Oregon Daily Emerald Ducks need holiday cheer(s) From the Sidelines Enck Studemcka Sanlu said il would he o federal offense if ho won: to lot mo road the exact loiter the University athletic de partment sent to him. but he said it reads something like this Dour Santa. ' Like most people, we've had our share of ups and downs this year As you know, we've been very had at times May-lie - you caught that record 104-50 home loss to Arizona it) men’s hasketluill in February or saw the 2-U> volleyball team play this fall IMease. Santa, don't just leave us coal in our stock ing on ac count of those teams' You have to remember. San ta, that we've been very good in some areas and have la-on try mg to improve in others lust look at our men's and women's i onferem e-champion cross country teams and our Inde pendence Bowl-hound football team We finally fired that old grind) Don Monson. and com plaints almut the little statues In front of tli«* Casanova Center havo till but disappeared with Bill Hymn's departure to Nn bruska So. Santa, please overlook our occasional mistakes anil Just come through with a few necessities All vve really need is 1 A good show of support at the Independence Howl. While we're playing in the Indepen dence Howl, other b-5 teams like UCLA and Arizona State are staying home 'lliis is most ly attributable to our strong showing of support in Shreve port in 1080. when more than 5,000 fret- spending Dur k boosters traveled to Louisiana to watch the first Oregon Ixiwl appearance in 23 yours Hut with three howl games in four years, people are not as ea gor to travel r ross country to watt h the Ducks jilay anymore Local travel agents are predict ing only 2,0(H) to 1,000 peojde will make the trip this time Please, Santa, could you put ntxiul 2.000 travel pat kages to Shmvuport in people's stock mgs this year' Otherwise, it only t.OOO people make the trip, tint next lime we finish a season (i-5, we’ll he left at home just like most of the other Pat ifu 10 (^inference also-rans 2 Renewed interest in thr men’s basketball team. As you know, Santa, football and men'* basketball apt tbo only revenue-producing sports we have ul the University These sports help subsidize the uists of the other sports, but with at tendant e at men's basketball games dropping to Its lowest level since t'Mi.l this past sea son, the revenue generated by men's basketball these days wouldn't even pay for new nets on the baskets We've hired Jerry Green to install an up-tempo type ol game that the fans will be at tracted to. Hut Green inherits a team composed of players ex cnai h Monxon recruited, which means vve might have another (> 1M season at hand It remains to tie seen if fans will back an exciting but losing team Please. Santa, could you please give about .1,000 (Mtople basketball season !t< kets for Ghrlslmas7 It would eliminate a lot of our worries whether or no! men s basketball < an re main a substantial generator of revenue lor our department (While you're at it Santa, could you please give Green about six more Division-! cali ber players That would double the nurnlier be has now ) Replacement for Mi Ar thur Court. As voti ve heard. Turn to SANTA. Page 12 -7---— Controversy swells over alleged remarks CINCINNATI (AP) — A spokeswoman for the Nalionnl Or ganization for Women's local chapter said Monday she finds Margo Schott 's alleged racial remarks strange, coming from a woman who is a minority as a baseball owner. Kathy Holmbock said the Cincinnati Rods owner had to fight to keep her car