210 HELP WANTED ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Ear" WOC.YHI i- cannar m v V*000. -nont* or iiW'.ng boat* I’tripanKor' Hoorn and txjanj* Ova» SOOO oomr,ng\ No aip oaca* ivy Mala ev F am a la Ga< a *HMd «ar or trw Kimm*1 Fof ampajymao! pro yam cal' ' Wi Miotl ad AAOM_ EARLY RISER? THIS IS YOUR JOB! l>*> Fm#r#w morning dwrvwy person 'Mwdacl ASAP lor OAJLY UMling UPP'OI 1 Hours You muS* have your own IraiHpOrteon proof O* s-HSur ance & alarm clock Rem, suwt or *n •Arty morning lest cant mx»p you from this roof# that begin* about 7 AM the papa' nus! ge' out1 So il you would *>• ro Hava a job the* s 'imsbed »**'« •viryon* «*» ?* 'just gew-ng start ad coma up to the F morani & apoty today no phone cait* pease Room 300 Eft) Memorial Ur.on Stans af $4 75txx>r plus mileage reimbursement f Of Earn cash stuffing envoopo* at noma An malarial* provided Sand SASF to PO Bo* 9643 Spring**’ MO 6580’ Earn $60 daily assembling beautiful st u Wad a ns macs «t hom« No e*per »nc« 'equtred No seeing Send S A S E Amencrafts. Bo* 44065 C R*o Fiancno. NM 87174 JAPANWORK! S!S hundreds o' om p*oyars m Japan f 'no Ink) PO Bo* 1115. Seba&topaf. CA 954 7? Fa* 707-52 7 1737 Invest In jour future with ODE Advertising SUMMER JOBS Cour*e*orV*upport staff children s camps-tfortheast fop salary RMHD1 sundry, travel a towance Must have sMi in one o* the fottowing act.'V’-.as Archery Basetoa Basketball. Bicycling. Crafts Dance Drama Drums Fencing Feld Hockey F ootba". Golf. Guitar. Gymnastics. Hockey Horseback r*d>ng Hunt sea* Jugg ng. Kama lacrosse Naturo Photography. Piano. Rocketry. RoUertnadng ftopes Sail boa'd-ng Sailing. Scuba. Tennis. Trac* Wears* Wo*gfM* Wood Support staff Mchen steward'workers. baker*, cooks, bus drivers. maintenance, nurses secretaries Ml N cal* or wr'to Camp Wmadu. 5 Gien i *;■« Mamaro neck. NY 10543. (914)301 5983 WOMEN can or wnte Camp Vog*. PO Bo* 1771, DuiDury Ma 0?332. ' 617)934 6536 We w- be on campus 2/1,93 from 11 4pm m tn® F MU Cedar Ftooms A & B TENNIS JOBS Summe/ chWs camps Nofirxws! man and won*n win good !anm» background who car laach cfnidran lo p4*y fannts Good saiary. room & board fravt#' J ’owiiK* WOM I N c.a! or w*«a Camp VI GA. IK) Bo* 1771 Duibury MA 0233? ifci 7)934 6536 MIN cai O' wM« Camp Winadu 5 G*#o la.-'* Mamaro n«cK NY * 0543 >914)381 5983 W* w4 t>e on campus ?