; n Holiday Joy TRADITIONS Continued from Page 4B As the German tale goes, the 1818 carol was introduced alter mice had eaten away at a village priest's organ music that was needed tor that Eve's midnight service. The priest had composed the song, "Stille Nacht. Heitige Nacht." and had it ready to sing with the guitar for that night Its popularity slowly spread over the years and finally became the Bing Crosby favorite that is often sung today As the season comes and goes and you partake in your usual mer riments, recall the beginnings that are deeply rooted with each bow of holly, chestnut on the open fire, sip of eggnog and note sung while caroling. Have a Merry Winter Solstice1 -Kristin (>cn:rr VIDEOS Continued from Page 6B one who's been to an elementary school Christmas program will warm up to it immediately The Grinch Who Stole Christ mas Yet another take off of A Christmas Carol only this time it's Dr. Suesse who creatively changes the scenario. The Grinch manages to take all of the who yams, the who trees and the who presents from Whoville and in essence "steals Christmas " If you've seen Dickens story then you know the rest of the story Santa Claus Conquers the Martians : Here's your excuse to see one of the worst movies ever made Never mind the budget couldn't pay for the cranberry sauce at your dinner The acting is atrocious, and the plot is what the title implies This movie will provide some of the biggest unin tentional laughs ol the holiday season It features a relentlessly awful soundtrack including that perennial favorite "Hooray for Santy Claus " Holiday Inn Perhaps you've heard the song, "White Christ mas" or even seen the movie by the same name That film is a reworking of this vastly superior movie from 1942 about a country inn that's only open during the holidays and a love triangle between Bing Crosby. F red Astaire and Mar|orie Reynolds It's merely an excuse to feature a fabulous Irving Berlin soundtrack with songs revolving around vari ous holidays It's the perfect movie to watch with the family Whether you watch these movies or none at all, it is my hope that your time spent is in a manner that reminds you of the best things in life Iju as Gutman Opportunity Knocks We only have a few 1992 Bridgestones left Check out the incredible savings you can gam by buying a 1992 Bridgestone 1992 Model 1993 Model MB-6 $375.00 $425.00 MB-4 $549.00 $699.00 MB-3 $699.00 $799.00 Crty bikes and road bikes at similar savings' Your exclusive Eugene dealer PAUL’S BICYCLE SHOP 2480 Alder 342-6155 BICYCLE WAY OF LIFE 152 W 5th 344-4105 your kodak single choice USE CAMERAS I- - . I I I l_ 890 E. 13th Across From U of O Bookstore WEEKENDER •water proof •outdoor FUNSAVER •with flash •indoor the riWnffiij!* Wl PRINT BITTER PICTURIS Cameras Recycled by Kod.ik expires \?-3)-9? 342-3456 I Mon Fri 10am-6pm Saturday 10am 5pm I J ‘Jour Life zoith ‘family and friends. ‘Bring fame A ‘Basket of Oregon-made fifts jfTure ‘Beeswax Candles -jfine ‘Wood‘Boxes "^‘Dried Arrangements Jewelry ‘Euphoria Chocolate f'CarvedOfative ‘Wood‘Barrettes Organic Coffee f Oregon ‘Books jfc,Scenic CaCendars fOfgturai Lotions, Shampoos dr Soaps yf[uts & ‘Dried ‘fruits Aff ‘Right ‘Mere at Jour VO ‘Bookstore. And, you can have your gifts ivrapped, too. Vpstairs. 13th & ‘Kincaid ‘M-S at 346-4331