Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 04, 1992, Image 14

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    Moon Rainbow bead and silver work
umw flowers and wreaths
#09 wk 1.2.> 4.5
William Rice Rings And Things hand
fabricated sterling jewelry and gemstone
•C27 wk
llanny Ronald Wmdnder Am twisted
wire brace let v'carrings. antkr'crvstal
jewelry, leather shields, wooden
'•Cl2 wk
Dennis Shepherd Ram silver squiggly
pcmiantvTtngs. minerals, puts. jester hats
elegant crowns
•*>1 wk I K'4Uk 3.4 #l(N wk 5
Cvnfhia Skkler Mi Mo Silversnmhie
#111 wk 1.23.43
I inda Smart \ Thousand Cranes 14k
gold & sterling silver jewelry w wo stones
#105 wk
Marti Spehar Oregon Jewelry A
Ornaments WoAs bracelets. ornaments
rings, harretics. the orrgon bracelet
#28 wk
Julie Stoike Bo Peep antique style
bokVptns using rhincstoncsAHittonv
costume jewels, decorated hats
#KS wk
Kli/jibeth Tagrr Sand A Sage stone
head silver jewelry, velvet evening hags,
and hair accessories
#110 wk
Phillip Trejo Triple I Enterprises sterling
silverNgold fill rings, bracelets, necklaces,
earrings, pendants, etc
#4S wk I.
Erie Wollard Onw Designs by Kelley
fabricated sterling silver w/scmi pm. tous
stone earrings
#C4<> wk
Cory WdoHey stone head anklets,
bracelets, and earrings
#26 wk I.
Arnold Kadten Arnold's Gcma bolotics.
earrings, pendants. tabs, heltbucklcs
#7*J wk
lowed Ros* polished fossils and rusks,
minerals, fossil jewelry
#08 wk #IOM wk 3
Douk Sigler bsci f ossils. Rusk.
C rystals gathered minerals, fossils
jewelry stone prep, display stands,
#102 wk;A
< hris i alef (‘hnstopher l eather
Company leather bags. pouches. purses
#Hf» *k I #74 wk 2 #64 ssk l #75 wk 4.5
Jef Jalof equality Custom Footwear
custom fitted leather footwear. hoots,
sandals, muci, readable
# M) wk
IraiHnrt) Pagliaro Pag Hag custom
leather and canvas hags and hack packs
duffels, fanny packs
#142 Wk 1.2,3.4
Paul Mihutl SidlMijijefs leatfier sandals,
leather jewelry. leatfier moccasins
#r>4 vsk I #C03 wk 2.3.4
Krllir Armstrong soft goods amish
dolls, deco wood animal*. louiMr) detor
r/i Ak 1.2.'
Michael Bertotti While light rainbow
makers. jcviclr), vMinkhimcN, mobile* ami
*( 40 Mk 1 »HH wk
\ ana Bree/c Shapeshifterv shaniantc
heating rattles geimitets, starulets
reading v
• 1wk I 2.'.4.5
Kkk Browning Ramtree Oesigns folding
wood baskets, bread A bagel sliccr.
original ( shirts
• i(N »k 1.2.'.4
< vnthta Consentirto Astartr lieMgio
ceramic figures, beaded jewelry,
handcolored cards, clay sculptures and
K'l' wk *122 wk 5
( hristene (ieorge Basic Survival tool
Him and magnisium tire starting tool
(camping tool), handmade western
•41 wk
( aro! (»ra> hand dyed and tie dved
clothing and silk scarves
•2*> wk
Brenda Henderson Peaceful Visions A
lartus Pads hands ul cards A wall
hangings, cotton menstrual pads,
be ad work. ri»sc/hcrb items
#a*H wk
( hrtstma Hutchinson < iypsy Ranch
hand sewn dresses, hats and bags,
children's wooden toys
• 15 wk
Stevie Joyce leaded jewelry (cartings/
neck laces,Twaccletsi beaded bottles,
p»HK hcs. c UKhing
• lb wk
l>awn Kimball I Think Icon-good luck
tokens, hand pamicd/sewn doll clothes,
silkscrcened t shirts. ftmoart
• I7 wk I.
