EDITORIAL Proceed with caution in housing changes Michael Eyster, director of the Office of University Housing, has proposed new family housing eligibility requirements in the hopes of changing existing guide lines. But first he wants constructive student feedback, after which he will determine what changes to make. His goal should l>e to restructure the guidelines in a family-oriented way As it stands now, students with children are given priority — if they arc within a sjm; cific income group — and married students .ire next. The new proposal instead gives priority to students with children who have demonstrated financial need, and gives preference to childless students who have fi nancial need. Couples and affluent parents are given lowest priority. Although the proposal has some good points. Eyster needs to straighten out a few significant flaws before it can be passed. First, because the proposal would give childless graduate and undergraduate students with financial need priority over students with children who don t have financial need, the name "family housing" be comes a inis mier A family, for the purposes of the University, is traditionally made up of a parent or par ents raising a child, or two people sharing a relation ship. Under the current rules, single graduate students are last on the priority list, not second or third. Eyster needs to make clear whether low income students will become the focus of the housing units, or if families will remain the priority. If the complex does focus pri marily on low-income students, the apartments should not operate under the guise of "family housing " They should lie identified as what they are — low-cost apart ments. Second, "financial need" has to he solidly de fined. In the proposal as it was written, "financial need" meant people who receive financial aid. But Eyster said the proposal was inaccurate, and he will have a different set ot guidelines based on a variety of criteria. Eyster needs to make sure aid less students who have children are given a fair shake at housing units. II one of these families can't afford normal housing, they should he given priority over single students, no matter what their tax returns say. There are always extenuat ing circumstances to every situation. There's nothing wrong with denying housing to affluent parents, but not all aid less families are affluent. Third, opening the units to non-married couples is admirable bcxuiusc it will allow homosexual couples to live in family housing. Unfortunately, it may also cause students who are looking for low-cost housing to just grab a roommate and sign up That would be a blatant abuse of the new guidelines and needs to he prevented. Family housing units need to he delegated proper ly. They are meant for parents and couples who can't afford a $400 per-month apartment along with child expenses. And Eyster can't forget this. Oregon lhuh PO BOM 31 SO tUGCNt OBCGON 07403 T(>®gon t)4fy [ mmratd <% pubtafthOd da y Monday IhrouQh I f*SAy dot>ng !n*» icfHX* yo.»' and l.jf«uy and T r*u'%cUiv dunng in<* iwnwv t>y Oogon fVa'> f rnmaxi Put>t*fw3g Co Inc rti in* Urwof^tfy of Oregon. (.ago*** Oogon Th« I 'njKdJd tHM^a'iv. nctoponttefM^y 01 in* lJn»v4KS'ty mf.!h oflKTUS A! So4A 300 O* tn* I ft) Momow Union and i* d mnm|)4i of th» AftftOCtOMKf Pr«*ts Tno I ma/aid f» pnvata p^ope/ty Tn« isniawtui r*nx>v«l Of um of p<*p©*i r* p/owoftiiiH by a** Emerald Ed Nor Pa’ Maacn *•«*• t dnor I ditonal Editor Capfuct Editor E nlarlainmant Editor Mti't-n f kMit Jmh Pa&uy f try cl 1tor n r r»#«*rvc« i onor i dflortai I dRor Uvafi Sport* t dftor Dav® C ^rt’txv"'<**.. Supptofnvot* f dRor Cat try Af*kr%ori Aaoociate Idaora Tammy Baloy StJtJent Gouommant AcfnetaK Oarayn T'apoa Cdmmo nay ClVteen 1’ort.g lagAar l duca/ion AJnurmtr/u&n Neeee Stall Cnoetor Aten Ue'vS BauCum, Man l'»>w JuMm B'Oarn Sa/an Caa Mug DaooiW' Amy Itevonpon Amanda I arrea Adalot'ar torae* Huntungar I'iaKneute l(U Mai.- ttemar kfctaan. Slava Uni Titftn Maa T-ida N.»* [ or- Snae M*cnaa Srendiai lne» StudarKka. Manon. Shitty Mv "M THomoaor Aguiar Amy Van Tvyl. Todd Wm-amn Jaoqua-na Wog« Mannar /.itwuar Ganaral Manager Judy Had Advartomg 01 radar Bryan R Coopadga Production Manager lAcnea Host Advamair^ Snaam Barvan Scott Dana. Jonn (o' Mucfcmt Jana I'oia. Chna Kano". Tom laoch. Jar am y Mayor Gillian On, Duatm State Snaron Vaj. Ango w.ndna.m Claaallad Paggy McGinn Mannar Barry Logan Snaron Sauna. Sour Uodag'ail Oralntxjtion RaOaoca Brooev Knot! Van Gordon Amnony Wynn Sueevaaa Katny Cardona. Suporvoor Ax»y Connolly Production Ingnd WNia. PmOuctan CoofOnator Krotma Granger [tee McCooo Stacy kMcnau Jonniiar Roland Janrotar Smart. Anno Stapnoroon Ntwvooo__ ■uttwH ORIM..W-MII DtapUy Adv#<1it*ng CUmVM AArdrtieing MUM) fw/7H AlLTyis NEW iNRXWJfOH I on the packages, ,..w£ IN THE ~OOD INOUSTRV 1 THINK THAT A 