A CLASS WITH DOWNS Photos by Jett Pastay Jennifer Boyd (above) ia all eyea on the way down from a back flip on the trampoline. Deanne Long (below) doea a flip during George Harria' trampoline courae Tueaday. Other atudenta look on while apotting Long. POLICE BEAT Tho following Incidents were reported to the Office of I’ublic Safety and the hugene police department from Doc. 1-7. • A University student at tempted suicide on Dec 2. Po lice were responding to a report of a prowler on the 2000 block of Madrona Drive when they saw a man on a deck. When tho police approached the man he jumped from the deck headfirst into the ground below. Accord ing lo police reports, the man dropped about 20 feet. The stu dent was taken to the hospital for observation and was treated for a cut on his left hand • A 21-year-old man was ar rested for unlawful possession of a controlled substance and unlawful delivery of a con trolled substance on Dec. 4 Ac cording to police reports, a po lice officer observed the sus pect on the 500 block of bust 131ri Avenue selling drugs. Wiien the officer searched the man he found packets contain ing psilocybin mushrooms. LSI) and tar heroin. The man was also carrying S477 in cash • A University student and his 29-year-old friend reported an assault on Doc. 5. The two men wore at Guido's on the HOO block of Last 13th Avenue when they wore each punched in the face by the same suspect. One of the victims said the sus pect had flipped him off inside the har and ho returned the ges turo. When the victims were walking out of tho bar the sus pect punched them and fled on foot • A University student at tempted suicide on Doc. 5 The student jumped from the Aut /.on Footbridge into Willamette Kiver. According to police re ports. police had contacted the student earlier that day after re ceiving a cull from one of the student’s professors. The pro fessor told police he thought the student might jump from the footbridge Police talked to the student hut released him because he did not meet the criteria for a police hold After the student jumped, ho told police he was depressed over some problems at school