Assassins jtX hit the STAGE Story by Photos by D. Lee Williams Michael Shindler Grown poop It! running through sills situations and singing even sillier siin^s Entertaining but empty head c«I | hr waste product of thi' «• I»t<• If this is what you think of musicals, then Assassins. the current University Theatre pro duction ol the latest Stephen Sondheim work, will lake a well aimed shot to your head, open your mind and altogether blow away your for mer opinion, "Despite its political context. Assassins is essentially concerned with the human need for self-respect " Robert Urhinati. a graduate theatre major from New York City and the show's dins tor, said, adding that by exploring the lives of fastmating characters with poignancy and mordant humor, the play shows how deep alienation can cut While this is true, the tuning of the prrxiui tinn t ant he ignored Placed per fit tly after an election and before an inauguration. Assassins plays in the Arena Theatre at H tonight and Saturday night and then resumes for evening perfurmant es Det It-1Sunday matinees will be held Dtx (> and 1 I Assassins, you see. IS a musn at revue of killers Its 17 scenes are based on the lives of nine of the 13 people who have attempted or succeeded in killing the President of the United States It's a glorious parade of American history's Most Unwanted The play is funny, moving and frightening, and Urlnnati's i aM and crow arc so convincing you'll think you've stumbled Sherman-like into Mr Peals>dv's time machine Assassins, wtiu h ran in New York in 1'i‘it and is currently running in London, features scathing satirical songs hv Sondheim, who won the 1’ulitzor Prize for ''.Sunday In The Park With Cleorge" and put the Oscar-winning song "Sooner Or Later" m Madonna's mouth Based on a luting book by John VYeidman. the play has little concern for the "hows’ of each assassination ittempt Instead. VVeidrnan wisely Incuses on the "whys" behind the tries The most famous assassins John Wilkes Booth. John.Hinckley. |r , (diaries Ouiteau. and Lee Harvey Oswald are opened up hril liantly hv Jeff Whilty. Bryce Britton. Dave Sikula. and Justin (iuadagni, respectively. And the near-infamous are equally exposed Brooke Totman as ".Squeaky" F'romme is a hippy masterpiece Sharing a )oint and a buck et of KKI, sin- and fellow wannabe Ford assas sin Sara lane Moore swap funny and i heesy memories of ( diarlie Manson. Kate Donovan is perfect as Moore, right down to her 1‘J70s pantv lines She is the harried housewife try ing to schedule an assassination in between mall stops and PTA meetings Donovan has a natural, fumbling flair for physical and facial gestures Charlie Bradshaw as McKinley's killer and Kristopher Cochran as Roosevelt's would-be assassin bring to life ail the pent-up emotions of their misfit proletariat assassins David Brooks is eerily excellent as Sam Bvi k, and in his killer Santa suit he moves from frustration and humor to fear and anger with frightening ease. We believe Byck really will crash a plane into Nixon’s White House The University theatre presents Assassins, an audacious new musical revue ot people who have killed or attempted to kill United States Presidents, in the Arena Theatre through Dec 13 The cast of Assassins includes: Charlie Bradshaw, Bryce Britton, David Brooks. Kristopher Cochran. Kate Donovan. Justin Guadagm. Brooke Totman and Jeff Whitty These actors have the more difficult job of bringing understanding t< uncelebrated assas sins, and they succeed In fact, every cast member is chillingly right for their role, not only looking and sounding their parts hut "feeling” their parts as well. The actors seem to take great pleasure in their anti-hero roles. Thev see the play for what it is a dark cele bration of man's creepy curiosity the same curiosity that eases our foot to the brakepad as we pass .1 roadside accident We are scared .mil repulsed but we watch We want to know them because "them” could have been “us " Hut in no way is Assassins dreary or down Credit the musical numbers (musical direction by Dennis Davenport and choreography by Rachel Waite) for boldly going where no musi cal has gone before. Songs like "Another National Anthem" with the assassins ask ing "Where's my prize?" defy being simple minded ditties This is acid-tongued satire dubbed effectively in'o snTe-a nvn folktunes and showstopping revivalist hymns Sikula. who plays (iarfield's killer, is espe cially good singing "Look on the bright side as his execution noose hangs before him The number is a great musical dis on Annie's sick ly sweet “Tomorrow. Tomorrow " And Hinckley serenading his It X 10 glossy of Jodie Foster will shoot a i hill (unrelated to the cold theatre) up your spine Justin Stafford as the Balladeer does a great job of stringing the scenes together by song, but Whitty as Booth hits the musical high, and seems to have a vocal range that, if pushed, would send Michael Crawford packing back to "Star Search" semifinals And "Everybody’s Cot The Right," a song which could've boon gun control preachy, is not The songs and book are more complex than cause-of-the-moment politics This is good theatre, not bad Murphy Brown. Proof of the play's 11implexit) ionics near the cm), when Booth confronts Oswald This tight scene brings Kennedy's death bat k to the nsu liable, hum,in level, virtually erasing Oliver Stone's grand and mythic It'k leff (look's set design is oddly fitting not bright stars and stripes, but subdued layers of frumpy flags, apparently sewn by a badly I'MS ing Betsy Ross Deanna Sorenson s cos tumes have the same incongruity bright colors cover the happy bystanders who are lucky enough to glimpse the shot at Roosevelt And the lighting by Molly hness makes sense, too the sets art* bathed in lots of American Dream gold All in all. Urhinati's production makes a lug impression from its lillle stage And lor this reason, Assassin* must he seen It is that rare theatrical thing a musical with a mind And a musical with a mind is a terrible thing to waste FREE FRIES I rrt large try w/ large pits her or tree- small frv with vmall pitcher of ynur favorite Ix-vcrage Monday thru Iriday 4pm to 7pm “lit U&1&. wilii ,o Puc* HSi I JSI l ■till • t-i2 2*’-41 Nc»t kank.>» BUY & SELL 1 NEW & USED CD'S, IP'S, & ^CASSETTES $ Mother Kali's Books “Celebrating Women's Lives" Presents: Kathleen AlcalA reading from Mrs. Vargas and the Dead Naturalist Dec. 12 • 8pm WCA ASL Now Open Sunday Afternoons til X-mas (12-5pm). Free Parking. 2 blocks East of Agate. 2001 Franklin • 343-4864 A famous shopper stz... "I get my gifts jnm IXCL ...It doesn't hut* to lx dirty to bt good “ VIDEOS • TOYS • GIFTS »*' NEW! "NAS-T-Shirts" Gift Certificates Available ScT 1 166 S. 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