dealership after her husband. Charles, died in 196ft Schott inherited several businesses after his death Holmbock said mon at General Motors Corp thought a woman should not run a dealership. "Those mon at CM who tried to take away her dealership from her exhibited the same attitudes toward women years ago that she is showing now toward blocks, if in fact all that has boon said about her is true,” Holmbock said "It's the same thing. It's all part of the same discriminatory pattern. It was Just as offensive when it happened to Margo as it is now coming from Margo "You would think she would have a heightened sensitivity to discrimination," Holmbock said. Schott did not return phone calls to her office or home Monday. CM spokesman John Maciarz declined to comment. "Matters concerning the operation of Mrs. Schott’s deal erships and our relationship with nor are considered to be private and not subject to public discussion,” he said. Former Reds employees and people outside the organiza tion have said they heard Schott refer to people variously as "niggers," "Jew bustards,” “money-grubbing Jews" and "Japs " At least throe people have said they heard Schott re fer to several of hor former player* us "million-dollar nig gers" or “dumb, lazy nigger." Meanwhile, CBS reported Sunday that Schott will face a heavy fine and could lie suspended during tliis week's base hall winter meetings at Louisville. Ky. Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! CLASSIFIED POLICIES Payment • All ad* mull he prepaid unless hilling ha* been ciuNlihcd Call 4343 for billing arrangement» • VISA/MC arc accepted • A purchase order muit atcianpany all University departmental ad* Errors/Refunds Please check your ad' Ihe Ol)l will mn a classified ail one additional day as a result of any typographical error that changes the meaning of the ad, tf reported by I PM Refunds will he limited to credits only No cash refunds will he issued after the ad deadline Credits must he used within 6 nuaiihs of issue i03 GREEK HAPPENINGS PI KAPPA ALPHA Informal Ru*n Wad Doc 9tn For Into CaS Spoocor W 34V ,'WB m TYPING SERVICES At >44 07*». MOWN * GRAD SCMOOi APPMOVtD ?0 ytwv tMr* ground T arm popor* f yfi 54V vca I tttrvg l «u»f p/ ON CAMPUS' EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS A grin of a deal! JO the typing pro Wort! Proosaongl ciamg/lyping ThaaaaOiaaartationa on laaar Cas U1M6I a.»yii«» PHOfissjONAi Typing AMO won] prooaawig. «!•!•■% 1 '**> p»Oup i«ag —— wono SPtclAl,sis Won! Pracaaamg 1 Oatttop PutxaJxng O'ad School Apfyovad law pnniad nosing. graphics. cMaannhont thaaaa. raaumnv trarnparancraa a morn’ CINOY 4M-MM TYPING UNUMITED Barbara Land *•• MV1M1 Sarwrg UO araa tinea IMI 120 TUTORING Greek Math Tutor Tuaa A Thu re. 7 30 flpm 137 Gitoerl 125 INSTRUCTION TIKIS' Paper dua? C ration' .Akto teacher wit neip orsh *® Mart* and potash ferial draft 343 0021 Pro/Edit ftartonatorad protaea»onei adrtmg and consultation on your torm pa pars prcjfOCls «MC W*tf m««* w»tn you it YOUR COneoroonce A£ sublets* 343-2747 130 FOR SALE MSC oUtTARS GALORE' Musical (term of tfi kind* Also cameras and ttaroo* Buy and Safi Canter361 W 3th If yoe have werthiiig to aril, yea have tomdhing to «4vrrt(M OI>l Cl ASSIF1F OS Janapon Travel Pack. gray •>«*>. «* pandabta, day pack /*ps off. ft00 Richard 66 7 4678 Muat Sei’ DtX mat!ro*4>oi tpnng $60. dreaaer f30. rugM stand ft 2. afi tour years old 4&S Stt9tt Aipariuffl, heiagon, TruVu. ?8 oaf Bfuo back. Magnum 330 pump SaW W4MKX and saft fish tnvasiad MM S*H tor 4223 f ye oHhe Storm bgw rang «m Bought lor 4200 Se« for 450 Andy 663 8233___ FOR SALE! Good condition «ung we bad Firm Cali 34? 