EDITORIAL Newly-elected women should follow through Women are coming to the U.S. Senate, and busi ness as usual will soon be a thing of the past. Right? Wrong. The good-ol’-boys art; now good-ol'-girls. playing the some political games as their testosterone-driven counterparts. One of the primary reasons women were successful during this past election was the glaring sexism of the Senate, as exemplified by the Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas hearings. Many people believed if a woman had been on the Senate Judiciary Committee. Thomas would not have been appointed to the Supreme Court, ana rim wuuiu uuvu uu*;u troattMl with more respect and less contempt. In fact. Illinois Sena tor-elect Carol Moseley *Braun began her quest for the Senate after being an gored by the behavior of many of the senators on the committee. Through out their campaigns. Cali fornia senators-elect Di Now that they've been elected, the senators-elect have turned their backs on the Judiciary committee. unne remstein and Barbara Huxer campaigned more against the hearings than against their opponents. But now that they've been elected, the senators elect have turned their backs on the judiciary commit tee. Instead of putting their money where their mouths are. the senators-elect want to put their mouths where the money is. They want to serve on funding commit tees. such as appropriations and ways and means. It's not that no one wants them on the judiciary committer!. Senator Joseph Biden. chairman of the judi ciary committee, has been actively pursuing the wom en for committee seats, but they have all declined. Considering that the next appointee to the Su preme Court may be called upon to vote on Hoe vs. Wade, or similar li!gislution, it is inconceivable that no woman wants to sit on the committee that will evaluate that nominee. Women across the nation considered the election of Braun and others as a milestone in getting equal rep resentation in the IJ.S. government. Instead, the newly elected women senators seem to lx: turning their backs on the hopes of women across the country. Of course, money is when? the power lies, and it should be of no surprise that politicians tend to grave tale around the color green. As for now. it seems the women senators have forgotten the judiciary commit tee. and we can expect the continuation of business as usual. LETTERS POLICY The Oregon Daily Emerald will attempt to print all letters containing comments on topics of interest to the University community. Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than 250 words, legible, signed and the identification of the writer must Ik; verified when the letter is submitted. Oregon Daily Emerald PO BO* J'S3 LOGIN! OREGON The Oregon 0a»fy I merald * published 0«'*y Monday through f "day dunng !he school year end Tuesday end Thursday during tne lumen* by the Dragon Dady t. meraW Putverung Co Inc .at the University of Oregon. I ugene Oregon The f tnarwtt operate* independently oi the UrWverMty ofio» a! Sofia XX) of the Eft) Memorial union and a a member of the Asvoc waled Pres* The ( maraai % privet' property The unlawful removal or use of paper* <* prosecutable by law Near* Editor Editortal Editor Graphic a Editor Entertainment Editor Editor Pal Maiac* JaK« Berg f reelance Editor Man n f eher l daortal Editor Jeff Pas lay Sports Editor f 'wya Morn Supplements Edaor Nght Edaor Pa! I Mope Neoison River* Janssen Dave Charbonneau CoMey Anderson Associate Editors Tammy Raley Sluder* Geggy McG*nn AManager Barry logon. Sharon Sauve Susan Updegraff Distribution Rebecca R'ooas. Km> Van Gordon Anthony Wynn Business Kaihy Carbone. SiJpfvmOr Judy Conrx»y Production IngrxJ :• fVcdurton Caard*na4c>r Krishna Granger Dee McCobO. S:acy Mil chad. Jennifer Roland Jenn .4* Smith Anne Stephenson Daraiyn Trappo Newsroom 346-5511 Display Advertising 346-3712 Bustoses Office 346-5512 CIssadied Advertising 346-4343 r.../\hb, xr zs absolutely IMP£-«ATXuC THAT u/£ Put A lAtOHAN , AKlY \fijQMA\J 3 0^ Twe senate: TunrcTARy cohmxtt£e: 11 J I S’FNATE’J * 1 & XJ A&CL'jTELY XJVp^eATXUf ' THAT WjC PUTA WOMA/l)A^y' j, ‘AjOtyAiV UuT MC, oAJ T/V£ f St mate tu dx cxAjiy CoHr-ixrT££ / ^ I • • ‘ V Il •N* (Senate MCETIVC? C ’mon Bob ll is my opinion that Sen. Hob I’iii kwood, R-Ore , should resign his office Puck wood is representing the people of Ore gon