Reporter exposes governor: gets fired MEXICO CITY (Al’) An Amer ican reporter was fired from a Mexican English-language news paper after writing in a U S newspaper about alleged links between a powerful politician and the murder of a Mexican journalist The account by Zachary Margulis. a reporter for The News, appeared Saturday on the op-ed page of The New York Times Margulis had obtained a copy of a IJ.S Drug En forcement Administration document that said Manuel Bartlett Diaz, who becomes governor of central I’uebla state on Jan 1. ordered the 1UH4 murder of a journalist in Veracruz Bartlett, who resigned as education secretary this year to run for governor, Is one of the most powerful politicians in Mexico. Mis possible links to drug traffic kers have long been rumored, but never proven He was elected governor on Nov h The U S drug agency refused to comment on Merge lis' firing "They said 1 had promised not to write any more about Bartlett," Margulis, 25, of Boston, said in an in lerview Wednesday, ihe day ho was linxi "They said I broke that promise when I did Iho storv for The Vow York Times "! said I |ust said I wouldn't write about him in The Vow v This is what vou get If you want to bo honest in this paper Vow s publisher Kornulo OTarriil. described In Mar gulls as a friend of Bartlett, refused to comment The Vows is Mexico City's only lingltsh-language daily. The l)bA document is the summary of a debriefing of Lawrence M.irrison, a DMA Informant Harrison worked for a member of the C.uadalajara drug cartel who has tieon charged in the' !‘I85 murder of Db'A agent Knrique Camarena The document was presentee! as evidence In the 1‘1‘S) trial in l.os Angeles of Kubon Zuno Arc o, whose conviction on kidnapping and conspiracy i barges in the Comarena case was overtumcxl on appeal His new trial Ixigan Tuesday The L)KA document, dated I'eb It. says Bartlett may also he implicated m the murder o! Manuel Buendla, a columnist for Mexico City newspaper I:* cel si or India bans Muslim groups after riots NEW DELHI, India CAP) Thn government an no tintted a ban on fundamentalist groups Monday and sent the army Into Bombay after religious riots across India killisl about ilK) Hindus and Muslims. righting with firebombs, knives, axes and stones engulfed al irest tWO dOUfl tow ns after Hindu / ots destroyed u 430-year-old Muslim uuis<|ue in northern India on Sunday and began building a Hin du temple at the site Sacking of the Babri Masjid mosque enraged In dia's Muslim neighlmrs, Pakistan and Bangladesh; prompted tails for the ouster of Prime Minister P V. Narasimha Kao. and threatenei) w ide-st ale violence among India's 7(H) million Hindus and-100 million Muslims Chief government spokesman S Nurendra said Monttay the government was preparing a list of or ganisations that will Is* outlawed, including Muslim fundamentalist groups Details will Is- released Inti r. he sattl ET ALS MKKTINI.S (Mine of International f dttulHMt and Kx(hdn|» will have a Ciubal Kfiondt genera! mooting today it 50 p m in [•Ml' Century H.'.nn l) lor more information,. .«li »4*> c5».*> Krtuming Student* Akwx ulmn v*wl moot today at 4 p m in KM! Room 27 Sludrnl Senate v. •- ! . p rt; in KMl CUmtuty K >rn D ¥ot men* information, < afi .Ufi onio |pHi<>h Siudml t nnot liiiU'i w. • :.i\v aI 16 7 0 Alder Club Queitii i'.k7 ( .ili the Jcwikh Student ! Inton at »4h UWi (>nl«t for Aitan and Par ifw *»ludi« wtli have ,i *$*•< wo prevn u»ti;,ri lh# Strategic Behavior of Chine** KUtos." today at J >0 p m tn the inter national Studio* (UmfaifHiie Room, Room #10 PIX For mom information rail MHnmimpulw Nuppi«« I mb wtii n.iv» 4 d«?m. miration of App)«* * Qui< ktimr today from » to \2 a m m th#.» FM j.obhy Fof more Informal! n. tall 140 440.! |S( \PI w w (tom public Khodi ami human »!vim indoy & u*>, ,% noon lh»f tjtjf tmfnft* ftubfn jti■in /F fl0W§ alitor do*** not hjv" a fi mo mat hi no hi Ala tun tho -ity : unU?