Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 08, 1992, Page 12, Image 11

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    This Week’s
Luncheon Special
Nee Siam
Japanese style
noodle soup
Try our Omen. too1
13th • upititn next to UOBookitort • Take out Available |
Continued from Page 10
Santa. the kids around campus
refer to good of Mat: Court as
"Thu Pit." And it'# for good
reason, as "The Pit" offers
some of the worst lines of sight
for viewing basketball in the
It's getting really tough to jus
tify charging spectators Pac-10
prices when they can't even see
the spnndxNtrd What we'd like
to do, Santa, is replace Mat
We'll Pay You 60%
For Books We Need For Winter Term!
At Our Meiln Store
Dec 9-19
Regular Hours
Dec 14 - 17
8:30 - 5:30
Dec 18
8:30 - 3:00
; Candy
Fast, Computerized Service
I .till & Kincaid •
Court with a facility on par
with our other facilities such as
AuUcn Stadium and the Cas
anova Center At fi5 years of
age. Mat Court is fit only to
host Intramural champion
ships. not Pac-10 basketball
Santa, you're one of the most
famous of all legends Maybe
you could spook with Oregon
legends such as Phil Knight or
Dill Bowerman and see If they
would be willing to exchange
several million dollars for their
name on an arena
Otherwise, due to the priority
given intercollegiate athletics
in this state's budget, Mac
Court will still be hosting Pac
10 basketball in its 100th year .
We realize this is a tough re
quest. Santa, hut until we gel a
now facility, we probably won't
be able to attract the recruits
who may one day make us con
ference contenders
Santa, wo know we re asking
for a lot this your, but at least
we fee! our requests are down
to-earth and fairly reasonable.
At least we're not groveling in
the dirt and asking for the im
possible like Oregon State.
The Beavers' athletic depart
ment told us it was going to ask
for its foot trail team to win two
games in one season.
The University of Oregon De
partment of Intercollegiate Ath
trick Sludvnicka is u sports
reporter for the Emerald
( Hf^ufi S< hrdule
VSninrwldt, l)« »
Womw'i basketball v» Brigham Youftg.
4 30pm , McArthur ( nun
M»n'% basketball v* Alaska Fairbanks.
; os pm . M< Arthur Court
I kur«d«v. t)m 10
Women'i basketball v* IkiJ'aul, 7 O5
p m . M* Arthur (x>uxt
Saturday Ikn 12
Women'* batkotbal) v» Weber State.
4 30 p m Mt Arthur Cx>urt
Men'* basketball v* Idaho. 7 Oft pm.
M« Arthur (.ouri
W rv»tiin{( at Orn#..n Mata (dual morriJ
Women basketball TOft 25
By The Awn tated Pro*
Fin* {4a* e vote* in parentheses, Parifte
lOConhueiK • loam* in ho id bee
1 Tann****»« (00)
2 Stanford
3 Vanderbilt
4 Western Keniui ky
b Virginia
7 Maryland
a Stefih k Amlin
tt Mississippi
ID l.ou!siana Tm h
II ihirdue
12 Ponts HuU>
13 Onrgui
14 Tout
15 Tout Tarh
16 Soulhim (jl
17 Georg# Wo thing ion
16 Miami
19 Colorado
20 North Carolina
21 Alabama
22 Auburn
23 Connecticut
24 DttPoui
25 SW Mittou/i Suit*
Other* receiving voiu» Nebratke 150,
Kentucky 117. Kan tat 111. Oregon 77.
(.«orgu Toch *Mk Oernton 56. Vermont
4fl. Californio 38 San Dingo St 38.
Northarn Ulinou 23. Xavier. Ohio 23.
Honda St 21. Ohio St 20. Witrontln
20. Providence 19. UNl.V 18. Creighton
14. Southern Mlttittippi 13. North
Carolina State 11, St Jomph'i 11,
Minnoiuta 10, Oklahoma St 7.
Kvancviile ft. l,ong Beech State ft, St
Mary't, (jilif ft. Bolt© Stout 5. Ar Kan tat
4. Arinina Stale 4. Mitaoufl 4. Montana
4 I.ouitvilie 3. Tanneiwe Tech 3.
Tuiane 3. Miitourl-Kintai City 2.
North wettem 1. St John* 1. Sou tn nr n
Illinoft 1
All Kinds of Hot Dogs
h-8 \ Home-Baked
l %>/>* \ Roast Beef Sandwiches
\ and... the Best (really!)...
Potato Salad ft Coleslaw
Swanky Frank®***
DEPARTMENT: 346-3712