/"i 3*3 from 11 4pm m lha I MU. Cadar Ftooms A 4 H WATERFRONT JOBS vs i .. cfWWrans camps Nonnaas! men and woman who can laacn chidrwn to swm. coach swit iaam. wairj* fsu» lomAncfc4Mvatoot) sat Inboard mo tors. baauMui poo* and mm Good satary room and board, iravw a towanca Ml N ca or wnta Camp Wtnadu 5 G*4*n i d.’w Mamarcxwo NY 10543 ( 914)38 * 5983 WOMC N a*. or wrtta Camp VI GA PO Bo* 17 71. Duibury MA 02332 (617)934-6536 A# ami ba on campus 2/1 S3 *rom 11 4pm in trw I MU. Cadar Ftooms A 4 H X-MAS CASH I arn Hooay cash during Chnsi ma» vacation, MW own hours and worn days t oo*ung for 5 incrvwJua* w"pon t va an* tuda*. Sian ASAP Call 6860776 ?20 HOUSES FOR RENT Baauiiful fur mahed conaga R»v»r b*«a path Jan fhru Apr Skylights natu raf wood privacy V4?C 687 1983 _ 1 bad room. 888 I 'Wh #1 Fumahad Caif 344 0651 pr 686-0743 4 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS 4 Bd'm wWashardryaK $' ?OC "X> ava abw ’22 485 0 790 225 APTS DUPLEXES Available X Mai break was# thru 6 1593 one badroom and SlwkfcO »ur n-ahad. ’«* ixob bom campus 6335 and 629C . 62SC Dap 735 E 1 Tin. 343 2114 _ 725 APTS DUPLEXES Campus Apsrtmsnta Furn«ah#d 1 A? Bsdroom* Fall ratta t3?S*45Q 4AS 2B23 CAMPUS TWIN APTS l Mr*' Shara Mef*an Fjrr«!*'5ad CSVmo A2O0 dap *rtrr «mv» O' % ■* sundry 343 ' 009 > mag Furmahad 1 bdrm A*a a&*a *x Wm rar Tarm *y*' anti Mya'd Raaarva now1 484 992? _ ___ largo 1 bdm» dupftai or- w* can't**. Qu«a» pa^Aarr kx a covpw Myo-momr 6<6 A3SS ___ Lg Studio for ram ucJai A* vtrf and cACaa on ana laundry and parting S365 Sua«a i_M6 * 4V x 34? >096 Nica Studio ap« doaa io campua. S?«Sr"o avail Jar 1 Ca» «6 44 ?t aava r^nwiga _ SmaB turn 1 barm ap< n*ar *A*«c ROg i tea; npudad %J?*> RaMrancaa Call a* or ?f>M Rogawond Apart marts 688 5709 _ Studio A3'5 largo' mow utiww* pad n»p urvt in n*stonca< dowrtowr Oklg Joann 484 6693 ng Cowad paring. laundry *365 •monm 1200 t arry St 34 3 33'8 Redwood Park Apts. QuUt. Country Uviny With City Conurnnimc* Unturnlahad 1 IBrw f385 (starling Nov 1) Low UUMiaa-Ofl BuaBna „ Equipped Wsight Room. Spa Wood Part A Playground Laundry Fscllittas Alas Furnlshsd Bulls* Studio. 1 A 2 B R $600 to UT5 Individually Dacoratad Completely Furmahad Fverylhmg From Cabla TV to Linana For Bad. Bath A KBchan On S«a Menegsroeni Taam 4lOH W. 18th 4845775 SPRING Hi ID 152 South 53rd Ov..«t &m#ii building ? bdrm* $390 319 C Street 1 bedroom laundry $300 No pels Shown by appointment SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 345 W 10th ftft6<1130 EUGENE MAN^R Studios ’ 4 ? bdrm. jyrwL’ * «w ul» md. starting at $385 1050 ferry St 404 744 * 15th ft OLIVE Isgnt. bright and apsrUmg *lud«o and »oh apart r?i*nts. great downtown io cat**'* Sian mg at $365 nauOm moat utr*t<»* covered paring. 