HOLIDAY MARKET ENTERTAINMENT SCHEDULE Friday, November 27 Id W UK AD PARSHAL! I Creative kcsboanl carols hrrln 11 00 KRISTIN INGRAM Classic tales for kwh of all age* Auditorium I .TOO TOM INTONDl "Inspirational uplift to spare " Village Voice Auditorium 1215 VIRGINIA COIII \ Insightful original songs H her In 12: Wi PATRICK 1)01)1) Uncompromising social comm .-mars Courtsurd I 15 VIRGINIA Com N lSee 12 I A) Auditor mm 1 WIGl.I NN l At.KI NBt R(. Celtic harp A hammered duk iitier W herler 2 00 JOHN SIS IT) & Mil Hilts JlINKITS Red hot blues ( Cur ton d 2J0G1 I NN TAI Kl NHI HG iVr I 501 Auditorium 2 45 JOHN ROMAN Inspired original music M lurrlrr t 45 LOST WII LV Eclectic Celtic A songs of the sea Auditorium 4 15 BOB PARKER Avant garde folk musician W hrrlrr 5 (Ml PA 1 RICK IX)I)I) iSee 12 JO) Auditorium Saturday, November 28 10: W LEW RISING St N Oceana elcclm/acoustic dulcimer Wheeler I 1:00 JEET DEFTY I "Ik. lairs ami audience participation clones Auditorium 12:00 Al Ol IA Classical ami romantic music on I hue ami guitar Auditorium 12:15 TRt'MAN PRICI Songs of the frontier R heeler 12 K> SI I VI. IBACH Classics ol roe k & roll ('ourtyard I I5 1 W<) GAI III R Original music lor personal growth Auditorium 1 WRITER I MOM AS Classical and original guitar music W heeler 2:00 UNSHAKABLE RACE Reggae leased dance music Courtyard 2 W WALKER r RYAN Coin do sen a ness road bye bye blues Auditor non 2:45 TWO GATHER (See I 15) It hrrlrr I 45 SLAVEJ Balkan dance music Auditorium 4 15 WALKER T RYAN (See 2 W) It heeler 5 (X) I RIDOR Refreshing harmonies m folk music Auditorium Sunday, November 29 10 to BEN FARRELL Holiday favorites on piano H heeler 11 00 Cl.AIR COINER Favorite simp A sing a longs Auditorturn 12:00 NOAH MARTIN Twelve siring originals Auditorium 12 15 JANET NAYLOR Wire strung Celtic harp H heeler 12 W> ROBERT PASLAY -Eclccttc all-American music Courtyard 1:15 JANET NAYLOR K ADAMS Ja//guitar & ethnic music B heeler 2:00 MAD FARMERS -Your favorite alro-ja// grass harxl Courtyard 2 U) DAVID Ol ELI I TIT. Folksinger / songwriter Auditorium 2:45 LOVIN' FRIENDS Oldtimc music to make sour spirit ilancc It heeler t 45 MAD FARMERS (See 2:00) Auditorium 4 15 DEBRA YVONNE Piano classics from (ienthss in to Pink Floyd B heeler 5:00 ROBERT PETERSEN Original |au guitar Auditorium Saturday, December 5 10 V) Itf I Mi l TEMPI I SI NSIIINt HAND High energy kids' gospel choir Wheel ft I I no YVC INM YOt NO I radiltonal talcs from mans cultures Auditor turn 12 00 KlJOB I I »in Risers Baptist ( hutch southern gospel ensemble A udi Ion urn 12 IA JAMBORINOS Big hand sounds (mm W illantalarte Senior ( enter IV heeler 1.1 V) St GARBIT I S High energy bloegrass Courtyard I IS I I MIRA lilt.II M HOOl I U < OMONLS J \/y ( Hi HR Directed by Stacey Sssarlhout Auditorium 1 Vl IHI TRACT VS < oniem| acoustic folk ami blues Wheeler 2:00 R(X)TS Rl Nl (-ADI S \k Mil RON 1 IPPTR1 Straight uproots reggae ( 'ourtmrd 2 VICHt RCHII.I HIOH S( HOOl I ANOINOI RS Directed by Kimberly Dcttioss Auditorium 2 45 SKIP A BYRON RAH and Ness Orleans boogie IV heeler I 45 SOI III I l (.I NI HIOH St'HCXJl IX(RIANS Directed by Jim Sicmhergcr Auditorium 4 IS SPI N( I R HI ITI MIDD1 I SCHCXVL HIGHLIGHTS Directed bs Sharon Williams H heeler 5 00 SWEET GRASS Eclectic a capped* women's quartet Auditorium Sunday, December 6 10:50 II RK\ U \(iSI R Medical mysterious llulc songs M heeler 