "Jt/tu%tA<* it ANTI-SLIP SOLING • Help* prevent supping on suck surfaces. • Good for Men's, Women's and baby shoes. CAMPUS SHOE REPAIR 843 East 13th • 343-6613 We ship your staff home! 1 to KXX) pounds, computers, stereos. 'IVs Insured, custom packing Boxes for sale UPS, Emery. Motor Freight 2705 Willamette Street • 344-3106 (convenient parking) D Oregon 's Sara Wilton is deter mined to stay oil ol the in/ury list this season working woroon in rollogo ba% krtb.ill. "She am gel up «md down iho f»urt <|ui( klv iind tuts tbo .ii)ililv to s< ortt .ind rnjnt'uv(!f down low." Holny ‘••dd L.isl summer, Wilson re turned lo plnv luskclliiill. join mg tin: i 'oiled Si.itcs junior Nu lioriiil Team 1 hut won ihr silver modal m the junior World (.h.impiunslilps (|u,ilifying lour nummvt Wilson i> points .mil 1 H ri'lmunils lor tlm loom I'h.it vs.is .1 gfi'.it rxpi'rt Turn io WILSON Pag* 10 HHiriuli'in u rilllt;J ill.HIM Iv’lk w lll.llll V 111 I lUHl'S ■>i lullin' vliiih null' li'Ml'm'k' li li li Hi i' n u ni i' I k non m\ 'till Ul'sliTIls IDIIIUIkl' laniHiaeis IIOU’Is iIk nonaries lii'U »r> him phoun:raph\ .111 skills arl history .111 lulu luii v muMi eeoloey I iii-r.il) l dill I'III pLi\ s I Ik'ill fi philosophy relieion aim .tin>n anlhropoloey iiunoril s |nMK‘n \A Jf | V*K 0 computers business CASH FOR BOOKS monday-friday 9-5:00 Saturday 9-2:00 two locations QUALITY USED TEXTBOOKS UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE LINFIELD COLLEGE LAYAWAY NEXT TERMS BOOKS no money down bring your author, title, and edition find your books - pay by January 9 Smith Family Bookstore textbook and general bookstore (across from Sacred Heart Hospital - near the U of O campus) 768 East 13th Avenue 345-1651 general books (across from the post office near the Hilton/Hult Center) 525 Willamette Street 343-4717 textbooks may be sold at either store monday-friday 9-5:00 Saturday 9-2:00