on issues lliiil affect the res idents ol our state I f«*»*I tluit if lawmakers cannot set a good example for their constituents to follow, then they must relin quish their power The (loud of controversy sur rounding Packwood extends further than flirting with female co-workers Mis statements that try to shift the hlame of his con duct on fits abuse of alcohol are the most disturbing The senator will inevitably he less effective in Washington on the account of his tarnished reputation The citizens of Ore gon who campaigned on hts be half as well as the citizens that tried to prevent him from being elected are all victims The hardest-hit victims are the women's groups that en dorsed his campaign. Oregon is in enough trouble without bear ing the image of a man who in - timidates women in the work place. The United Stales is strug gling to get out of the dark ages and away from compromising women's integrity. Packwood is now trying to improve his pub lic image by drying out in an al cohol rehab clinic and will probably try to convince the people of Oregon that he was a victim of liquor. C'mon Bob. who ya kiddin'! Tim Ovarstreot Business Pay for nothing As art entering freshman this year, I was asked to prove I had met certain measles require ments, among them two mea sles shots 1 went to the Student Health Center by the University's deadline, displayed my immu nization records and received assurances from two nurses that I would have no problems registering for winter term classes When I tried to register eight days luter, the computer in formed mo the health center had placed a hold on my regis tration It was t>:30 p m . the heulth ermter was closed, and I was left to deal with a problem I hadn't caused The next morning, the health center told me rny file had sim ply gotten lost, and if I hadn't waited so long to show them my records. I would have avoided this hassle. So 15 hours after my scheduled time, l was allowed to register, I was made to feel like it was my fault, yet l had met all re quirements I am still extremely angry, for 1 pay more than S11,000 a year to attend a uni versity thut won't let me regis ter While I consider it a true privilege to In; here. 1 expect a lot less bureaucracy and a lot mow organization I'm paying for it. Kelli Congelll Pre-Journalism Bitch and moan I was shocked and disgusted by the opinion piece written by Emerald editor Pat Malach that ran Doc. 1 The point is, I was appalled that someone in his position would dare act use any student of this university — or tins community of writing a real ly crapy letter to this "publica tion." The question that needs to be asked here (I think) is so what? So what if some freaks with a Mac and nothing else better to do want to mispel a word or too? So what if they're word us age is a bit off? Are you perfect, Pat? The point is. you're not? You're not exactly Jackie Col lins. you know. Do you really think you have the moral au thority to proofread our letters like some fifth-grade English teacher? Ami what about "The Cathlolc Issue"; has the Cam pus Crusade for Christ hoard about this, or are they just Bap tist Bible thumpers? The point is, we have rights. We can write what ever the hell we want It is our Cod given right to write stupid (and long) letters So what if our facts aren't always straight? Haven’t you over heard of the Third Amendment? Anyway, the point is I know where you live 1 know where you work 1 know where you get your hair cut So watch out, Malach, our I may just redirect a L)C-7 over your house Kevin Tripp Stall Writer Oregon Voice More semantics 1 am extremely concerned alxrul I’at Malach's reaction to the reader who complained about "bigotry against Ca tholicism” [ODE. Dec. 2). In his reaction, he wrote the phrase "latent Catholic bigot ry?" I’at, what you meant to write was latent unfi-Catholic bigotry Catholic bigotry refers to any bigotry Catholics would have against others, not vice versa. To gain a clearer under standing of this, try looking the word up in a dictionary, or maybe examine other adjec tive/noun pairs — for instance, "editorial arrogance" or "jour nalistic silliness " Oh yeah, one other complete ly different thing I'd like to ex press thanks for the advice I’at, but please remember. “The right to be heard does not in clude the right to be taken seri ously." Fred 0. Roellig History