10% OFF ANYTHING AT [ IN THE STORE Regular | or »ale " Price I I POSTERS CONVERSE DR MARTENS 57 W Broadway and 957 Willamette Downtown Mall VANS VISION LA GEAR I I J EMU RECREATION CENTER CAMPUS LOST AND FOUND SALE! • Umbrellas • Coats • Sweaters •Gloves/Hats * Boob • Misc. Goodies 32, Great Bargins-Nothing over $3.00! Dead Week Dec. 7th & 8th 9-5pm _ CASH ONLY IbVWarr We’ve Got It All! Come in for a Winter Tune-Up 485-8226 1917 I ranklm Blvd. QUESTION: What’s your version of hell? “Black vinyl pseudo decora tions every where, and neon spandex on professors Every day fits into Finals Week." BRYAN WESTBY senior. journalisrrVpoly sci “Being locked in the dorms - always loud and hot. It's like living in a shoe box; there is no priva cy, and everyone is annoying." RICHARD MITCHELL freshman, math/architecture "Having a room mate who listens to country music." AMY FRAZEE freshman, psychology "One hundred angry j birds ! pecking out my eyes with j Barry Manilow playing 24 hours a day at high speed.” KRISTIN McMAHON freshman, undeclared ‘I've been through hell - it was like four walls, lotsj ot stress and no cof fee." BRiTTA WELLER freshman, architecture "There would be drafting tables and trac ing paper all over the place. Lots of death and destruction. Dead Week is hell week.” TYLER CARLSON master’s, architecture ET ALS Mm iv Anthropology Orpartmrnl I *t* I>r Unimtd^ (jMinwIwr ( it>l« *nd l>«-#n of Siudrnl* Oft or t^vhian bsu!>uil » >*t' t .!ri j> 11 M>ui V r. • What o p m at the Kofftont* lluntaniltri < win < at! »4»» fMl! Hoard «< (hm lor* numu today at 4 10 pm ;n the KMt‘ Hoard Room hor mun> inlatmiunn i ail J4A 1720 !)«|)4(Imi’nl of RuHianiD I anKua^rt iloakoi Co • «I (iuliBf t*l proton(ft ' Immigrant C intubation to the luiiutv" today *t IJMUm tn Room KM A All*'n 1 hr Si tom r f ti Imn Kradin^ (irnup morn today a» "* p m in K «mrnl Vmir Iniplv.rt* SlulU VV •■?* t -day ft<>rn u> io 4 pm in Room 221 Hundr:< k% for mor* information, go to Room 244 Hirmlnrk* Deadline lot *uhrnitung Kt Ail to tbn hmerald front du*k. KMl Suit*? UK), i« noon the day huf >re public ation Th# m-vti editor due* not fuve 4 um« raac bine Kt AI» run the day of the event union the ovum take* plat e before noon \ itn o» • l event* with a donation or j.1 mu»i iin charge will not he accepted (<*mpu» Mvn a %[*#-*> ji jildhti- hau% POW! Put the power of Oregon Daily Emerald advertising to work for you. Call 346-3712. RESUMES * Give vour resume a proiessional look, by having it typeset at Letter Perfect Graphics. Suite 300 EMU. 346-4381 9-5 Mon-Fri Pall Phots Heals! Opticolor Film 135/24* 10OASA One Day 4“ Reprints 290“ lues 1-Hr Photo 2nd Set 4“ Prints 990 Weds Overnight 2"° Set 3’ Prints & Opticolor Film 135/24* 100ASA 1 99 _tm_ft UNIVERSITY OF ORECON ♦*********»»★★*♦ WUNDERLAND , Slh STREET VIDEO ^B.L'C_MAflKET GAMts 683-8464 i X < VIDEO ADVENTURE MjZr-.^.--.r.zn Him w VALLEY RIVER PLAZA j *0*S\l US* 't« •^vvwvvvvwV; I SELF SERVICE COPIES N3 Ike Copy Sl»|> Open Mon-Fri 8-7 Sat 10-4 SnAwon PiVf«son & r«ry • Hyrt on tSti 485-6253 EVERY DAY '0