HOLIDAY MARKET ROSTER OF CRAFTSPERSONS ARTWORK PAINTINGS,SKETCHES Mock l,.dw»rdiK4lli|SfA^hy pruiu. handpaintrd stationery. emit, eft f 101 wk l.2.1.4* lay Helther HKigmal paintings «m cinuv u»t.trnnm windhell* ornaments • 140 wk 1.2 M 5 Danny Haworth limn ( hjr l and Nature ( rafts artist conk etchings ftrrc mushnwwmt. pen A ml dii« • HI wk 1.2.1 4 l rslk Vrwcumer I erra Nma trading < u original paintings w tth i ats in mystical \rtttflgv pm*, magnets shirts. • 100 wk 1.2. V-M Ssdnrs knark Sydney Koark Publications miniature (ten and ink drawings * wafer* oh* l»rn»tc»J i » 1 »t»«wt • D wk 5 NNillow (wrt'lui /hrnj» * hiiKvf umamenh and paqseu uttrngs • I |«J wk 5 BEADWORK Ihm \ddlvnn Three Arrows Bc.idwork headed keys hams. earrings, knives, lighter coverv eti f?bwk,5 Morgen Hrodk Bloc Mf«mi hradwati jewelry traditional A cooiempotars earrings. necklaces, bracelets. eti •< 16 wk 2.1.4 Oltsia < 'out I arthvea Products •042 wk I. < asstc Prlerv heading earrings, necklaces, crystals, ami hell anklets • Wwk I (snthta Pill* Multi Brodi* vmi precious stone jewelry in sterling silver. 14k goldfil! antique design • J1H wk 1.2. 1.4.5 Mlchek Rose I rrasurr use smallest glass heads, gemstones for othet jewelry • 117 wk I.2J.4.5 I anyi Knsrnfell • I Mi wk I.2.M.S I outer ThomgMtfl l mter The Nun leathers, raft. hea*lwink. painting and flowerwork (H'2\wk,5 BASKETRY |)ehra( urtK I i*kct lavkrt Uj^cIn handcrafted Basket* of all tv}*c* using natural and rev >ckd material • IWkS Maraler \\ kfieri Wivcwoimn Hu*kct* hack Cl* of all *i/e* deciw A utilitarian, of gathered commercial material* *142 wk k I vnda Wolfrnbarjfr l vnda Did It fva*kct* made of dyed reed and vr.i gra** tkt .tvionall* mark* of fatniv • IS vkk S CANDLES Julie lhr\ Blue Heron ( andk* vai*cd tV tnUid nature w.eno lefdlabk glow candle* *2ft w k 1.2. M ' <•11 Dunawa* Small World l andk* land** ape qualrtv lavered v andlc* • 141 wk 1.2.US I inda I rvMlrr < anlcrtMirv (andk* hand dipped A. poured vaikflev polled plant* IIHIV4K * ir>' wk CERAMICS. POTTERY, ETC Kim \lien < hardier* In t lav creative and functional potto* with vh&ractcr face*. mug*, goblet* etc • S4 wk I.2.V4.5 I co Halmhorvt \gapc ISmcry raku and vftmeware pottery • Ml wk S (»ar> Becker vcramn jewclrv Katie* am! |*>ttcr> • S? wk I 2. V4 A Dan Bcrmjren Irtpk free Studio slahworkcd potter} ».a*lk* h*hi*r*. people *hapcd hell* \ tik*. Moneware/earth »S* wk I.2.V4.S Hive < onn *ilk vcircnrd card* on rev vckil pajvr. pottery wk I.2.V4.S Janan Dean fuiKtnmal jtoticr* • 74 wk 1.1.4 Kul> Hale* reduction fired *n>ncwair functional. hand thrown potter* wk l *M wk 2.4 •2t> wk ' (til Harrison potter utilitarian and mm functional •t'14 wk 1.4 #60 wk $ How lo use your craftsperson directory: ('rafter's Name-Business Name-product description Snacc * Wk Seiline I.2..V4.5 Booth Space Number see map on next page Weeks Selling: Mfk1= Nov 27,28,29 wk2= Dec 5 & 6 wk3= Dec 12 & 13 wk4= Dec 19 & 20 wk5= Dec 21,22,23 Barbara Irsine pmelam pmicry r«nn|v fihrn a all pieces ami pillow* #71 Ak 1.2. V4.5 Jill kaiser Pint work Potter) vav ami him I tonal a are. a mdc himcv ttvh • I IX t*i S Jim kins pollen anil fuixl pa mini « U I.2.V4 1 June knori stone a ate ungla/cd bakeware bread taker pt//«. pie Irene h bread. muffin, fli #21 *k Ain I anham Nak a arc pottery • I IX »k I.2J.4 Jackie I «rMNt l arson 's SliUH ajir functional porcelain p«Uffy/viuim»itir