Wrestlers finish 22nd in tourney While conference opponents Arizona State and Oregon Slate looked sharp, the Oregon wres tling team could only muster a 22nd place in the 32-team bis Vegas Hall ol lame Wrestling Invitational Chris Jensen, a junior transfer from Notre Dame, was the onlv Oregon wrestler to plat e In the tournament Jensen took sev enth place In the UB-pound class by defeating Kandy Zolnur of Ontral Oklahoma Wrestling much Ron Finley said he was disappointed with Oregon's low placing in the tournament, "We could have done hot ter, " Finley said We had a lot of close matches, hut 1 think we ll continue to improve That's why we go to the tough tournaments, so our wrestlers can fate some tough compote lion." i'lntoy also said tin- loom was hamper™! by thr l*n k of a wros tier in lhe 150-pound division and Mat Sprague's failure to make his 107-pnund weight limit Arizona State won the tour nament. and defending Pacific 10 Conference champion Ore gon State took fourth place Or egon will meet Oregon State on Saturday at Oil! Coliseum for its Pac-10 dual-meet opener Ducks at 1 -4 after loss Pacific beat the Oregon men’s basketball team BO-tiH Saturday for the Ducks' fourth straight loss Oregon was never really In the game, shooting 3# percent from the field and hitting only six of 21 three-pointers Duck guard Antoine Stoudnmlre scored 22 and was the game's load ing scorer, but ho got little help from his teammates Oregon starting forwards Aaron Johnson and Jeff Potter com bined for only two points and six rebounds Pacific started the game by Jumping out on an 18-2 run. The loss drop|M*d Oregon to 1-4 on the season The Ducks re turn home for a game Wednesday against AlaskaTairbanks at McArthur Court M °*kl Bolle' eY AND MORE... eeoes "REFLECTION IS OUR BUSINESS" One of the Largest Selections in the Northwest 524 Valley River Center 345-9437 Purchase any Cliippendale item and have it personally autographed by a Chippendale' TOMORROW December 8, 1-4 p.m. Planning lata nights for finals? Chock out who's OPEN LffTE in tha ODE Dacambar 8th. We'll Pay You 60% or THE NEW STUDENT PRICE For Books We Need For Winter Term! At Qyr Ma8n Store Dec 9-19 Regular Hours mm location Dec 14 - 17 8:30 - 5:30 Dec 18 8:30 • 3:00 Candy ! Ill . SiiiF Fast, Computerized Service I .ttli & Kincaid • 346-4331 • M-Sat