Jameti Mtttnrr /re Millnff
interior and body ml mutwn. hradxori
of imported 4ixl rare bead*
•C4 \ *k 1.2
Paul M«m M«>n*«»d A My Muw
waived muxi ilfim tftxh. bin! h*»u*e*i.
fabric doll* x.ar*ev rug*
met «k 5
Joan MorinJ'fonfb fabfx dr%ign item*
made using natural iho uftxfWfl A
ccoxebbtng/Mctx difig
• 12** v*k I 2.>.43
Hiiabeth MorrH Matt * Mat* *Mh
kosered }inimal/*ddrrsv/xcrapN**kv cloth
A paper frame*. decorative hat*
• M v* k 1.2. V4
Sunn* Nine No *> Cokmaaek* le^elr*
*emi pre* iou* stone* cnamrU A metal,
w(Mxt drum*. g!a*s. textile*
•24 »k 2.M**
l-dwma O'Shea wool rug* <k>ll bed*
bird fxni*e* miscellaneous **<r«xJ item*
•65 **k 1.2. '.4
I oren Partridge the Art/t MIk ul lye
>e**clry bcaded/cast metiiJ/stmrc^papcr
bright clothing with ribbon/lawc. magnet*
•20 «k 5
Ann Kr*nofd* Jaguar Art A \ntkjue*
etched glass. tine an. jewelry, tie dyed
clothing, small sculpture
•Vj **k 1.2. *.4.5
Sue Iheolax* l avender Moon natural
fabric bag* A pocxbrv catnip rime,
beeswax t andle*
9*)\ **k 1.2.M.5
It»ni\5m»dx Mother * love tr»UI> bear*
stuffed animal* A dolb
»Sb v*k
Philip Humlwrt nature midlife. flower*
jihl mountain wenc*
•CW **k 1.2
(■ rjah-.it) Smith Aperture* West
north** r*t Uik!** J[< and wildlife photo*
• VI wk 1.2.1,4.'
I.tsa Steel framed print*, untrained print*
headed jeweirv. "found item" te**rlr\
*TV> i*k 1.2.i.4 »17 wk S
To Your Health Massage-Maryann
Barber-on site tabic and *.hair massage,
gift certificates. off site by appointment
Massage Area wk
( on me Bender tan* reader
*>2 wk
Kathleen "Tera" Kutecki Morning Sun
Organics haml/foot reflexology, seated
massage. Swedish massage, acupressure
Massage Area wk
Nina Alberts hand v rafted. Night
colored, child sale Stuffed animals
w hristuus ornaments
•4 U k 3
Martha Christman Friends soft
sculpturr soft sculpture pop up dolls. other
assorted stuffed items
•<> I vs k 2.1.4
( arid brls/Ht !he Magical Child
children’s fantasy clothes (capcs/wtngs/
skinvvsreathv'vsaiKis. els », wooden toys
• I VI wk
Cynthia Ihmn Happy Heart boils dolls
multi cultural dolll made of natural fiber
materials, hobby horses ivtuki
• !3 wk
Bred liras My mg Clipper I fathers
loot bags, juggle balls, twiddle sticks
•72 wk 1,2.1.4.A
Minds Kirk Mai son be p»Hipee stuffed
animals, vows, bunmes. fun stuff
• 106 wk 1,2,3.4,3
I unt Savflich wo*»dcfi children’s stand up
puzzles and other small wooden toys,
dried flowers
»l 13 wk,3
Jack Schoolcraft Mirkan rainbow
colored leatlicr foot hags and juggle balls
quilts ceramics
JK H) wk 1.3
I hotttas Smith Rangsmtth Aerodynamic
Toys handc rafted boomerangs. original
•k*signs for novice and espert
•4? wk 1.2,3,4.3
bean Still A I Works an educational kit
tt/rotegnt) sphere IH diameter mask-of
wtvoden stKkv'T band
•C26 wk l *<'24 wk 2.3
Itapps Hands original hand amt finger
puppets, wall hangings, and eye rclaxcrs
sec Happy Hats
• 127 wk
Mild Woods eedar bird lecdcrs, bird
houses and tut houses
• VI wk 1.2. 3.43
Peter Ames Mira JuiKtion Makers
hardwood serving spuuos hair pins and
• 14 wk 1.2. 3.4
Carol \nne Herg Oregon Pine l ine pine
bookcases. loji fumnurc, special orders
M 2K wk
Hmd Carter Floyd's Woodworking
items of oak. wood household asses vines
• l id wk
William llrumm wood carving,
hands arsed name hoards, signs, folk
carsings of anmuls/figures
•< 24 wk 1,3,4
Jack Hager Wondcrwoud wood
•<*1? »k 1.1 1 4.5
Rick Hinton Ivamcvt l.ffurts barn! saw
hoifi. vwv pu//ks and manjuetrv
•i u i .2,5.4.'
