Gift (, far Traueffnrr, g>26 and undent • Ho*let Membofmhip* • Travel Books A Maps • Moo ay Bolts A Wsltot* • Trip Kits 20% oft all 1993 travel book* MirtTl U «st, i s n * *. * ] h *'■*>; • in Portland 1&20SE i/th Puritand. Oft 73VCM93 *n kugene: 311 t ««'4 nm f utJTMW. OH FREE SE1MBSI 14>ukln|| to liuy ■ ■■-line SIumpn for ( hrlnlimmm or \c*l Spring? niort* lufo.? Campos Skate Co. and Berg's Ski Shop m ikaoaaaoa |4ia iiaiiltiaul in ipnwnpj ttn NBcmoiw NiiMR m tin fc'i ad 4mYi afpfttaifl),«aiitaiaia§l ad/ar «ifl) la-fin tkaftt Dec. 4th-6fhl at Campus Skate 720 K. 13th Eugene 683-2510 For those among you who believe cuddling up to a warm television set is bet ter than cuddling up to a fire or a loved one. this list is for you. Perhaps you're overwhelmed by the sheer bulk ot holiday offer ings available as soon as the weather turns cold I suggest you take a long walk among the newly fallen leaves and watch the breath come out of your mouth as you spend lime with an important person In lieu of that, we have the fol lowing suggested holiday movies One important note You will not find It's a Wonderful Lite on this list Everyone has seen it already, and it's overrated besides The list that follows aren't all the best choices aesthetically speaking but provide a myriad of choices for all the moods of winter A Christmas Story Say what you will, but this is my all-time favorite seasonal movie It tells the simple story of a young boy who only wants a Red Ryder BB gun His request is always met with the same response: ’‘You'll shoot your eye out " It's hilarious any time of the year with great period flavor for the 1940s although produced in 1983 It's based in part on Jean Shepherd's book In God We Trust. All Others '^^asssaLissasssssBB^ **?G5S»2S nuTv.i *»*« • «<»*» «■ |1«*'V’" ----- > ,-«f'*t mas \u *>**>• - ■ - • _*#UI* MV •«,*'* A***—*'• * Photo by Dylan Couw Most local video stores have a vast collection ot holiday movies filmed over the years. It is my hope that your time spent is in a manner that reminds you of the best things in life. Pay Cash II you haven't seen it, make sure you do Ernest Saves Christmas In case you can't lollow the difficult plot progressions of the Christmas episode of Three's Company, then this is the movie for you Like the title character, the movie is goofy, manic and harmless It you can keep from being too embarrassed to rent this, you might be pleas antly surprised. Home Alone A crazy, unbe lievable story about a boy who is left at home by his forgetful par ents While the family goes to Europe for the holidays, young Macaulay Culkin remains at the homestead viciously fighting off two burglars Scrooged This hilarious take on Dickens' A Christmas Carol has Bill Murray perfectly cast as the Scrooge-like character who is a modern-day, top-level televi sion executive It's a little bitter and vulgar for your grandparents, perhaps, but in it's own way. it gets the message through There's not a lot of warmth in this picture, but a lot of laughs for those with a cynical view of the season of joy. Miracle on 34th Street And you thought I only watched color movies I’ll admit, I’m a sucker for this movie in which a kindly old man takes a free-thinking young girl who questions authority and sets her straight in line with the beliefs of the rest of society It may be a bad message, but it's a great movie Simpsons Christmas Special: I can pick this because it’s avail able on tape. This special pre miered before the actual show did. It’s funny, sad, derivative, hard-edged and is a new Christ mas tradition in my home Any Turn tu VIDKOS, Page 1 Ui HOWE TO I*AV US9T0**V MiccjvCtMb TK€M BONt SWOU1.0? OOWH 04 A HOUE/AMGftY CMAJft BOOS Tf R MOHS TO K At im TO MV bob dylan mi ISitttlifrtl UTTM on TOf Of TM| WOftlD TOMOAftOW WCMT IffF It AMO 00 MAAO tlMCS sade love deluxe HO OftOlAAftT lOVt «A*lS rtii no rw* KISS Of IfFi lUili ’ PftOOf SOOi mom tqhav. us* ro w rHE CHARLIE DANIELS BAND A 1)11 AM u» Kn\ "n* "«r« Oo«m lp 'N* Vvf I Gorv># Do ■ *(>*■ R«o** t Krm +i r*m CDfc na* TOAD THE WET SPROCKET PALE Com* Bock Do*n On A R/v*r1k*d C»M** \ <*t* t vtymtff J*m —r A. OF sounds #!£&• Robert Johnson „ The „ Complete Recordings (1 Song Diluu Boi 2 Cassette Sit Tonjnra.fMTo**r as S I. 1 3tfc AVIHUI IUOINI, ORISON, tMOl