Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 03, 1992, Supplement, Page 16B, Image 24

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    Wear your Santa
suit this holiday
Condoms Available at Low or No Cold
HIV/AIDS Resource ('enter ••••1477 E. Amazon Dr.
Phone: 142-5088
Student Health Center ••••••••••.•! 1th and Agate
Phone: 146-2728
Chicane Affairs...••••.. lM4 W 5th
Phone: 687-2666
Lane County Public Health.•••••! 15 I:. 6th
For additional supplies, contact your local pharmacy.
S|*niM>retl r>> the I ifc.-avli- I’ljmmig I’u^'iain Stu.lcnt I Ir.iilh ( Vnli i
1 £ Holiday Opportunities
Continued from I*agc 10B
stores that Payless on 29th
Avenue and Willamette Street
has erected another tree in that
area of town
"This has become a maior
event that we had to expand this
year in order to include everyone
who wanted to give." said Mary
Scott, who coordinated the event
with the St Vincent de Paul Soci
ety "People have been coming
to us since early October with
donations and gifts."
Scott said volunteers from the
Eugene Rotary Club and Beta
Sigma Phi donated time to make
the ornaments and collect volun
teers for the event
The tree began in 1983 when
community volunteers con
tributed 465 hours of work to get
the event started By 1991. the
number had risen to more than
1.500 hours given by over 160
"Support has been incredible
from youth groups, senior centers
and community volunteers and
churches." Scott said "They
made the felt ornaments and will
continually refill the tree through
out mid December ”
If you're interested in giving to
the Tree of Joy it will be in Valley
River Center throughout the holi
day season. Volunteers at St.
Vincent de Paul are available to
answer questions
-Calley Anderson
Continued from Page 2D
& Frank in the Valley River Center echoed those
remarks They agreed that accessories are top sell
ers among students this year
Among those clothes that are selling well, denim
shirts and Boss sweatshirts are topping the list,
according to Mike Regan, assistant manager at the
Squire Shop in VRC
Of course, clothing is not the only answer to solv
ing the gift buying dilemma At Circle of Hands, a
craft storeTocated off of Willamette in the Downtown
Mali, local artists have created innumerable items
for Christmas shoppers
"I could buy something here for everyone I know,"
said resident artist Steve Oppenheimer He listed
leggings and jewelry as two items that are selling
particularly well this season
"Tie dyed leggings go for about $15. and some
of the more expensive kinds run around $25,"
Oppenheimer said
Walking around the small store. Oppenheimer
pointed out a number of other gifts for that inevitable
person with everything While ceramic wind chimes
and exotic massage oils may not be on your Christ
mas gift list, the possibilities for unique gifts abound
at Circle of Hands.
Store owners are also relying on various sales
tricks in order to lure reluclant buyers this season
Kaufman's, located half a block from campus, has
a wide variety of clothing items for students. The
store has a display of "gift with purchase" entice
ments at the front entrance of the store.
Lori Bonn, assistant manager at the store,
explained how tuition changes have also affected
“I'm surprised, honestly, that sales have been as
good as they are, what with the tuition increases this
year," Bonn said Probably because we're so close
to the campus we're able to do pretty respectable
business "
However, Bonn said the Kaufman's store in the
Valley River Mall does 10 times the business the
campus shop does.
"People just like to go where they can do a lot of
shopping at once," Bonn said.
Peter Nussbtnm
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