95 W t5th 484 5833 599 COBURG ROAD 1 bdrm condo* M'«y appaanced Sundry. courtyard vww Smait pet Oh *399 485 6991 F quest village; QUIET, QUIET, QUIET £ npoy the beauty of wood* and w»d '« in super floor plan 2 BEDROOMS 1 > BATH • Bus to Campu* • Senmmmg 1*00* • Weight < nsaa Rm . Saunas $495 ft $5’ S MONTH As* aoou'. Nov ft Dec Speoa S £ fug an* (Donald ft Foiholtow) 687-1318 £> Jennings * Co UMVERSITYMAWOfl SOUTH 745 F 15th You cam t beat 'he pnoss on i'mm* i bedroom ^nrt* 1 b 4?V» RARE OPPORTUNITY Nboa & CMMTi yn** Ava at** Vy W ,’®' UK*r ’ ? txocA to cuw :*i ymm ?arw*t* I^.V^o Oap %'■ OC No <00 *360 AW Sf MS >949 Vary (•« Saft' Nmr> 'c^rMNO q^atH tr??"- pr*vaJa ar 5?3V?50 C* ‘ NOW 666 5400 245 ROOMS Daaparata* M.wi autwwuu .* 'y * '« T6# C0l4igain 34S661? f w(m«h*d room %' ”i Nor s ' ??nd and $’50 da* camp-..-* 5200 *ro ut*t4M inclutkKl Ca> l m at 344 3359 ?so DORM CONTRACTS I wiH pay ISO 'a*o ova' my dorr cor tract. tmrthin|j lo acll, you hjvir aomcthing lo AJvrrtiM* OUt Cl ASSI1 11Ds 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Saaking room mala tor 2 txirm i(p/ r*aar ("ianjar and V»*ard Mar’! 5?5Crnontn 342 4229 Shara 3 bdrm houaa nor *mt*ar or th good *udit I* 83 Cat* Anna af 1*66 IT *>4 «m.« Avail immadMilafy Wa turn 2 txlrrr apt Crxaa* V rfaga 1 ats« !6ro<^jn 3 93 S’67 mo No dap 345 06W 1457 Paliaraon Gu** *a<*y going hou%or ow 5??** ’ V mo 522') >r.‘ mo • 58’ dap Ava l**. Kay 345 4V4 2 roommaiaa uku* -vg >v *i arga txwJ room m a tvg coot nou%*» Va'y 'a ftp* 34 4 7265 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Campua Chaa# Apia Oar •'*» poo. iimoI v, ut-i IS*65^X) at 345 n 30 _ _ Chaaa Vitae# prtvaMi &#«*• •'"Ofcng Oft Vi %or« ca^pu* on &.*« 5?3Q ♦ 550 dap 4*4 VOO__ Grad atudan* to sfw« me# Nx,-*a * ’ jkv» *ron camp.* O' Ek<* 6*3 3' *ft N#a< and rtaan M* roommaha Ct'au» V-ri#ga Apt a ? Mrm ? t*» 53'2 V) mo • v’» Jt 1 Murw'wy <4#‘» ’ *54 Room in Houm .VW#d Metvar and Cwif" 3 5**1 TO cmrr'Qv* |’95 nx> a *'«*' and uM>t<#a rfCMM 345 4155 265 GARAGE MOVING SALES Mu#t a#i' M.V*>-ng to** lov 'oca#* y AM6 urxJ and COt%# tab-#* OiMt coftag# Sm- 'o A $600 oOd 465 4/15 294 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ART CINEMAS 492 E I3lh • 686-2458 OiWO^MT *HOW» a*, Ms I l>t»|«xi me.* UPOUAMfW niMCMNOAA' \Mkki>l HIM»*MIM»\ 111! RINIK M 4|| nil \ A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME •**$!'ty * 00 -•>* WIN NEK I BEST PICTURE AND BEST ACTRESS 1BUJ CANNES ril.M FESTIVAL EST INTENTIONS^, . singles N * N *' * ' SISTER ACT whooh coi i>m wHI SI MIS TEX'S DREAM Doc 3. 