11 on I AI.KINO B< M)KS A vaneis of Idlers and talcs Auditorium 12 00 K A l l A JOAN Obscure and popular songs Ironi die last *0 scars Auditorium 12 15 COl.l) TIIUNDTR Award winning, tool stompin' blucgrass W heelei 12 Ml BIO Bi l l Hob Tobias original lolk nsk ( ourlvurd I 15 Zl PHYR Celtic sea songs ami sing alongs Auditorium 1 M) KATI A JOAN (See 12 00) H heeler 2 (Ki Kl DANA A Iris an marimba music ssilll llulc ( ourfuird 2: Ml HI: I HIT I I MI’I 1 CHOIR Uplifting gospel music Auditorium 2 45 111)1)1 I SUCKS Violin duo H heeler 1 45 BIT I III RON SIRINO yl AR IT I Mostly classical slrtng cjuartet Auditorium 4 15 DUE NORTHWhSI Acousuc vocal quartet Wheeler 5 IK) BALLAD1NA Faisicm European dance music Auditorium r < M ISIIKOSUMNUl MI/MII » < Saturday, December 12 1(1 Ul AV I K A Original acoustic folk blues IV htclrr 11 (Hi I IN'DA I R/ Imaginative and dramatic stories Auditorium 12 dOC.RI OORY Mi l l) Eclectic folk music Auditorium I I VO WH I At ill I I Si’ll ELEMENTARY SCHOOI Hues ted In Alice Vases H lirrlrr 12 VI HOWARD l I I Ml VI ARV SCHOOI Directed b> Alice Vases It hrrlrr 12 V) Si N Rl NNI R Noah Marlin and friend* rock ( ourtwtrd I 15 FI) C’Ol.t MAN yt ARTET Swinging |u// quartet Auditorium 1 Vl Jl I I I Rst IN MIDDI I Sl HOOl CHOIR Directed bs Julie Saunders H hfrlrr 2 00 I IS A 111 LIVI I lute centered rock A roll ( oumord 2 VO TOM I EM MON Tribute to Dvlan Auditorium 2 4< St )N( iSl’INNT RS Choir of women directed bs Msrna Phillqrs it hrrlrr ' 4* till TRACI VS Contemporars acoustic folk and blues Auditorium 4 | A l lXil WOODT VI Rt .RI I N I It Ml NT ART St IKK II Directed bs ( tna Kult Wherln A 11(11 \l RA Kf Mr Original contemporary folk songs Auditorium Sunday, December 13 lu UH 11.1.0 \ HARP CHRISTMAS Christmas fasoritcs Wheeler 11 (*l R(X i| R FOUNTAIN Spectacular juggling and slulc splitting humor Auditorium 12 (XI PYRAMID BREAKFAS1 Eclectic clcctnc acoustic trio Auditorium 12 IA RICH til AUBE.R and the ITA1P1 I HI III ISRAEl SINtil RS Teslivc ll.imikk.ah songs H hrflrr 12 RICARIRBI AN SI PI RS I \RS Nil II HAND Sounds ol the sunns t urihbcun ('ourtXitrd I IN PROBl I M HI MANS Rsa and Sage sing music Irom the heans ot dysfunction Auditorium 1 t<) PYRAMID BREAKFASI iSce 12 (xii Wheekf 2:00 CRAW DADS ()l- PI RF l.OVl Purveyors of pure rock Courtyard 2 to INSPIRATIONAL. SOI ND.N Popular "Sound of Pentecost" choir Auditorium 2 4N ROBERT PASLAV Eclectic all American music W heeler 4:45 THE IN »|NTS OF JAZZ Jar/, blues and originals Auditorium 4 IN EMU Y FOX Acousuc original uplifting reviuli/ing introspective music Wheeler 5 00 STEPHEN COHEN -Unique musical creations Auditorium C ARlHftl AN SI ff* SIA*S SW J " f«nd i I l & 1*4 f in. iff V WNK.4N k Hill A.S • Saturday, December 19 I0 V!l ( MIC COHEN Folk f iddle & classical H heeler ! I 00CONSI RVATORY OF C LASSIC AL DANCE Holiday hallo! showcase Auditorium 12 (XI LR EDDY & PERNELl. Festive l jitn American music Auditorium 12 15 SOROMl Nt)l LESBIAN CHORUS OF EUGENE Spiritual, political, women s and multicultural music H heeler 12 M) CARIBBEAN SI PERSTARS STEEL BAND Sounds of die sunny Caribbean Courtyard 1:15 MAGIC REEDS -Clarinet choir Christmas carols Auditorium 1 (ii l hi DDY A FERNELl (See 12 00) W heeler 2:00 INTERNATIONA! \N I HEM F lectric folk metal fusion contusion Courtyard 2 Ul MORGAN A PH! I AN F olk songs from the heait Auditorium 2:45 THI BNATIRAIS 