I arcs Kjocncv Aubrey Mountain Tables
foUfin^ tables t..*s\ctte boxev puture
9C22 wk
James hnudscn knudven Wooden (*lass
hardwood ,11 vI ([UmAiHITW. ruimc boxes,
rarnng huiilm, boxes lanterns
•41 wk I • ! 10 wk 5
lim I ittkr Built Totaixt Woodworking
jewelry hmfs wood ami •, anvax chairs
ami other wood items
*51 »k l,2.M 5
Mnr McKmafi Steve s Shrives
shelves, desks. toys. ami cuuum furniture
• t.U wk L2J.4,'
J.fl. Molitor Mohua Wood product*
im rile wood trays. «. andhrholdcrv
clocks. some furniture
*75 wk 1.2.1
Mark Nchrager ( aptured Sound Ram
Sinkv ram sinks ami surf stkkx
duk inters
•hi wk 2.1.4
(;ar> Smith Valley Wood 4 string
hourglass shaped duk imcis. tables desks
IK 10 wk 1.2. V4 5
K it hard Manek t realise Rhythms
wooden tone drums wooden percussion
instruments mask of hardwi**!
*121 wk 1,
Noah Wrmplr Yewnujue Mardw«H*l\
hardwood (primarily yew > bem hex,
cutting boards shelves, *.v»at hangers
m i? wk 5
Norman Wright Norm's iVmd Shop
lawn chairs, toys pegboords slotted
boxes. Ksduascs
•KI wk
l.inda Becrafl Recovery Rune* ceramic
meditation oracles. 12 step recovery
oriented imomiiom A guidance
•C2*> wk 1.5
Krista l.ynn Brown Honey Moon Hand
Made Originals ribbon adornment A
accessor*r\ vintage style barrettes. pirn,
dress/shs* clip*
• 124 »k 1.2. M
Philip Ihrt# Spirit Rucks engraved stone
resembling Indian petrtgliphs. peace t
•< 47 wk 1.2.5
t 'harles Docrr wreathe rnadr of noble fir.
lumper. cedar holly. w ith pine *one* on
w ire f rame
IK 14 vc k 1.2 WM wk I
Ron iowlrr Teddy lYts herbal pet
products, herbal pet collars, natural toys,
beds, mtsc gifts for pets
•4b wk 1,
Ldie (»rrkhu* hanging chairs and
Victorian Santa ( lauses and angels
*< 41 wk 1.2 M rt4 wk 5
Mary Keefer Mary‘s Play dough Valor
idassw^wk fused glass am! homemade
• 107 wk I.2.V4.5
< ynthia Mary child Turn To Stone varied
aspects of self sufficient, v native woods,
ivyv plant starts, nature kit
•< !b wk 1.5
Oavid Vfiller frogs Joke Bonks greatest
g>k ebooks in the world
• W. wk 1,2, L4.5
< vndi Sand T seland wra* omamcnls
pomanders felt w arses, dried flower
•62 wk 5
Janeke Scofield \merlean Indian Art
American Indian crafts ami egg art
• 24 wk I *b0 wk 2
Tofu Palace
/«*/»> 3/*r*
Tofu fh%hr*
• I I vfc k 1.2. 3,4
Dana's Cheesecake
fhltKI RtJumnn
HaknKwMih rhctmike*. (offer.
