Two killed; property demolished in California storm LOS ANGELES (AM) — A storm hit California with heavy rain, inow and wind Monday, spawning a torna do. dnrailtng railroad earn, closing Disneyland and frnn ways and flooding homos. Two dnaths worn blamod on thn woathor. The tornado touchod down in San Dingo County, de stroying thmo carports at a mobiles homo park In Carls bad. tho National Woathor Service said. Funnel clouds also wore sighted in tho Rancho Cucamonga and Up land areas of San Diego County. Up to 30 inches of snow foil in the Siorra Novodas. Schools closed due to snow In Oregon and Nevada Heavy rain undermined the track on on overpass south of downtown Los Angeles, causing four freight cars of a tniin to derail. Southern F’aclflc Lines report ed. One of the ears contained sodium hydroxide, which the railroad described as a moderately toxic material, and the California Highway Patrol shut down a section of the nearby Harbor Freeway in both directions as a precaution The section of the freeway linking downtown to the Los Angeles Harbor was expected to remain closed un til Tuesday morning, the CHP said. California water officials said the storm was a stop — but only a step — toward ending the state's lingering drought. "This is encouraging. There's a beginning of a snow pack in the mountains," said Dean Thompson, spokes man for the stale drought center "But it’s a long way from whaPWe need Average rainfall at statewide mountain recording sta tions is still only (»H percent of normal since October. Thompson said Heavy rain fell throughout the Los Angeles area. The National’Weather Service reported a half-inch of rain in just 15 minutes in Woodland Hills and 5.28 inches by midday on Topanfpi Summit, overlooking Malibu. In the Sierras, the storm hgtl dumped 30 Inches of snow at Donner Summit and Mammoth Lakes. 23 inch es at Echo Summit. 17 inches at Dagget Pass. 16 Inches at Moyers, and 12 inches at Incline Village, the woather service said The Heavenly Valley ski area reported 48 inches during the weekend. Schools were closod around Lake Tahoe The California and Nevada highway patrol reported dozens of accidents on both sides of the Sierras. Along the storm's projected path, winter storm watches wore posted for Tuesday over southern Utah, the northern half of Arizona, northwestern New Mexico and the mountains of southwestern Colorado Nixon tapes may provide new evidence in assassination attempt MONTGOMERY. Ala. (AP) — A spokesman for former Gov George Wal lace on Monday called for the release of every tape from President Nixon's White House on the 1972 assassination attempt on Wallace, following a report that such tapes exist Unreleasod White House tapes show that Nixon wanted to use the attempted assassination of Wallace to discredit George McGovern's 1972 Democratic presidential campaign. The New Yorker magazine reported Monday. Elvln Stanton, Wallace's chief aide, said the former governor believes "high er-up officials" were involved in a con spiracy to eliminate him from ihe 1972 presidential race. Stanton said the New Yorker report underscores the need for an investigation Wallace, who was seeking the Demo cratic presidential nomination, was shot May 15, 1972. during a campaign stop in Laurel. Md.. leaving his legs paralyzed. The New Yorker said Nixon and White House counsel Charles Colson discussed planting McGovern campaign literature in tho Milwaukee apartment of would-be assassin Arthur Bremer wtthln hours of the shooting. The expectation was that the discovery of the Democratic campaign material in the apartment could be leaked In such a way as to appear to link McCovern and his allies to the Wallace shixjting. the magazine said Bui the idea fizzled because the FBI quickly sealed off Bremer's apartment, according to the article by journalist Sey - mour M Mersh Nixon lawyer K. Stan Mortnnson de clined to comment on The New Verier story. The tapes reportedly am among hun dreds of hours of recordings from the Nixon's White Mouse recording system that am held in secret at the National Ar chives Stanton said efforts by Nixon's White House to get operative F Howard Hunt to Bremer's apartment have been report od previously But he said Wallace had not known that recordings existed of Nixon talking about it jstunton said Wallace, 73, wno is in poor health, would have no comment on the report But he said Wallace "Is not satisfied that everything has been re vealed that should have boon revealed" concerning the shooting. "I'd like to srni every bit of the tapes and other evidence . and those Involved in obstruction of justice prosecuted.” said Stanton He said Wallace "has said on occasion there are faces he has in his mind of higher-up ofTit lals who were involved in such a conspiracy. But he would not mention any names Ixicause he doesn't have any proof " A famous shopper sez.. . 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