Hoop doubleheader tonight at Mac Court By Dave Charbonneau Emerald Sports Editor Diehard Duck funs will get u chance to sou both the men's and women's Uisketball teams tonight as the two compete In back-to-back games at McAr thur Court The women play In the open ing game against Brigham Young at 4:30 p m., followed by the men's game against Alas ko-Fuirbanks. judging from the way the two teams have playixi so far this season, the women's game could Imi considered the main attraction Oregon's women are coming off an impressive showing ut the Otiharley's Classic ovnr the weekend. The Ducks knocked off No 13 Southwest Missouri State and lost by only four points to the third-ranked host of the tournament. Vanderbilt The success Oregon had at ihu tourney has the team ranked No 2M In the nation coming into tonight's game Head coach Elwin Heiny said his team's play in the tourna ment gives the team something to build on. "1 was very happy with our play.” be said "Wo played well and reduced our turnovers in the second game. We showed growth from our oxhi Turn to BASKETBALL. Page 12 WILSON Continued from Page 7 one*," Wilson said "I had a groat coaching staff, and wo trained at a nice facility in Colorado Springs 1 played against gd players, and ev eryone rhally pushed each other." Wilson was taught hv coaches from South Carolina and Michigan. "It was tough competition, both In practice and in gamrw." Wilson said "Some learns were shorler and not as competitive, bul learns like Brazil, Cuba and Canada were tough." Wilson will try out for the U S team again next summer to play in the Junior World Championships Tho best news for Wilson over ihe summer was she was able to play and stay healthy, and she savs she exports the same thtng to happen this year with the Ducks Wilson and Sporcich ure the keys to Oregon's offense, hut ware only able to ploy in two games together last sea son because of injuries. "Last year was unfortunate because it seemed like Debbie and I never had the opportu nity to play together," Wilson said "This year we are out for revenge.” Heiny is looking forward to the prospect of Wilson and Sporcich on court together for an entire season "We want to get the hall to Sara and Debbie as much as possible and have them shoot." Heiny said. "They are outstanding players, and wo definitely want to Incorporate thorn Into the offense." The Ducks ore 1-1 after beating 13th-ranked South west Missouri State and bare ly losing to No. 3 Vanderbilt at the O'Charley’* (.lassie In Nashville last weekend. Wilson struggled in the first game when she scored five points In the second game, Wilson had 21 points and nine rebounds, behind only Sporcich who scored 25 points and grabbed IB re bounds. Wilson says she expects big things from the team. "We definitely have high expectations," Wilson said. "We came doso to beating the No. 3 team in the country and that gave us confidence. Now we must not let up, we need to improve.” Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! CLASSIFIED POLICIES Payment • Alt sdt muil be prepaid unlc%* billing ha* heen eitabhchcd Call ^4/> 4 M3 for billing arrangement*. • V|SA/M<‘ are accepted • A pun hare order mutt accompany all University department al adi Errors/Refunds Pirate thet-k your ad? 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