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Out the a negobatt* Four credits ol WST Practi cum credit can be eemed Contact Na da Tetsey at 346-1056 to schedule an miarvtew Video Technician Needed: FSgWy dapandabto and rwponstoto studant to work mdapandantty <«c lapmg rtaaaaa Eipsnancs. work study a prut, but nal rwouvad Hiring now tor WWvsr Tarn Acadamc Laarrwtg Sarvwaa _88 PEC_ 220 HOUSES FOR RENT BEAUTFUE SETT940 2 bdrm. 15 mm somti ol campus. aaat ol Craawaii. 82887 Bradlora. $525 3438000 4 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS 4 Bonn, wnaaahartoryar. $l200mo. rvwtabw 12/2 48547790 225 apts duplexes 1 urn 1 bdrm AvaitaCM tor Wlraar Tarm lSthANyard 2 bdrm api. 1515 Huy and $500 Hasan* now' 484-9922 1 badroom, 5 brocks Irom campus Ouwl. parking, laundry, palo small ja* go iaai. carport. *xJr> prm pat*J SJM f—nli loMIrn tor roownma tor 9 bdrm in Unood Manor 17V) mo CM Jamal 949 4M7 faanla aaaka laamman to tnara mca Mo bd»oom dupiaa Mr ?.lto ba raaan Ctoyr and Uruvaraay *?V) Kt» oapoaa Grata OOE CLASSIFIEDS 1-STOf SHOPPING Shsrs 2 Mm apt. v» Mi from* earn pus 3237 MMa* * V, dap 343-4266 Mart dM cIma Uf roommais Oiasa VWaga Apt. 2 bdtm 2 ba. 3312 50/ mo ♦ v» ufaJ Haafy, 666 17»4 Is* 1*9 raammsf *0» 2 bdrm apt naar Gardsn and Vttartl flant 3250*nonth 342 4229 1209 a month ftamat* roommatss laafcing a 3*1 rooms to thar* 2 txJfm apt aas/w-dryaf bus and b*s routs lo campus pool aaagnt room 34.34036 2222 WMatastts lamais to s*ar» 2 Dd»m apt ctaar. sacurs, qua* on %-«* laundry pool, sauna, on bus tana 3237rmp pka v> Mac 345 935/ 3 p asp Is nsadsrt to shars bsautifut fcxrwahad houta by >tand"CM Pars 3250 piua ulMsm 46b 1401 310 W 13th Asa roommaia to shara houss ash 2 olhars daan. Qmat. ad, on bus routs, |20Qrmo ptus Wv*f ot Uttttta 663 7652 795 ARTS 1 ENTERTAINMENT WIKKitl M«*hM> MIMIUMIMIN I III hnoKM MmitMItWMM. A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME •***r i to «*-)) t jo • so Mil* ItNUt AM WALT WHITMAN l.H BEAUTIFUL DREAMERS comm* at*T. TMS NVNG66 *••<*'* itMtttMl L BUFFYtHt vamhwc uatiw 4 r4*1 s a*p OaalK omnotuu tom r*t * AMViHt ttr 4 r fN« *»jr*tr TNI PAR SIM By GARY LARSON "Shenff! Ben Wiggins is ndtn into town, end ns s weann mat tarns lints chiffon number that ha wors whsn ha shot Jake Sutton'" Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson OfcaR 50K+4. TKiS I d°N> WqKlt «nY <5if+S I jus+ >«Mt tovfc **<1 pfcaCE foB *AY fttL°W W«N REVtRSt PVKHOLCXbH K\HD OF DONT 10U TWNK ? r MS HEALTH 4 EfTNESS MfWIMT Try Ratoom. an nartt product Ca* 607-01 >7 DISCOUNT HCAT O* COAJPANY VVurt 10 im monay on you' o411 PtNaaa ftatp Irom tnanda laa prag nancy Mimg Cady dawction Caa B-rtnngftt taf aSSI Cafe Latte c o Cafe Chocolate u. Jo Italian o g Sodas E At The Espresso~Caft ^ no* lotated d Dm a CamWMlUtWo Mo*»-Fr t 6 30*m-1 Op*n S«t-Sun 9 S0*m-10pm Doonesbury by garry trudeau Hi. CAUCUS, IHESt A&JUST *XmN£ QueSTICNS CURSWXWtPtZW a mcn wtruer W5T.. / tut CALL nOUK CA T 5CAN, (if CAUif. nufLPb u$UNtrn*>mNP utar'iMiM^CN IN*XJRHfAP 6AtAl o o m nw euAse. god, VCKNWT HO MOW cnncAL.euT necesHtij’ quf>tk)k* ifiyUX'Alt YOU ‘*1,_ OJUURAU.Y. OKAY' Hi ft MF60 MHfttPtP &CHARP ffrrrt/xr FlJtAU our* / if tux mme u. maop sroo*' / fit?? «'* CROSSWORD Hy Eugene SheJ/er ACROSS 1 Phy«i» CMet't hu«>*nd' 5 Piftof nunc* ■ lnct*m*nl 12 Geometry tmd ISCavtai 14 Meywii* 15 Belmont* 16 Pad'** place II Etwii ballpark 20 Stand.** Hand m 21 F aim tamale 22 Faim tern ale 23 Fbck 25 Inaomnia docloi? 30 M* Ga/dnei 31 Receive 32 TeiTt canton 33 Backyard play a/a* 3«lo. holder 36 •— Oevk Moon" 35 Slander liguia liwety 40 Pancho t pal 43 Balia*) oft an 47 Dag wood > uudi 40 Trad* mark •ymtooi M Gymnail Kortxjl 01 —E* Salaam. Tanzania SJOnac* HOME S 0) Eicooala 04 Monaal poMcian OOHida away* DOWN 1 Tampo rary taahena 2 Mm malody JN.ght kght? 4 Kingalay iota 5 Bad lighting? • Pam W cater 7 X fating? • Got a /afO • Do# 10 Inctla 11 "tola a" aciraii Sua 17 Day b/aah 1* Appo mattoi leuta 22 Noth 21 Mota. to Solution Urn# 24 mint. Vtttofdty’t tntwor 12*S Manual 74 Fututa w« 25 Plan si CMxnn 76 Wasi tub|act 27 Cotlaa vassal 26 "Osa moods — Fotavat* 26 Nofhmg 31 Ctaalot M 1975 Wm. *— Aflat noon" 15 Play tfumpal 36 Chignon 37 Gonlusad 36 Sfoat Phi 40 Sioca 41 Taans aflat school macca 42 Acltass Satan son 43Slr*a btaakat 44 Calfcat 45 Not lat" 46 Takas oft 46 Mrs Edd» Carnot