55 omen's a cappclla vocal ensemble B heeler ( 4SC IIKIS SORENSON A FRIENDS Modem ja/v Auditorium 4 is MORGAN .N I’HELAN tSec 2 RlI H heeler A 00 AIR \ INNII Three decades of acoustic rock & roll Auditor turn Sunday, December 20 II) til RIVER SINGS AGAIN Eclectic blend ol folk, blues and originals Wheeler 11 (Hi KNEE DEEP Vaudeville variety evtravagan/a Auditorium 12:(X) CONDOR Soul stirring musk ol the Amies Auditorium 12 15 KIDDLE MAGIC Kids pcrtorni popular fiddle tunes M heeler 12:30 MAGICK CIRCLE f olk based altcmative rock Courtyard I 15 0' CAROLAN S CONSORT -Traditional Celtic tunes Auditorium 1 50 EUGENE PEACE CHOIR Songs about peace, justice and the environment H heeler 2:00 CONDOR (See I2:UI> Courtyard 2:50 EUGENE PEACE CHOIR (Seel till Auditorium 2 45 FIDDEIN BIG SI E. t NCI I T & JOHNNY Hot hoedossn boogie W heeler 5:45 OOMPH INTERCON riNENTAl KLEZMER -Klc/mcr music with a sidessays kick' Auditorium 4 15 LOST WILLY Eclectic C eltic ami songs of the sea K heeler 5 00 THIRTY DEGREES EAST - Wide variety ol eastern European music Auditorium Monday, December 21 10 *0 MARY A IAN Favorite folk songs .tint original* II heeler 11 (Ml CHRIS I I I BRICK "The Grineh " and other holiday talc* w ith theatrical flair Auditorium 12 (Ml MARY & IAN iSee 10 M» Auditor mm 12 15 BIG HI I I Rob Tobias' original lolk rosk Wheeler 12 Ki I I Rock classic* from the 60s to the ‘Ml* ( 'ourtvurd I 15 BIG BLUE (See 12 15) Audi tonum 1 VI ROBERT PETERSEN Original I a/./ guitar W heeler 2 (Ml MANNA High energy Celtic music Courtyard 2 Vl JOHN ROMAN Inspired original music Auditorium 2 45 SHARPS & FI ATS Senior choir from Willamalanc Senior Center W heeler ( 45 FIANNA (See 2:(MI) Auditorium 4 IS DAVID HIT.I AND -Original music on Celtic harp and mandoccllo Wheeler 5 (Ml STRINGS CELEBRATION Traditional holiday music by talented kids Auditorium Tuesday, December 22 10 10 EMILY FOX -Acoustic original uplifting revitalizing introspective music W hetler I 1:00 PAl lJETTE ANSARI African Amencan storyteller Auditorium 12:00 PAUL PRINC E African inspirations on harp guitar Auditorium 12:15 DARMIKA Original folk music W heeler 12 40 JOY FI 1. NOISE Psyc ho acoustic originals Courtyard 1 15 NORTH OF EMI BLACK SEA Music ol eastern I urope Auditor turn 1:50 PAUL PRINC E (Sec 12 «0> Wheeler 2:00 DONNA EAGLE A THE MICH ’ Inspired spirit rod. Courtyard 2 50 17TH AVE LANDYAC'HT CLUB A JAZZ BAND Classic clmcluml jatt Auditorium 2 45 NORTH OF THE BLACK SEA (See I 15) W heeler 5 45 RENT PARTY BAND Hot hoogic blues Auditorium 4:15 17TH AVI LANDYACH1 Cl l B A JAZZ BAND (See 2 40) Auditorium 5 00 Et OEM COMMUNITY ORCHI S ERA Directed by Phillip Basics Auditorium Wednesday; December 23 10 VI T J Rock classics front the 60s lo 11ic l* k H heeler 11 IX) BLACK MACilC MOTION Footbag ami 21st century juggling Auditorium 12 00 LEW RISING SUN Oceana clcetric/acoustic dulcimer Auditorium 12 IS VICKI BRABHAM HOWELLS -Holiday lavontcson piano Wheeler 12 W) LOCAL HERO Multidccadenal acoustic duo Courtyard I IS BINDAAS Classic Indian ragas Auditorium 1 W>GREGORY FIELD-Eclectic folk music Wheeler 2 IX) AFFINITY Energizing ja// fusion Courtyard 2 Ml LOC AL HERO ( See 12:30) Auditorium 2:45 BINDAAS (Seel \A) Wheeler 145 I HI SONGBOOK COMPANY Holidas tunes revue Wheeler 4 15 LEW RISING SI N (SeeID W» Auditorium s (X) DAVID HELFAND Original music on Celtic harp and mandocello Auditorium