OPINION Student union forums open to all people, even ‘whiteys’ OK. lot's review the defini tion of a forum, shall wo A forum, according to Webster's New World Diction ary, is "an assembly, program, etc for the discussion of public matters." Especially note the use of an important word in that defini tion: "public." Last week, an Asian- and I’a ciflc-American Student Union member gave one of my report ers a flier about an Asian/Black Relations Forum. Silly me. I ac tually thought I was a member of the public. I also thought the groups who sponsored the fo rum would appreciate a story about it It) inform people who couldn’t attend Boy, was I wrong. Before the so-called forum, Mike Kim, a Korean Student Association co director. said he intentionally did not inform the media lie cause he wanted a selective group of people to attend To keep the group selective, Kim circulated the fliers only among Black Student Union, Korean Student Association and APASU members. Kim ap parently didn't think about the Asian-Americans and African Americans not associated with these groups who might want to attend. A Chinese-American woman said she attended the forum lie cause she believed it would be a "safe place” (or her to voice her concerns She said she felt uncomfortable with me in the room. Apparently this woman didn’t know a forum is a public: meeting If she wanted a "safe place,” she should have stayed home In bed with her door locked Yes. 1 do admit I'm a member of the media Rut that doesn't mean I'm a psychotic maniac just waiting to gun her down I reassured the1 woman I would not quote her if she didn't feel comfortable being quoted. But this was not good enough for her She suggested a vote on whether they would let me stay I was hoping the vote would not be in my favor If they had voted that I should leave, I would have made It very clear to them that I wasn't about to budge an inch. But alas, the vote was a tie and Kim, bless his heart, was kind enough to let me stav. Tim Gleason, a journalism as sociate professor who teaches Mass Media Law. said the three student groups were not break ing any open-meetings law in attempting to close the forum However, “it violates the spirit of an open forum to not let a re porter attend," he said Although those at the forum didn't violate a state or city law. ASIJO President Bobby Lee said they did violate the ASUO Constitution by attempt ing to oust me "They can't do that," Lee said ''The groups are paid by incidental fees A forum is gen erally for anyone who wants to come, and 1 stand by that It's a different story if those groups want to meet at some liar, hut il they want to utilize University facilities, you can't exclude someone bused on race or asso ciation The ASUO Constitution con firms what Lee said. "The ASUO affirms the rigiit to ail individuals to equal op portunity in education, em ployment and act ess to inci dental fee-funded programs and their funded activities, without regard to race or any other Yes, I do admit Vm a member of the media. But that doesn't mean lfm a psychotic maniac just waiting to gun her down. considerations not directly and substantially related to offer live participation." says ASUO Kx ocutivn Kult! H'2 2 The only exception to this rule, Leo said, would hr if I vs,is considered a "threat io some one's life " As I mentioned ear her. I don't carry any weapons The only sharp objects I carry are pens Ironically, half of the people .it (hr inerting w,intuit to keep run out so they would foci com fortable How comfortable. 1 wonder, will they feel when they realize people are reading about their disregard for ASUO guidelines The woman who lirst sug gested I leave did not redeem herself during the rest of the meeting She referred to while people as vvhtleys, which spurred >i halt-hour discussion on her use of the term Most people at the meeting found thi’ term "whlteys" to he incredibly rai 1st The woman's reasoning was people have been using the term for veers Well, some people somewhere probably still use derogatory terms aimed at AfrU an-Ameri cans and Aslan-Amertcans One Korean American male said the way to end M( w;i Is for all rai es to work together And yes. I believe he even meant white people or should I say "whlteys." Tammy Uahty is an associate I'dllor lor Ihr Kitiorald 136E 11th • (near Willamette) 342-3358 Must be 21 or Over Monday tv. - $3 fitmi line K .aiiifui ttif ul < K%wy,u Vic Chcsnult jf«t bunt «»££> faifsrnr Steve Ibach Tuesday ih. « $3 Boogie Patrol Express Roger Nusic Big Macca Wednesdays Sowbelly l>k» giants Music Starts at 10pm Mon-Sat Music starts at 8pm Sundays ¥ Take your best shot I Mli K» ( KIsATlON ( 1 M l r «H8AUL limMAMTlT MONDAY DLCLMDLM /IMJVD.: A1 Ol’H -IIAM!* WTIj? 1MJUTU5 All Mill UV»1‘. Ml W)l}
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