6£ COKJPUStD. UVDER TW£ old SYSHM, COULD BE SURE TREV'D 8E coneused. ^ ** Ifc: tl rti\ u»\n Hi GOOD OLD D6VS F AT fMPTV Shipping out Apparently there i>. saini' bit terness roueerning the omis sion of Madonna's book Sex from the University library Well, if Madonna is indicative of si holarshlp and leadership in current Amerii an culture, then I humbly request a tmnsier to a desk-jot) assignment in one of our overseas»nmbassles Thank you Scott Camp Political Science Layoff I think it's about time some one spoke in favor of I’hi kap pa Psi fraternity Niki Rauch spoke out in her letter [ODE. Dm 1) and said she was not protesting against the Individu al that raped her. but the frater nity itself Her reason lor not condemning tin- rapist was be cause he acted "maturely and responsibly" after the rape She said Phi Psi promotes an atmos phere of rape, abuse and ha rassment to women Now let's get some things straight After the rape hap pened, Phi kappa Psi visited sororities to tell the girls what happened Members admitted a rape had occurred, and that the pledge had been disaffiliated They said they planned a seminar for their fraternity members and pledges I know they carried through with their plan because I went to it Phi Kappa Psi is as much a promoter of rape as any other fraternity, co-op. dorm or club Any place where alcohol is served — and there are people willing to abuse it there is an environment for rape. People should stop laying the finger on Phi Psi. Members were at least responsible enough !o admit to the rape and take action. We should lay our focus on the organizations that keep these incidents quiet. Stop using Phi Psi as the scape goat to a much broader prob lem Isadora Fried Finance Stay home This letter is written in re sponse to tin' "opinion written bv Tammv Da lev {ODE Doc 7) l-'irst of all, it is in my "opin ion (ii.it Daley's column is the exact reason as to why there are so many problems with race re lations not only on tins cam pus, lint ill six iotv as >i whole Daley and 1 attended the same meeting that tier column was about (Korean/African American race relations), 1 think If we did, her column was based on totally miscon strued information in order to make the organizations that put on the forum look bad, as well as the people who attended it. But do not get me wrong, we really did appreciate tier being there Secondly, Batey wonders why some people did not want people from the press there Well, just look at all of the great press we received for it A won derful token article {ODE. Dec .1) and. of course, her beautiful ly well-written, misconstrued fact containing "opinion" col umn It was that we were just too plain modest to have all of that good press come our wav We just wanted to share the fortune with others not so fortunate But hey. thanks lor coming I'inullv, if Batey came to the forum to try to learn and help. I'm sure all who were there ap preciated her noble efforts, but she would have been even more help if she would have "stayed home in bed" with her door locked Craig A. Sims Black Student Union Left out I was wondering where Mid dle Eastern students (Arab and Jewish students) fit in on the neat little chart — "Minority Students at the University" — that appeared on the cover of the Dec. 7 Emerald I guess the answer is no where. If anv students should feel ioneh and isolated, il should he Middle Eastern students be cause thev are left out of the picture completolv Are Alri can. Asian. Latino/Chicano and Native Americans really the only minority groups represent ed here on campus7 Christina Komeshian TCF Ask for Sex' The Unwrald's recent interest in library-collection building is both noteworthy and praise worthy Unfortunately, the Uni versity library's position was not presented fully and accu rately in the Dec. 2 article on the library's review of Madon na's Sox for possible inclusion in the collections Cheryl Kern-Simirenko noted that if the library received a co gent statement of research or instructional need, the library would buy it She further ob served that the presence or ab sence ol controversy was not a reason to purchase or not pur chase An item's relevance to the University's research and instructional mission would be the determining factor. Accu rate inclusion of this informa tion would have rendered the editorial superfluous Kern-Simirenko also noted tile book's possible value to tile study of popular culture and her expectation that research li braries with large popular cul ture collections would pur chase it The University library does not collect extensively in popular culture and therefore inclusion of Sox did not seem warranted. Those were all salient points in the discussion of the issues and should have boen shared with the campus community I regret you did not do so. Georg* W. Shipman Univarsity Librarian