( hegorx l \uiv lmer,dji U eehh Mini.. I hater. l\t>u.e. Miw, V uL'o ittul S'tghtlife (luuie Music Friday, December 4 InttrmtionAf Anthtm .eaectc rock’ j! 'h# EMU Beer Garden Do A W ’»pm Wednesday, December 9 Big Mountain (reggae; a! Good 1 imes 9 30 pm Sowbelly al rockj at John Henry* 10 pm Kristen HalVMart Wan acoustic) at Taylor* 9 pm Thursday, December 10 Peclie Rim Gamelan a 16-p»ce orchestra ol metal «yb prunes gongs and Ours n UO Bean Concert Hal 8 pm Chubby Carrier and the Bayou Seramp Band hydeco rock) at Good T enes 9 30 pm the Strangers .rocHobi al Taylor's 9 pm Black Roses-reggae) at John Henry's 10 pm The Samples reggae rtkienced rock) at the WOW run 8 X pm Miscellaneous WTMPROV lour haanena eomen erth a knack lor imprwv utcnai comedy eil have you roarmg w*h iaugner al Ihe WOW Hal Dec Sallpm |7r advance S9 at the Door Tr* WOW Hal s bested at the comer otemand Lincoln Hummu a dMn# mu$caJ cowil t* prw*m*<3 Dac $ and 6 a? 2 30 p m {$8) and Dec 17 )6 I9ai8pm $10> it MauO* Kens Art Carte/ locaied al 1910 E 1 Scf> Av* A Vortw Theatre production Mudhoney a favorite Seattle grunge band performed Tuesday in the F MU Ballroom - m MUDHONEY Madness S.V.r; ''v Carrie Fenelon /Vii»r,) />y Michael Shindler Tracking the Latest - ice Cube The Predator Priority Records, inc 1992 Ice Cube is still ‘‘••••in' the police ” And this time they have names — Koon. Powell, Briseno and Wind, the Los An geles officers acquitted in beating motorist Rodney King If any one person benefited from the whole affair, it may be IceCube. The event plays a big role in his new album The Predator, helping him tran scend the label of “gansta" rap that he had been stuck with since his days with N.W.A. Cube has even moved past the whole rap ‘‘sound.” Predator is not just the same ‘ol sampled beats — it’s new and (Minister Farrakhan forbid) musical The album, his first since 1991 ‘s Death Certificate, is a pissed-off Cube at his (jest He has never been one to avoid lolling people what he thinks, hut never have polities and the social system played such a role on his albums until Predator ()n previous albums - and especially with N.W.A. Cube was more interested in telling how he would like to shoot down those he didn't like or Review by Jake Berg r¥ Iury and the four polk <• officers that it ai quitted in the king heating But the bottom line is his message that the system doesn't work (Tightin' with the beast/No jus ti( e, no peace," he raps during the title track.) In "We had to Tear This Up." a song that sounds like it was written right after the what he would like to do with the neigh bor girl This has definitely been (lube's appeal to rap fans, hut those who listen to Pnrdntor should not he disappointed Intermittently placed throughout the album are threats toward the Sum Valley King verdict, (.iiliii warns. When the news gets to the "hood/The niggas will be/ Hotter than i ayenne pepper." The following track - 'Em" — Turn to PREDATOR. Page 8