IVxat, Icax and f run l>nnk\
*j: wk 1,2.3,4.5
Fudge Factory
Otf*rjfr CitfhnifwimHi
OUJ Faihnincd Ham! rtu*kr f*ud|rr
**1 wi
Sweet Heaven
Tim ( rw\i
I>uir> lire ( i**k»r Burn
H \2 wk
Ritta’s Burritos
Runt thrift
Static to t Inter, C icnennolv I tlftrd
04 »k 1.2.5
Jellicle Joes
Hoi hum linnti
lUprriw Caffrc, Specialty Mot
llnnkv ItageU with Cream Cheese
•(*53 wk I.2.3.4 5
Bangkok Grill
Witfn Hit* nutnfkram
Thai Spec ishrev
• I wk t.2.3,4
Lulu's Smoothies
(' f-fHirttMilhmtll
All Natural lrc\h Iron Smoothie aiul
•6 wk 1.2. M
India Mouse
Sr ha it tan MekiaUutk
(TiK k.cn & Vc|cttblc ( urn, Vhnptht.
Pan f*rtc4 Noodle*/Tca
•: *k IJJI,4.5
The Whole Enchilada
Yt*latkbi Pitulr
I jwhtl^Uv Kkc ami Bc«u. Naehm,
•X *k
Dragon Wagon
Ihjrtd J Rn h
(Timor Ikftwi Tonic Drink* *ith
Scli/cf Water
9i'2 wk I.2JM.5
Renaissance Pizza
Janet Ri'\tnhf ?
M.uulm.KW: l*i//a b> the Mkc
as wk
Afghani Shishkabob
t ihitfiHH SatJtH
Afghani Cuisine
•7 **k IJU.4.5
Cart De Frisco
kit lunitrixnxjitd
Harhctjur (Toeken Sarniakhrv
Oik ken Strips on a Skewer
• I i »k I.2. V4.A
Helen's Bagels
Helen foluw
M l »k I.2.M.5
Family Homesteader
Jan Tnttrn
I.nmmatte Drinks
• 10 wk I.2.M.S
Jo Ann Sifter Hutuwt f auury cu*lom
modc/tlo it yourself badges t buttons) wd
painted t\K ks
• 12 v*k I.2.M.'
I inda Williams Mmpovi I ntcrpnses
m> jll planter masks, sases planters kith
plants dry IWal arrangements garlic
• 105 *k
liy Halabanlilar paper nunhc ruling
tn>% ft»r children. tenUDKi. ktindcn boat
cradles. decorations
•1 *20 4 #C' M S
Nlcsr Dasts Sunburst Metal Sculpture
metal sculptures of hrawcopper In* air
lmllt»tH»v'vailhiMfvrnailU»^evbH. yv Ice
#K) S
Kaivlira keglry haisbc.i s( rati hand
crocheted baby hats ami head*'*!
• 15 *k I.2.M
Niimv May May linkers over 40 vaftetn*s
of dried flokerv mised arrangements,
wreaths, halls cards
• 14 vsk 1,2.' 4S
IM>u N viMinr Openayre elect wok ally
tuned vtmdchimes
• W vek 2.1,4 S
bring dlonK a
can of food 1^
Une County
Election cen**r
13th Avenue
liiw c ountv
f jrmefV VUrlrl
food for
k liflf C (NMlfv
WomrmfMt r
CM WrjppmK
But Stop *
Courtyard *
The Lane County
° * Fret* Parking
• IoUH> Y\Hc<*l« Hair Kitr%ubkr ^
• Ik >f Ir Parking A* aiUbtr
• Tree Auto and ( amprr Parking
• Served b> lTO BuUmnUOA fit