nx «k 1.21.41 Mark larvtn I aughtng < n» Arts ctrimtc talking dumhci k tlrums. ceramic Aemi pnxiou\ jcacIis ami adornment* IK If, »k 1.2.I* Sirvni laA irrarnK plates lv»K, fcAelrv. magnet*. twnamcntv eggs ami gum parier* #l22 wk Peter Meter functional ami decorative #40 *k' I). t erite Plaisted kindred Spirits kindred Mra/u porcelain jewelry, dishes ami ornament* angel*. cats. ami • I Ak Marta Serrut Porcelain (fumes ami Pottery porcelain, raku and stoneware pillrn chimes ami jewelry #SS *k I.2.V4 S katie SaniMtn handhuilt p»*rcelain a CokM worked mine lav vpuilft) crafted wood pieces •:< Ak i. Anton* Ihier Shin )i functional ami sc pottery wheel thrown c* built from a lice I thrown ■OH Ak I IK 2f> Ak 2.1.4 CLOTHING, BATIK krtra l)'k miitio ion of hank ami hand (tainting on natuial fiber v halting • 121 vs k I.2..V4.S t ed*r Springs I rtliin batik v lothing i ants hoops vcallhangmgs tjuitts. mnhikt and pillow covers •< vsk 4 •| Ui w k S Slrphfn Opprnhrimrr Jrllulc \n> wased. dved patterned batik ilothmg infant thru adult irg •42 wk !.: * 4.S krnl V* isc I ct It Shine hand painted 1 with dvr i hank ilothmg •bd wk 1,2 . M S CLOTHING, HAND PAINTED Sofia \rhall clothing t.ihfiv posh .mb handle huhI hook'* with painted fahnt #< iS vkk I.2.C4 ( athv ( la us vermis Vlhena Productions hundpamicd clothing (m \MNivn. children and infants • ! Ih v%k I 2 V4 S katlr Johnson l"he Big f at I shin Co hand painted hatiched. tie-dyed anti silk screened t shins and sweatshirts 1( 4’ wk M Kebccca Pardo Ka//lc l>a//lc Accessories hand painted silk accessories, contempor) whmm«.al collage jewelry. ornaments • 104 wk I.2.V4.5 Rebecca Pearson Splatais handpainted shtK s and apparel •TN wk 2.M »84 wk S Irrrwa Pit/er Meeting Image Designs western ami painted clothing a handpamted designs, silvers arr windchimcs •S^wk I.2.M.5 Marcia I rotter watenokw stele flower t shins •22 vsk 1.2. M CLOTHING, PRINTED ( harlrt Dewolfe < las Mr ad lltfrad' •< 4 4 wk 1.2 Jennifer Drake Vuti get a Graphics visid colorful animals vrwn pnntrd on! shirts •V> wk 1.2,4.4.5 I ha nr Mrwhofter 1 ibcrguphns sc rtroprmlrd i shirts with nature themes tfish tics. slugs; If* tal earrings •.17 wk 1.2,4 4 CLOTHING, TIE DYED Brian Alexander I imho Graph*. s uniquely tie dved natural fiber c luthrs • I !4 wk 1.2 I etana Applctrre Bright l*r,*mise lie ilvnl clothing for hahtevvhddrm ami adults tin i t shirts v*kv leggings *< IK I.2,3,4.5 Minds Brads Sen Ihismn ( rcatioos tie dsed c lothmg w ail hangings, vm ks etc *< 45 wk IJU.4.5 Mrvf IhMrf itt I jithful Rose bnllant tic dyed clothing for the whole family • Ml wk M.l Duncan Maggie s I arm hand dyed natural fiber ilochmg'ortginal prints artist* R«*bert A Maggie l him an •t lUk 1.2.>,4 A Bene tarkai 1 ivmg To Dye tw dyed t kMhmg. hand dyed/made quilts, pillows, km hrn/hith items • I2K wk 1,2.3 4.5 < hartex («amhell Tofskxs Apples harnk nficd'dyed clothing few women/ chddrtn/mcn, graphic design w iren printing • IK wk 5 Donna Herrington smiles l *r Designs flannel ami rayon tie dyed and hatiked dresses, tie dyed shirts and pants •< 40 wk 4,4.5 Robert l mnardts printed A tic dyed clothing headed crystal jewelry i*ne of a kind buttons •TvM wk 1.2.4 4.5 CLOTHING. HAND SEWN Judy M. Anderson Judsjods belt bugs am! totes • T7 wk 1.2. V4.