4 A V * PM Room ?0? VNUrd Suflgwtxt ft D©o«i»n 300 FOOO i DRINK KEGS TO GO! T»*«rn 4 H*#f iirrt*n 24S?WiH4m»«1« M4 0414 MOmtMM • BkQ ?V ?5 fc#*n o' ly***u. «r»d report !«wk fk*d >*#>'■■> » 4 Amw» <*» tap TNI FAR SIOI By GARY LARSON '>tti Rll i r sn i ■ 1 {thf"' t ?v.# ! tiu f I \T(>>' ■ ■ >\'r '■'•! V t * *>'kf r I'm: ^'2/ rri Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson [ I'M HOME.' I'M if REE ' TME REST OP WE DM \S i ML MIKE ' A F1NM11, SOME TIME To MTSELF' LIBERTY, PRECIOUS UBERTV Lift. Ui U L 1 It DtSCCHJWI M* AT Oil COMPANY W^'t 'o %4v« rr»or«v o« ytx* 0*< rXMJ'1 Gw v*» A CAP A! 34* 4 t CM UnpMnned p**gn*r\cy ? 0IMTH RKaMT 4 £V4< «» *o i.rv**' { A?v (tttfocior S ^ '>»*h ^xx! * ” £x algo' *» *1 j ,y% it&Mf? r'^'t \ '.Yv 8 Vj ’ H y •« hot i*m«lhin| !• ••41.. Y»u K««« ••••(hbif »• ODE CLASSIFIEDS „ 346-4343 PlVL'l'rlV'.il.lkbl.iL-LJViasl'mVl'.Ti'b o V) V) 4> L_ Q. in UJ Cafe I Latte Chocolate o O u n Italian Sodas At The Espresso Cart ^ now IocoMkJ at ^ Carton w»«i Skto **k> Mon-Frt 6 50*m-10pm S*t-5un 9 XO*ni-1 Opm Doonesbury by garry trudeAu W. XlANLf se t me call w uesr aw ika&jky ,’WT AW UNP&St&t Wt H4jr*v' THYOCHP um/eu fWM m>n Tht HiU TO i Qarr mopi c*p >ou, , > v\ 1 \ AFKAlP nor I CAN'T (JNPfN 57AM’tr tduu >*VM 4 J OM' 4V5-' mw-tNii y Ht i.** HfU or AN turmnutv CROSSWORD By Eugene SheJJer r ACROSS 1 5 Down opton 5 Vagata( ian sshun • Dumond ciub 12 Wind in sIf omant 13 Addition afty 14 Pat! of RCO 15 Not Joan 1 undan of Kal«a Coo tic 17 Woodan shoa occupant IS l ong slap 19 f tavortul 21 Baum s mag* land 22 Stionga 24 Sony Now7' 27 Ac know! adga appUusa 20 Cab6*a 31 Chow down 32 lo ooof^ tima 33 Move I* a a bonny 34 Brt bunch 36 Chowdar ha art 37 thi no mm unitv m twamg 3« f ggtoui 40 l mdbatgh book 41 Earthy color 43 Cyhndn cal cap* 47 Inlat 48 'High Moptl4 lyric »*! 51 bcioogaan cry 52*lypaa* saqual 53 Squara rool ol a non**1 54 Baba m Wua 55 Mf .CT. MA ate M Matty tort DOWN 1 Dad 2 Blind at 3 Sights** 4 G'»«k tun god 5 l abytwtfh 6 Guido man nola 7 ft g«rtt fink ad 8 Seoul* mitltr 9 * 1 ha Rad Stairway* patnlar 10 Oodlat 11 Trim 16 A«l*ka tool 20 f ttan aaplatrva 22 Squmal * pal Solution tlmi 22 mini Yulordiy • intw«r 12 3 73 Mas 24 Sptdar't 25 H • cut and dnad 26 IM4 Charmstry Nob#t«st 27 Tampo 2$ Seafood salat ton 30 Gift with paatar s 35 Sha ratsad Cam 37 Boat a doubt* Uka 39 Had lighting? 40 ‘ - Should I Cara* 41 Halts 42 'Arrrva daro* 43 Urban bhght 44 Mara or Malden 45 Whara to find Ashtabula 46 Nosa in tha air tort 49 Motamary Cloonay hft. 'Botch 50 Calandar abbr