4??9 ftOO Fufi-tUe Futon tor s&a wOouChe mat trass 4200 ooo Cali Joef at 34? 3781 1 jo FOR SALE MiSC UN+CH (Unftad Nttiom CMdrtm fund) can)* and on *.«*.« a: UO now ifvoogn Doc 12. 104 (Sat 10 2) Leo toy teal dtaaatng! Reaata! Tha Cloth** Hofaa. 720 C 13th us CARS TRUCKS OOVtRNMTNT SflTfD MNdM from *100 fortk, Ukbm. CorMH. Cnavya ujrpka buyara gwda i aosa6? aooot»iS9b«j IN) VW Bug Graa: car, :a>k 'un» up MOO obo W «l« S p» aaaaau__ • 1 Maida RX7 S apa cuaiom anaa*. naar ivaa. vary anarp. bra. rum aka naar WbOOobo »»< I0?» M Audi CP 'ad ataack mr junrooi. ■larao «*4 apkra mag» km m<. men aacntica at $4000 X? _ M Honda Accord. *d't X. poww av aryltvng. runa grnal SJ?00 ClOo f anar iO0akaa<>.t«3.n<>aSi00 M6 ?9»i AS VW ScCtocca at. nan braa '..mad aandoa*. Sagd. eaoad. UOOOobo ats-ani iss BICYCLES COfWtOftdft* Mn B** SM 700. many uporadM. tie cond $£»?*> 0O0 art i«>e__ Diamond lUch Aac*nt EX. '0 tf*ma. vm: caO«o roar t*ndo< th loem a/*J hgnt. 1300 obo 666 * 769 iS5 BICYCLES 10 kp*»d t>ika. 27 tram**. w^ocn And p»>m.p %?$ Kar 686 4??3 Mem Brtdgattonf MB S min txk* Rad Like 'Vfw taiuda* Blackburn rack. pump. kgtt $310 OOO 686 3034 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS BM compattbl*. /*mth haro dr v» «Hn pn»**l •QfTntr* jSOC DCXJ 34 3 3201 laptop I lift 7000 7M 70m0 3V,' dip. py f750nt>o. Ml« quality print*, t» 4*4 770* _ _ MAC 512 MA prettat uiornal dnv* to»ww* B30 OOO Mil*. 34* 9750 170 SOUND S YSTEMS CASH!!? Wa buy. *afi and wmc» VMS VCR * and tsaraot Thompson Fiactronca. H22 0ak 343 8273 175 INSTRUMENTS P**yy 100 *X1 R*u H**d loud THUMP BOO ooo Slav* 4*3 6874 iM SKI EQUIPMENT Ik* n*t* Dynamc VW 27 •Mom. 207cm «n Salomon 967 Equip* Omtpng* BOO 344-4249 200 RIDES i RIDERS OCSPCRATE?? My Mian and I naad a roe to(and from^Saama taavtng and day batwaan Dac 16 20 H pay lor Ail g*» and road muncfiiaa Piaa&a can ASAP 342 8*06 Mayrtad U of O atudant making lor paopta to car pock to and from RcaaOurg durng wintar tarm Can 673 26«t2 70S OPPORTUNITIES You c*n man* BIG money If you* family or Inende Hv« in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan. Aualralia. Canada Cal Oala al 641*411 Praaanlalion Thursday Dac 10, Eugana Public llarary, NOH-THAOITIOMAl STUOENTS Are you a low income Sluder*. or firm generational (your perents did nor graduate from a lour year college]? Are you oidar man average or belong lo an underrepresented group al me University? II so, you may ba •►•g taa lor aura support (tutoring, oounaeung. advisng. advocacy cesses m writing. mam, enters! Ihmiung) tnrosgn m* Educational Opportune es Program EOP ltd hat some spaces available Slop m 66 Pt C tor mlormwion and appi cal ions 710 HELP WANTED EARLY RISER? THIS a YOUR JOB! Dmtf E rrmtMd morning dafcvary parson n««d«d ASAP kx DAILY attribution iaumg appro« 1 nours You mmi have your oam transporation. proof of •nturmnem l alarm etoefc. Ra*n. or an aarty morning laai cant keep you from m*» rout* that begin* about 7 AM the papar muw pat out' So. if you wouM bfca to have a job that a ftnfshed everyone atea * jual patting started com# up to tra f meraid A appty today no phone calls please Room 300 Ert> Memonai Unon Starts al $4 75ptxx>r plus m.-eage reimbursement t Of Earn $60 da>>y assemb^ng beaut i tut stuffed animals at homo No experience eqjKod No setting Sand SAS.E AmancraRs Boa 44065-f. R»0 Rancho NM 87174 Look in December 9th's issue for the ID INTER CRR CRRE GUIDE, 1992