People of color must educate each other, forum says To end racism, people of color must educate themselves nhoul each other and counteract the media's stereotyped im ages. uImiuI 30 students of color agreed at a forum on Asian-Amorlcan and African American relations LaVon Pierce Jr., an Afrlcam-Amerlcan, said he believes It's Important for differ ent races to be< omn unified by learning more about each other I'lerte sold ho onco quostionod an Asian roommate about bis ideas of what Afrit all-Americans arc like His room mate asked him if if were true that all Af rican-American men were pimps and drug dealers. "Bojangles and big lips these are the ideas he came to this country with,” ho said "I didn't know stuff like this was played in this world, but that's what he uw in the movies “ tiene ShafTor-Strathman. an African American, said the "media jacks you up" in its portrayal of different races "i saw karate movies and thought if you see an Aslan, don't mess with them because they will kit k your ass." he said The way to tiring the two communities together is to "work together." said Jan Harada. a Japanese-American Enrique Gonzalez, a Chicano, said he sacrificed his culture during high school lo fit in with while students and will "search out my identity my entire life." The school system doesn't give stu dents of color much of a chance to learn about their culture, Gonzalez said Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! 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