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Visit our new center MO West Bih, Downtown Eugene Ticket sales slow for bowl trip By Erick Studenicka rmeragj Sports Reporter In 1989. wllh the Oregon football learn appear ing in its first postseason game In 26 years, Sun rise Travel of Eugene solif 60 Independence Howl travel par kages In 1992, with Iho Ducks appearing in their third howl game in four years, the agent v has sold only 20 travel par kages "There is no! -is mui h Interest in the howl game tills year," said Sunrise travel agent Sara Wolf "People aren't as enthusiastic this time around Wolf said there were a numlrer of reasons lor the slow sales of the bowl packages "The game is -It a hud time for some people, right after Christmas, Wolf s.nd "Plus, a lot of people just don't want to spend New Year's in Shreveport Wolf also said increased airfare has made the pat kages nun h more expensive than they were in mwj "In lotto, airfare to Shreveport was $276 Now the flight tosls $406." Wolf said "Money's a lot tighter these days Sales are also slow at Rod Baron Travel, which has organized a charter flight from Eugene to Shreveport in conjunction with three other Eu gene travel agencies "We have spar e for 124 passengers, and we’ve sold 60 seats," said Red Huron representative Bill Davis "Interest in this game is way down, il doesn't even compare to 1969 ” Travel packages range in prior from S528 to S725, hut some pur kages do not include costs sw fi us game tickets, insurance and transfers. An Indejientient.T Howl tic ket costs $10 Red Huron's package includes extras such as a pre-game rally and a Now Year's Eve party. Athletic department ticket office manager Hunt Molsupple said the office has sold between 900 and 1.000 orders for tickets to date "Ticket sales are fine, really," Holsupple said "The two years are not comparable because in 19H9 the guine was played on Dr* 16. which The game is at a bad time for some people, right after Christmas. Plus, a lot of people Just don*t want to spend New Year's in Shreveport Sara Wolf. Sunrise travel agent meant th»l people only hud two weeks to pur chase tickets I think people are still finalizing their travel plans this year, so sales should in crease in the upcoming weeks " Margaret l-'cller, assistant manager of the athlet ic. department tic ket office, said it is too early to estimate final ticket sale totals Over the-wlndcnv sales of tickets won't begin until Die 15." Feller said "Until then, we are taking orders lor tickets. A person c an order their ticket now, and then pick the ticket up later " idler said that souvenir tickets could also boost total sales For the- S30 face value of a tick et. a person can receive a souvenir ticket from tile game and allow the seat to lie used by a needy child from the Shreveport area. Holsapple said the athletic department would be pleased if tic ket sales approached the numbers reached in when more than 5,(K)0 support ers made the trip to Shreveport As part of its Independence Bowl agreement this year, the University has purchased it.140 tickets. Wolf fore sees the Oregon booster contingent this year being much smaller than the group that made the trip in 1080, falling fall short of the 5,000 people hoped for by the athletic depart ment "The way sales have been going, I'd say at the most 2.000 to 3,000 people might make the trip," Wolf said Solutions from your Apple Campus Reseller The holiday gift you can really use. > Tell your folks that more college i students choose Macintosh than 7 any other computer. They’d want you to be in good company. 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