* Ruth Atcherxon < Toudhoppcr ( lothcs comfortable i hxhing esp roomy pains il 2b wk 1.2.4 4.5 k lirabefh < arson Midnite Masquerade vtianm hand painted masks •**> wk I.2.4 4.S imuiu » twin smgin « origm uHltwi childrens clothing. baggv pants <%i/r I 14». drrWjumspvuits • 112 wk 1.2.' 4.5 Sharv ( ruckit Trappings hamfscwn clothing adAhikl. pastel tic dye. crocheted lu>ic. Wch.Il print clothing •4Uk 2.3.4 Hull) loi Wildfkmri haml dyed natural fiber clothing for vs omen • ||0«k 1.2 M llappv little mmiWc pleated hcrrlv vsild wire and other elegant hate sec also Happv » 12"? vsk 1.2.'.4.5 I Hana timer Darning T rer cotton ly «ra action vsear. leggings tops umtards, shorts, dresses, headbands •K4 ssk I 2 ' 4 I- lien * llrrmrberrs »*nn fu//ics hats \ mittens for infants and toddlers, custom vsewk habv futons »i \ M %sk 14 5 ( ttthi Jameson Original erne of a kind hats bags. miscellaneousclothing • 12^ vs k 1.2 . ' .4.5 K»t Kirk Mother Hear lycra sport* i lolhing (tights, svsmtsuits jog brasi. tie dye clothing •W ssk 1.2. ',4.5 Ketsv Met luer l aughing I’jnts »\ Stuff dravsctnng pants, mac fame bracelets, crocheted hats and pcHKhes ■4 I ssk I suran Mesik hats and clothing • I I ' ssk 1.2. '.4.5 Hi/ahefh Meter Another Man s I (easure original design clothing using Id0*i natural fibers • III ssk 1.2.'.4.5 Maria Motmdanee Moondance Originals hand stiuhed clothing and instruction hook. Sewing h\ HunJ »K4 ssk 1.2.' 4 Miehelle t*ontiou%-Corona Hats beaded s els of hats and velvet floppy flossered hats •fvl ssk 5 I ttmcelltt Sheridan hamlvcvsn ami decorated vests of ddlerent style IK 15 vsk • 122 vsk 5 I aura Sirohrl ( its In the Hat-cats in the hat floppy topped brimmed hats ssitb velvet or cotton • 17 ssk 1.2.'.4.5 Slephttnie Isuch id a toddle f/vouftg girl panv’ ilresso hand smocked K'M vsk 2 Kathleen \ isel lire River of Life handcrafted drrveVfloppy hats, flannel shorts, renaissance shirts, beadvsork at 40 vsk 2 Mar* Wrbb Cloud Codon* organically |nmD cotton kmt baby ckuhing. shirt*, hats. booties. and blankets •onr? wk i * 44 wk 2 (hue \k»ng 9KH wk I • '* wk : wk 4.5 FIBER 5 mind ktasa Marbled An work* marbled designs on shirt*. shorts skirt*, sportswear hats viiksiirvt* A vests *42 wk I.:. '.4.5 John Black*rll Kaiocoast Arts hand woven garments »n silk and cotton, hand woven hiskcts, ceramic s. >cvselr> •hi wk 5 Hirahefh Bogner Stellar TrdBltions stuffed chintz animal* with dtssii sham ter mask* of laura asides prints •< :i *k i «'4 v.k * Hill BiHisiaogh PacifVc (rest Designs windsocks beeswa* sandles ■ ?K vsk I.2.X.4 (vnthia BrunsonAifcenslccvcs I m inwrocntai Aft tmgirai designs hand painted on silks, cottons, ets. natural fibers • 120 wk 5 Barbara < »mhs Save Your Neck seat belt pads, bean bags, doll pillows •< X| *k 1.2,4 m«sk 3 I >rbora < tumidly Mean |-elts handcrafted felted functional wear, artwork and crafts « W w k X Neil I rirdnun simple giftt/chcap thrills •SX wk 1.2.X 4.5 Karin (ierstel guilts, mostly tied in traditonal and non traditional patterns, also pillow s • 15 wk 5 I ws Mciser One Of a Kind handc roebeted hats A accessories, headed jewelry. quilted items •20 wk 1.2. '.4 Janet Nelson Mckcn/ie f iber Works hand woven original designs for body and home, angora, wool, exotic blends •MX wk I.2.X.4.5 Kya Philips gierting cards and paintings #Kf» wk 2..X.4 Koni Simone Simone hand woven wearables silk clothing A bcadwork •74 wk 5 I indset Stesens Why A Duck country wooden and stuffed animals wooden egg dolls, cutting hoards, wood items itm wk 