Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 04, 1992, Page 4, Image 4

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Anti-violence vigil to take place
By T iff any Woods
irrxiratd Contributor
Throe years ago Saturday, a
man walked into the University
of Mo n t r a a I' s engineering
school carrying a .223-caliber
semiautomatic rifle and wont
on an anti-feminist killing ram
Shouting. "You’re just a
hunch of feminists." Mark
Lupine killed 14 women,
wounded 13 men and women
and then killed himself
To prevent that and other
acts of violence against women
from being forgotten, the Uni
versity Women's Center will
have a candlelight vigil in the
EMU Courtyard today at S p m
with a subsequent gathering at
Willamette Hull.
"It's time for women to em
power each other and to re
member that those voices were
silent ed." said Wendy Curran,
a former co-director at the
Women's Center "Violence
against women is a reality."
Curran said Willamette Hall
was selected because the mas
sacre. which took place in a tra
ditionally male-dominated de
partment. wus viewed as an at
tack on women entering those
.Suit Dookstader. an intern at
the ASUO, said it is important
to remember the massacre be
cause it is a reminder that vio
lence against women is an all
too common occurrence.
"We need to acknowledge
that there is a silent war that is
being waged against women.'
Dockstader said
Dockstader said Friday's vigil
will validate the existence of
this "silent war" and remind
people women are still fighting
to survive.
"We must remember that
women are survivors," she
said. "Surviving is an act of re
sistance. and being a woman in.
this world is an act of resist
ance, ”
Sean Foxlcy. director of Men
Against Rape, said he hopes the
vigil will raise consciousness
and initiate action.
“The vigil brings the issue up
again and might spark people
to get involved." he said “It
will cause people to reflect and
to stir their emotions so they
will rekindle something that
may have been dormant in
their minds.”
Curran, however, said she
hopes this tribute will give men
and women u chant* to discuss
violence against women and to
acknowledge their own experi
ences in an open forum.
“Violence against women is a
never-ending cycle until you
take a pro-active stance.'' she
said. “We shouldn't easily for
Continued from Page 1
convenes in January, would prohibit slates from
implementing aerial hunting without a selontid
eally hast si wildlife managimiont plan
DoFazio said he ha* boon in touch with mem
bers of President-elect Bill Clinton's transition
team, and they have indicated Clinton's support
for DeF'az.lo’s proposal
DcFuzia dries not, however, have the support of
Alaskan Cov Walter Hickel DoFazio also antici
pates opposition to his forthcoming legislation
from Kopubllcan Don Young, Alaska's lone repre
sentative in Congress.
Jim Manly, Hlckel's press secretary, said he was
not aware of DeFazio's pending legislation and
was hesitant to comment on it But he said he ex
ports that "we ll do what we can to oppose it.’*
Manly said he is not pleased with the idea of
national legislation regarding a state issue.
■'You folks down there in Oregon probably
know what it's like to have Congressional man
dates tell you what you can and can't do," Manly
The issue came to light nationally when the
/Vetv York Tinios published an article in Novem
ber. which. Manly said, distorted the fact*
"The plan also puts a lot of land Into an area
where no hunting will lx; allowed,” Manly said.
"Now, there will likely be fewer wolves killed
than under the old rules of hunting."
Manly said the decision was made by the game
(ward because the herds of caribou have been sig
nificantly reduced. The plan will be reviewed by
the Alaska Department of Law before taking ef
fect If and when the proposal gets to the lieuten
ant governor's office for signing. Manly said, a :J0
day waiting poriod is mandatory after signing.
On hand at DeFazio's press conference was Va
lerie Brown, a University law student and mem
ber of a citizens panel appointed in 1989 by Alas
ka's Department of Fish and Game to study wolf
populations. The team's work ended last year
with recommendations to the department, which.
Brown said, wore not followed
Brown said the moose and caribou population
is high enough in some areus of the state to be
"on the brink on what the land can sustain."
A similar attempt in Alaska in 1982 to make
aerial wolf hunting legal resulted in strong oppo
sition. Brown said Manly acknowledged re
sponse this time around has been "thick and furi
A local rally against aerial wolf hunting is
planned for noon on Saturday. Dec 12 at Eu
gene's Federal Building plaza, 211 E 7th Avu
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