%s thff OVOttl taint fdj> 'ml \ of ttvt'flli »iih a •/ --n tuon ot admuMon 1 hirtp* *tll nor »■ l^rtiftu* >• vonl* and thotn a hvdulod imjttttl iho fluid it -Otfi.n do to fill bo fliifti priority IJw Kmoraid r*v$ th** fight to odit for f(r am mat and *tyto hi Alt run on a *pj*.o at-ttlold«i biu\ COUPON *1.00 off Falafel or Gyros COUPON • Meet to cat at m\l£a^ttninvg, 7>l+C4 H2-224I I he mr.atmg Hue balafcl Mu available at Mirvit Mart , Ilic Kiva, Sundance, and Oasis b|»im 12/31 • 8S4 last l 3fl» • Next to Kmkas r it’s Not Too Late To Add... PEER HEALTH AMG You can get experience in: / Coordinating events ✓ Public speaking / Writing articles for the Well Now / Facilitating workshops You must apply to parte pate n Peer Heath Abasing,HEP410&510. Pckupyour application in Heath Education. Student Heath f Center, or cal 346-4456 tor more information Sfunsorvaby to Hasten Ptmwg > 'mgmm. •aufcrtltoariCertMr JUNK ADVERTISE YOUR GARAGE SALE IN THE EMERALD CALSSIFIEDS. Shellfishing devastated oy on spin I.A roKt'NA. Spain (AIM Knvironmenlahsts on Monday said tlii- spill of millions ol gal Ions of oil has serious h dam aged ihi’ rir.h shellllshing off this northwestern port and ruined the Christmas mussel harvest for local fishermen "Christmas is their host sea son suite the price goes up," said Juan Lope/ l ralde, a Greenpeace oflit ial "lusl in the time of the year when they can make some money, they're ruined Lnvironmenlahsts feared tile wret k of the Greek tanker Ac gean Sea would tie more dam aging to shellflshtng than the t‘17(i accident of the tanker Urtjuiola, which spiHud df) mil lion gallons near lai Goruna The ('.reek tanker was t arrv mg .I t million gallons of light . rude when it broke up List ■ k Rough V'> .slhet on Mon d.iv prevented divers from In spei hog the sunken hull and t .in ulatmg how nuiny millions it! i;,iUotet have spilled /er|uiel Pete/ Monies i spokesm in for tie- l.ii ( Inrun.i cits government, estimated in million gallons leaked or humeri olf during a lire bla/ed after Thursday's ground mg The rest remains in two segregated ballast tanks In the ship's hull, which is in two pier es A group of regional tislnng guilds on Monday asked Prime Minister I'elipe (lon/ale/ to de clare the shoreline .1 disaster /wit! Tltt' regional government liarrrii lishing tti .1 ill mill! itfi'ti h smith .uni north uf ili■ ■ pari until and offered utimni'tt ml fishermen > l(N) t'.H || li', I UIII|)l'ils,lllOIt I,ojn’/ Uraldt: said fishernwn in i.urlt>‘, ,t imvn H mvs ilif in li't ftiiin L» lairuna. i otnplained that tin area h.ii! pist liegim !» reeover from ihi‘ I'l.’ti spill Cleanup crrtt» have vat tunned up they lielieve to lir .iIhuiI ! pun i ni ol llii! spilled ml from il»' .in-.i iirounil l.ti Coruna Uni ihn most Impor tant stop will he lo extra! t the oil Irtiiii the sunken hull, said Creenpeat e spokeswoman (Jliva None/ ituiriuliMh w ritiii ■ ill .mu NV |. IU V m.ii h V lit! I I.' . s •x I i . • 1 I I ' x III!' till N l, -|U' I • rv L f. 11. v «J, lllv t I, t tl >1 I 111'. N \, l \ w s I f! i - f l >1 I I . I i U V I.Ill U.l V " III *\ X In ilk III Ml.II I. n III l. M \ till.I |>lli*|i’ I.Ij'llN :m 4..H .in In it»i \ .llv lilt, l 1 III v mu Nit. u i »li' ' \ IlL Ul > i Hill. InIII I >1.1 N N llk-.iHv |>lllll>M)plt\ It’ll liMI i\hk .lilt Ml jnihfo|H*li* • \ iitmont \ I NNliv N .If |V,K. l l>IM|>UU f ' huMHx'xs CASH FOR BOOKS monday-friday 9-5:00 Saturday 9-2:00 two locations QUALITY USED TEXTBOOKS UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE LINFIELD COLLEGE LAYAWAY NEXT TERMS BOOKS no money down bring your author, title, and edition find your books - pay by January 9 Smith Family Bookstore textbook and general bookstore (across from Sacred Heart Hospital - near the U of O campus) 768 East 13th Avenue 345-1651 general books (across from the post office near the Hilton/Hult Center) 525 Willamette Street 343-4717 textbooks may be sold at either store monday-friday 9-5:00 Saturday 9-2:00