Oregon Daily WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9. 1992 EUGENE. OREGON VOLUME 94. ISSUE 69 EMU, ASUO, athletics to receive $337,000 windfall □ Interest from fees found in University account By Chester Allen Emerald Reporter The l-IMU, ASl'O and Department of Athletics will be the recipients of .tn esti mated S.t'17.000 windfall from at least five years of aci emulated interest from a student incidental fee account, a Univer sity administrator said Tuesday University Budget Director Trent Spradling said interest earned on student incidental fees was apparently left In an interest-clearing account after the money was transferred to fee recipients Sprudling said the KMU, ASl'O and athletic department will meet with Uni versity administrators to review a plan to allocate tiie money The plan will dis tribute the money to the groups whose original revenue earned the Interest "The best wav to distribute tin- funds is to tie ownership of the funds to the generator of the funds," Sprudling said "The Ixjttom line is to get the money flowing because it doesn't serve any pur pose to have this large sum tucked away " KM I' Director Dusts Miller said the KMU should receive about -to pen ni1 of the monov "1 believe the University may lie ac cepting Ilia general accounting practice where interest follows prfru l|ial." Miller s.iul II the University funis money anil identifies Its snuri e, the distribution should break down Into the peri entitge of what would fi.iv• lieen used, which Is about 10 pen rut for the KMl' Oirrvl Hunter, ASUO executive coor dinator, said the ASUO will get some of the money, hut she doesn't know how mm h In addition to distributing the money, the proposed plan will develop .1 new pro< ess of distribution of fee revenue to the KMU, AM O and the athletu depart ment, Spradling said "The discussions will ctuiltir on a new pmess lo place income out to lint place that c.iuscs the interest in I hi generated," Spradling said 1 I'his process vs ill pro vide good i ,ish management end prevent this situation from happening again Spr.idling '..ml the monev vv.is dm ov ered bv the IAII Inislness otficc last summer Siis.in Kill ette, i \11 hiisines-. direc tor, said she began wondering last spring where the interest earned on Incidental fees was going We re not sure what the amount is. hut K is a signific ant amount ol monev," Racetle said Student dubbed local hero after rescue efforts j University freshman saves grad student who jumped into river By Tammy Batey Fmeraid Associate editor Two years ago, University freshman Brian Wilson look a lifesaving course at tho high school he at tended in Honolulu her ause he wanted to become a lifeguard "I went to the Iteach a lot and I figured it'd he .1 good thing to know just in case,” Wilson said "I never thought I'd use it." But Wilson's knowledge of lifesaving skills paid off Saturday afternoon when he jumped into the Willamette River and rescued a 2B-veur old Univer sity graduate student who police say jumped off the Autzen Footbridge in a suicide attempt Wilson, a 1 B year-old Sigma Nu fraternity pledge, said he and about ItO other men were playing in the fraternity’* annual pledges vs. members football game near the river The men ran to the shore when they saw people on the Autzen Footbridge pointing into the river and yelling "call 1 " Turn to RESCUE. Page 3 by jnfl PlMfk**y Freshman Brian Wilson stands near the spot where he lumped into the Willametto River to savo a drowning man Multiracial students face unique problems and benefits j Students whose parents are of different races say they face distinct set of stereotypes By Tammy Batey Emerald Associate Editor If litii wom a chess game, society would be pushing freshman Ayunna Monguchi to choose sides blue k or whito. "It's a fear of tile unknown," Morlguchi said "If (poo pic) don't know what I am, they don't have stereotypes to put on mo." Morigm.hi's mother is three quarters white and one quarter Seminole RACE ON CAMPUS l(i(tuin Her father is Af- third o( f,v« port. rican-American. She siiicJ society pushes her to decide whether to call her self white or black, hut ''rtiy mom instilled in me to Ire proud of all my backgrounds " Hi rat la! and multiracial students on campus, such as Moriguchi, said they experience some problems and some benefits that neither people of color nor while people c an understand Coco Onowen, a staff psychologist at the University Counseling (’enter, said hi racial or multiracial people (ac e the same issues as Hispanic s she's counseled who are torn lielween two cultures "If you speak Knglish and you speak Spanish, what's your lirst loyally, or do you have to c boose7" Onowen Turn to MULTIRACIAL. Page 3 WEATHER There will be scattered show s ers throughout the day Highs will U‘ between 45-50 Tonight will also be rainy, with a low between 40-45 Today in History In 1941. China declared war I on Japan. Germany and Italy CARJACKER STEALS BABY SPOKANt Wash. (AP) A man shot a woman in the face Tuesday and stole her automobile with her {kmonth-old baby inside, the Spokane County sheriffs office said Lt Norm Nickerson said the modem occurred in the parking lot of a new discount store. The w man had put her bays and baby into her Mercedes Ben* and had gotten into the driver s seat when a gunman yanked open the driver's door and told her to move over The baby girl was found unharmed in the car after it was abandoned a short while later. Nickerson sum The 16-year-old woman. Donna DeHart of Spokane, was treated for facial wounds at a hospital and released. Nickerson said SPORTS ATLANTA (AP) The Atlanta Olympic (jommittee figured all it needed was 12 oaporale sponsors at S-to million .1 pop to come up with a half-billion dollars. A year has gone by and the plan isn't working The Olympics may be a lavish marketing vehicle, but a list less economy has taken the excitement out of companies sign ing up for the 1996 (lames' corporate partner program So tar. only four companies have announced sponsorships Two of thr- four Home Depot and Sara Lee still have not signed contracts and. therefore, have made no payments Nations Bank and IBM are the ■ >ehi-r partners