OSPIRGS HUNGER AND HOMELESS CROUP PRESENTS Interested In Becoming A Teacher? I'.Kifu University offers an innovative, war long Fiflh-Year/M.A.T. pr* >gram f<*r bln-ral arts graduates hading t< > 1«\k tier In I lementary Education Social Siudie* Math Language Arts ivsim* in I oreign l anguagr* Business Education Physical Education Physics Ap| \ n.-\s Uf tta‘ ps Music Art St icnce Biology gr.tin U-^iruung jur*- ai the I < iiniput Appit*. ,»• >,-M '« V 1V< i(f I *v» - i.77 /.7}? PACIFIC UNIVERSITY O K I G () N “Best selection of ski equipment in town!" A Christmas Ski Special! Ski Packages Elan 779 Marker M27 Poles PKG Reg S449 00 100 229' Fischer Kevlar Solomon Quads P°leS Reg $470 00 ,00 PKG 249' ULLR SKI S H O P r Corner of 7th & Chambers • 683-1977 When only the best will do... Come in for a Winter Tune-Up! 485-8226 1917 FRANKLIN BLVD. Close to Campus COMMUNITY So it’s all downhill from here? By Jason F Jensen & ! Contributor MOUNT HOOD 1 c o u I d n ’ t rn o v « m y fort, which I suppose was I h r point Reporter* Notebook lock ml down to a four-foot hoard, which, unfortunately, was not stationary Snowboarding was not quite what ! had anticipated However, I couldn’t expect much h.i( k. assuming ! was attempt ing humor, ami convinced me to try it out Before I could sav "broken ms k, we were at the top of the express lift looking down the slope someone had named "Ki ev ator Shaft The image produced by such a name needs no clarification It speaks for itself 100 vertical yards of mogul-infeslod snow An expert's dream A begin ner's nightmare I suggested that perhaps the Buttercup slopes were more rny speed Drew hit me with the usual pansy-wimp names and sat on the snow to but kle his txiolx to the snowboard I did the same, deciding to replace rny despair witfi tire spirit of adventure Securing my straps and filled with vigor. I flipped myself off my knees and stood on the board then promptly fell over Drew laughed while standing on his hoard to prove Ins supe rior ability Then he, too, quickly fell over Unfortunate ly, he had been resting very near Elevator Shaft, and ins fall icxik him over the edge He was quite adept at reaching the bot tom. never breaking from Ins excessive tumble Unstrapping mv hoard and descending tile slope on my two stable feet, 1 found Drew at tin' bottom, nursing a swollen wrist and emitting a green cloud of profanity Drew hiked back up the slope, rode the lilt down and traded his snowboard for skis I have skied for many years, but snowboarding was some thing entirely different Balance and courage play key roles, .inti 1 didn't have much of either Controlling the board re quires twisting your upper tor so urui kicking your feet If done turret tly, the board will either slide straight, or turn and glide on iis rail The feeling produced is like none other — defying gravity and slipping across the snow with a surfer's agility. This, of course, is the ideal situation My attempts were hot exactly ideal. The hoard had a tendency to go where it wished, which proved frustrating Mv memory of the day fails into sections of motion, separated by violent collisions with the packed snow I found success in the midst of these i rashes A certain sense of "What the hell am I doing?" visited my brain as it repeatedly connected with the snow Somehow, and some where in it all. came a whole lot of fun Chippendale’s markets Gateway By J A Spariin Emerald Contributor SI’RINOI ILL1) I ruin strip shows in Eu rope lu calendar signings in Springfield. aetor, model, magician and Chippendale's darn nr Toni Romano has seen il all and beorf si*n by all Romano is louring with the damn company lo promoln Chippendale's 19‘)3 calendar in J00 Coach House (lifts stores across the coun try. said Loretta Knapp, manager of the Spring field location, where Romano stopped Tues day Romano arrived at the stun* with slicked baek liair and a light tank top to sell his goods When asked by Knapp how tile display should be set up. Romano told her, “You can use me any way you want me " Romano is the calendar's centerfold, stretched out Imlween February and March Shot on Marlon Brando's Tahiti Island. Ko rnano sports a low-cut, white leotard-type top with a nearly clear shade of pink g-slring His g-slrtngs .ire not ouslommiide, Romano said. "There's a wardrobe person," he said "But one guy does get them (custonimade) because, well ..." Romano shaves Ins chest. "I have about 15 hairs right here in the mid dle, and I think it's disgusting," he said Not all the dam ers shave, though, he said "Wo see as many as 2,000 to 5,000 women at each show, and they like all types of men After the calendar tour, Romano said Chip pendales will launch its world tour, which in cludes Australia. Hong Kong, Kurope and Asia "We are trying to get away Irom the male stripper kind of show," Romano said "In stead. we w ill fie producing more of a musical featuring 42 songs." 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