IS THE ANSWER enc& That very special time of the year is upon us when we join with our loved ones to celebrate the time-honored tradi tions of singing Christmas carols, decorating the tree and finding a parking space at the mall But somewhere amid all the hol iday shopping and fruitcake, we have lost sight of the true mean ing of the holiday season FOOT BALL Yes, watching football. What better way to celebrate the season of good tidings and good cheer than to stumble out of bed around noon and nurse the hang over you have accumulated through numer ous assorted holiday drinks. Nothing brings loved ones clos er than a big screen TV filled with huge men pit against each other in a violent quest to bring a ball safely to the end zone; in very much the same spirit as the jour ney Mary and Joseph took to deliv er the Baby Jesus safely to Bethlehem Young and old alike will come Nothing brings loved ones eloser than a big sereeti TV filled with huge men pit against each other in a violent quest to bring a ball safely to the end zone. together to route for the superstars they have watched every monday night and every weekend from noon to five since September Sim ilar to the way the three wise men who, 2.000 years ago. followed a star that lead them to baby Jesus Football ts the answer to every one's holiday problems Running out of fruitcake storage space7 Put them with the other snacks during a football game It is a widely known fact that football viewers will eat anything in front of their face during an important play These intense games also pro vide a way to relieve holiday stress Where else, but during an impor tant football game can you rant and rave wildly screaming "Go Wide1 GO Wide1" into a TV-’ Luckily, with football's capacity to spread the holiday spirit there is no shortage of games to watch The holidays abound with myriad football bowi games There's the Orange Bowl, the Rose Bowl, the Independence Bowl the Fiesta Bowf and the Cereal Bowl to name a few But m the event there is a small break between games and you are stuck in a room full of loved ones with nothing to say to each other, you merely have to look into the memories of Christmas games past and conversation will run faster than any quarterback There never was a football play that couldn't be replayed and replayed and replayed over and over and over again tor hours and turn U> FOOTBALL, I Ml f 80486 Special! We service what we sell! (Limited Supplies) Intel 80486-25 Mhz CPU. 64 k Cache Memory. 85 Mb Hard Drive. 2 Mb Ram Memory. 14" Color SVGA Monitor. 16 Bit SVGA Card. 8-Slots ISA Mother Board. 2-Serial, 1-Parallel, 1-Game Ports. 101 Keyboard. DOS v.5.0 with Manual, FCC & Novell Certified! (Mother board can be upgraded to 33/50/66 Mhz) 18-Month Limited Warranty. $ ^ «| O QOO Options: 120 MbHD Add $50 170 Mb HD Add $149 1-MbRam Add $55 Mouse Add $19 512 K S-VGA Card w/accelerator Add $35 1 -MB S-VGA Card non-interlaced Add $69 14" 0.28 mm DPI S-VGA Monitor Add $55 14" 0.28 mm No-Interlaced S-VGA Add $99 CITY VIEW TV & COMPUTER, Inc. Sales & Service 2352 W. 11 th Ave. 683-3518 Open: M-F 9:30-6:00, Sat 10:00-5:00 * Financing Available!' 4‘ Christmas from around the world Unigsir gifts for rs'eryonr . . sweaters trwrtry hats and storm bags Howes and shirts wall hangings lags ornaments and mart Vbrt both stores this Christmas “m ri 762 E Hth Ave next to the Excelsior 14VA667 FOLKWAYS IMPORTS . U'TMIV. It VkH.WV I. MK V\„u=.v 539 E. 11 th Ave • Fugene *343-1637 Ff?EE Porkmy I llh & Pol!«*on botwoon town * campus c Happy (HoHcfays from solemn t]}ros. Qpjjee A A Our Gift for You in ( , ONE POUND FREE House Blend or House Decaf ^ u ith purchase of tw o pounds am \ ariet\ j Allann Bros fresh roasted coffee *Sornt no liiilf pomitl split* Of/sr foot! through /iinuory 1, llM1 V \ THE BEANERY 2465 Hilyard Street and 152 W. 5th Street in Eugene OPEN EVERY DAY. INCLUDING THANKSGIVING