2S0 DORM CONTRACTS I writt p*y ISO l»w over m* dorm contract. tor winter and sprng !orm» art C46 9666 ISO bonus to take my dorm contract^ Cafi •nytime si !U6ftV8 Ask tor fU choi ?ss ROOMMATES WANTED Campus Chao# Apis Doc Vos poo*, laundry. dock. v» u!i!, 5262 mo 8rar* «i 345-1150 Chaos Village. privets Path, smok'ng ok. V* mda from campus on bifco 1230 ♦ 550 dsp 464 5130 Female looking tor roommoto tor 3 bdrm m AJdorwood Manor 5250-mo Cali Jonn, as >43 4597 Grad student to S/WO nee house. 11 bfka from campus On bus no ft t>ko pash WO. qu«»i rwghborhood 1250 plus iAif A dep Non smoker. clean A qutoi person please apply 683 31 76 Neat and clsan Mf roommate Chase Village Apis 2 bdrm. ? bo 1312 50/ mo ♦ Vi uti> Itawtoy 666 1 754 Sssking room mats to* 2 bdrm /apt noar Gordon ami V> !ard Rent |25Q/moa»h .342 4229___ Avail immediately Wei! turn ? bdrm apt Chase V sago lease thrtxigh 3 -03 |i 67/mo No Pop 345 0638 280 MEETINGS "AIDS IN THE CHURCH" wt« be the top*c ai the GRACt FO HUM. Sunday. December 6. 1992. 6 30 pm a! Grace luthoran Church. 710 E 17lh Avo, Eugene A Grace mombor who works atfive/y wtth AIDS Hoapico and <& the w to of an AIDS victim will share her on peri ences and insights into the needs of those dealing wtth AIDS_ 290 CAMPUS EVENTS »0 CAMPUS EVENTS TWO LOOKS AT LAW Jo*" A*HO'V»*y racogns/ae PHD Ma.*oa Merman and Un«v*KvTy ProWMKX 4aO C*AO *Or an OO*- fonx* or c / v** 'Ncxogy *ae<*' cx atr-neor. &rxJ miuK atjvia-an Tha »r«©C!ng * f» ?MHd m Coda/ Rorxn* C and D on Mon. Owe 7 Ha fratfananu *w &• sarvort {Seor**ywd &y AKD Soooogy Honor So «w>) If fM liaaa lowrtMm It mL« Tm Nav« aaiaathiaf U a* art* ooc cuuimot 346-4343 295 ARTS 1 ENTERTAINMENT N < v wji ’ y\ * oc w' Wu*i »>•> \\»kkt>| MUKHIN HIMHwMiu' Mil H(M>K H\ Nimil N II SMMNti A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME **■#'*1 MO ilii 7 X 9 JO 3**. Uai 100 HIP TORN AM WAI T WHITMAN IN BEAUTIFUL DREAMERS BIJOU LATE NITE t0«*. IV t ItlwilXli Mkl ■ •) KfllJI COMING NUT TIM MVNCCM * jM.f n V5.IT> RMPPY™* VAMPtRE SlAVt 3 pom uomt *4*0 ill rm mjou ad tL UWHf *tf ! A COURSfc- IN LOUISIANA ETIQUETTE.. ___ I i i.orTA ‘»uc> OUT THt. WHAT ? | this uaan't ) IN TVtt " PL M SOOT.. 7W* FRIDAY* SATURDAY •neo plc 0 A NTOXir i Bob Dylan DONT LOOK BACK 8 PM 1 O PM U.M.* THE B-52S ATHENS,GA• INSIDE OUT *2 students w/10, *3 GP do u him tost arm: $1 more triple tmeturm $2 more Midnight Friday! The »AMON(S in n Ml Hiijh SchoiA Frinuhhip* urr rruul*- in fta _ODE C 'Unu/itdt! im SERVICES MS ARTS A ENTERTAINMENT All Afies Welcome 687 2746 Ar« you twed? T»> FWoom. fwt product C«H 60* 9’ %? 3io MASSAGE A BODY WORK CASTLE-MAX WELL TNarapy $wnd*V3 Staattu Sport* MC. VISA. g ft c**'' C«*i«* 4H4 OBOtl $iud*rtt 0*u f" ’"•K Shiatftu ffliiug* i -tv u l M T .S«MK)i4h \>t'*vori I M T 4EM v»0O9 C " < •*’ <.**«* Ky CttfeUrna* 134 l 13th 4tU 9HCli# 320 SERVICES Discount HEAT OIL CO. You don't have to be home for delivery Eugsns/SprlngiloWs Discount Oil D«al«r « low ■ low • low • Prico« • Wa Son Major Brand Haatmo 0*1 S*nrtc*llalnt«nanf> of taxti good ***** tXAigot und Ciood ro? P*-y % /2ftft$0t Ptorwvtd Pir»nih«od W Pap ntoclon efNocfcv t'rt* cool ft* cy :«*:$ and unbtatod coun»«lw>Q 344 &4U Prognani? Worrwd? Wo can <'«*p Cor’****'’** CA'^ *i.,ppod I itf*r ito tocton I um p/wy-varncy loftfn Hrftlv rvgf* 6ft/ ttfiM I 1 Vjji ih«* I MuSjv With A f\VV% InmJ tKji M’ttvt \K\r *JV\ ul U waiting u*c y »»u at Selective Introductions U1 l v'ft ■'* jtv* Wa.iaWr V| \ VW.(> o Mon-Fri 6 30*m- I Opm S*l-Smi 9 S0»m-10pm Doonesbury by garry trudeau I'M #>1PV rv ‘ Mf' / HtlW \ rtAH, (,nut koca y‘ Ml KXi «xxy? f I 4 f CROSSWORD By Eugene Shaffer AUHUbi) t Slot fui'e symbol 4 Nuctoa* r# actor » Mack away 12 C tuhua hud f.h#>C4i pu/;Uj*. 3/ Crown «.OJ* 39 Snapshot foi short 40 Obv« product 41 Shocked 45 Gilt tag 48 TV's ()*nnt* th« Manat;» 50 Soothing 51 Margartna 52 Pup4'» 53 FUr.« 54 T an t jU* 55 Paul nun y.in DOWN %pOU%« 2 Mu played H.t*fcuyu 3 S«4tKXMH‘1 quartlily 4 Sold 5 f lawless 6 Alamos 7 Whom (he rtver (he **.» 8 *j? Aero** 9 Artder ton's *Mgh —1■ 10 Mav® ImIH 11 I ih hnique 16 Cindy Solution tim# 28 mini Yiitirdiy i tniwir 12 4 . < 'ftl " y 20 I «R.« 23 Urn 24 Garay** going* on, maybe 25 Shea nm* 26 Ho long* final 27 Author Wilier 28 t *«ro'.* tor mat 29 ShrtnttMk 32 Party pooper 33 too v»nl« 35 Warn Miuvnnir 36 » .kit 38 f amity me mb#» 39 Moil •* 5«nlt,*Ry 42 Vicinity 43 Cha»on» 44 Quaker'* idd.e'il 45 Hoover'* boy 5 46 Kurovawa •pc 47 Antiquated 49 In th# %!yki ol