1.2.1 4 Ayala lalpai Diligence natural fiber •* folk wear and totcmic items • 124 wk I.2.X.4 Shelly Warner Warner s Custom Knits vifwant colored knits sweaters, hats, socks, m hold designs natural fibers pcra Stained < »Uss stained glass window hanging*, tamps iondlcholdcrs. night lights, pKturr frame* • ION wk laawrritce Pa gen kosaamssjatsi Studios stained glass kaleidoscopes. je^ky hoses. surxauhers at O S vsk 1.2.3 #40 vsk 4 aM IS vsk 3 Paula Wetland Cilass l sptessums stained glass windows and ornaments •63 wk David W inship NV inship l V-signs glass fusing, etching, and lu&tcnng •3K wk I.3.4.5 HERBAL PRODUCTS Natalie Jones-Summerlin Summerlin Creationvoil*. incenses, hath salts for ritual. meditative, magisal purposes pee pour its *: 2 wk 5 Jack Jovie Scentsational Scent*-incense. potpourri. hath salts and soaks, ottx incense burners »7 »k 1,2.'.4.3 JEWELRY Joseph Amormtoo items N Stems natural cry via! earring* ami pendant*, coins and silver work • 101 wk I* Coquitlagr shell*. sterling mIvct and siones #*>6 wk Kmma Hennelt fimoday jewelry •C07 wk 2d.4 »65 wk a' Mao Blerma Harlequin Beads #16 wk 1.2.3,4.5 ( india Carrere < an err Wearable Art’ earrings, pm*, holo ties, incorporating images of stamps collected world wide #4H wk 1.2. A 4.5 Nicholas ( arler wire wrapped crystal pendants. earrings, also mined rocks and mineral* • I *0 wk Ccocge A Joan ( riles bracelets, necklaces, earrings w semi precious stones wk Ku hard Dominguez K at sin Silversmith silversmith rings, earrings, pendants, bangcls in sterling/14k we do repairs! #52 wk 1.2.3,4.5 Wendy Doucette The Dyed Doggie jewelry •66 w k 1, Alexander Kkhman crystal jewelry , incence, glass beads #19 wk I , Clyde Klliott silver and gold handc rafted jewelry •82 wk Carmen Kvans A/ Carmen-painted wooden earrings #31 wk 5 Kaimon I*ranch Krystaller gems, crystals, rocks, sterling silver, gold, lapidary work #87 wk James Kurd Pate hull Jim s One At A Time crystals, silver earrings, bracelets, rings, pendants, chain mail, etc #66 wk l.2.3.4,5 James A Karen (iron-Folk New Vex1 sterling silver, brass, copper, button covers, hat and coat pins. rnZm wk I ^.3.4 K) 1 W* 5 Judy fiuthric Lnc turned Gcm&tnncs knotted semi previous views on silk, double twisted stone bracelet*. dangles m> \ wk i.2..V4.s < alherine H rising Zeta Designs sterling silver. sti»ne. wk 3,4.5 Sidnev Man/anita lundformcd porcelain bead ik*v klaves pins earrings, totems incense holders *:i wk i.:. V4.5 Dru Man hhanks Designs Hv Dru sterling silver & 14k gold jewelry, gemstone beaded net Mates Sc bracelets *4U wk 2,.1.4.5 \kkie Marline* jewelrv »C3 wk 5 Alisa McLaughlin Ids H Jewelry handt rafted jewelry • I l< wk |.2.3.4 Stephen McLaughlin I ves Of the World crystal jewelry, vilvcrsrmthmg. ck •Kb wk l *74 wk * *t>4 wk I *75 wk 4 A Sumiche Jewelry silver gold jewelry, rings, pendants, bracelets, earrings, chains, mem* ah. •25 wk shellev Merello Shelley's f-ollwear sterling silver and semi previous stones • 123 wk,5 Meteor Gypsy Lnchantmcnis jewelry (hcadwork wire wraps) staffs, wands, spheres, crystals sage •Cm wk Linda Perkins cut coin and Indian style sterling silver ami beaded jewelry •C3 wk 5 I hrlma Perry Morning Sun necklaces, bracelets, earrings with high qualits beads and sterling silver *53 wk 17. 1.4.5 Diana Pomeroy Alpha Creations drcoupjge picture frames, potato stamped wrapping paper. magnets »C70 wk 1.2.3 •