The Joy of Giving Once again the season of giving is upon us While for many people this may mean hitting the malls to do their holiday shopping, others in the Eugene/Sprmgfteld area are par ticipating in a different kind of giv ing this year The holidays traditionally bring with them a heightened awareness of the great needs of the less for tunate, In the Eugene/Sprmgfield community, several organizations have united with one another to help those in need "Toys for Tots” is a 45-year holiday tradition established to help provide needy families with toys for their children. The Christ mas gift progcam is co-sponsored by the International Association of Firefighters and the United States Marine Corps Reserve. New. unwrapped toys and cash donations are being collected, between now an Dec 18 at Eugene and Springfield Fire sta tions and also at the Marine Corps Reserve Center. The toys are col lected and unwrapped so they may be categorized by age and gender for distribution to the needy chil aren. "For some kids, the toy we pro vide is their only toy," said Mike Moskoritz. publicity chairman for Toys lor Tots. "We know from the bright smiles on children's laces and from the grateful apprecia tion from their parents, that the simple fact of a shiny, new toy — something that most of us take for granted — can make a tremendous difference in the life of a child ” Last year approximately 5,000 children in the Eugene/Spring field area received toys through the program. Moskovitz said the need this year will probably be even greater. “Our volunteers work very hard to make Toys for Tots a success, but we could never do it without the support of concerned citizens and businesses." Moskovitz said “ft’s a way all of us can give back to the community and to less for tunate children " If you know of a need child, or want to know more information Ph<*G by Court#* Sergeant Kroto help a provide toy tor needy children throughout Eugene and Springfield during the holiday. about the Toys (or Tots program, cal! 683-0069 Another program to help out those in need is off and running this holiday season. The Oregon Chapter of the Arthritis Founda tion is sponsoring the 1992 "Jin gle Bell Run & Walk" for Arthritis on Oec. 12 This holiday theme fundraising event takes fun-runners, walkers and serious road racers on a scenic tour of one of Eugene's most beautiful parks and Willamette River Greenway bike paths The event will start and finish at Alton Baker Park in Eugene The B K road race. 2-mile fun walk and half mile kid's candy cane fun run, comes complete with t-shirts, refreshments and random prize drawings, as well as awards for top finishers and fundraisers The Jingle Bell Run includes both individual and team partici pation opportunities for families, friends, student groups and busi nesses Additional competitions open to all participants and volun teers include holiday costume and caroling contests Participants may register at Nike Eugene in 5th Street Public Market through Dec 11 or at Alton Baker Park through Dec 12, by either collecting pledges or paying an entry lee We want to make this a tun and joyous experience lor all par ticipants as well as a successful lundraising event lor the Arthritis Foundation Oregon Chapter,"* said Diana Conner, Foundation Special Events Coordinator If you would like additional information on registering or vol unteering lor the Jingle Bell Run, call 343-3462 These and many other oppor tunities. to give to those who really need it this holiday sea son, exist in the EugeneySpring tield area Suxan Upile gruff f t I UNITED COLORS Of BENETTON WINTER COLORS OF BENETTON. V A LLEY RIVER CENTER ANTI-SLIP SOLING • mips prevent slipping on siick surfaces. • Good for Man's, Woman's and baby shoos. CAMPUS SHOE REPAIR 843 East 13th • 343-6613 Holiday Gift Baskets customize your own iL»itt with t )re^on foods WUH\S alsv > carrying a wide selection ot imported beers XTTv Order by December 13th Mon. Sat Tam 5pm Sun. Sam 2pm I tSi I Market 15^1 Willomrttr St Sfdivn 4Jiumi Fi* T*ltt\ (sM 687-5000 4^ ElONt SWU11TNY CVi I9MKA W*< iitf M«( £*r«Mr & ijmJm** tYdUff Nn*r irnUt IUJT A Hometown, Homegrown, Homefried Christmas A pft of uny from Motion d'lliurnt andfnmdr Km Kerry, Art Sluddoi. Ruk ( unlu. lorml Sloyrr and Dmmi Coffey until the l uyrne Symphony Ru ha>J lony,Cunt Conduetor l hr 70 tvu t Impirational SounJi ('O pel Choir John Comer, Dim tor / he lAO u‘i.f Kooieirlt Middle Sehaol Choir Sandra Broun WitliOMS. Dim lor. A niyhl of iLutic and toon lo hr (Lurie holiday lonyi and norirt for ihr entire family. 8 pm Saturday, December 5,1992 Hui.t Center. Tickets from $9. homily Spomort, ■Jh^ < ■* CREATE L YOUR V OWN T-SHIRTS FASTee let your imagination go wild! Photographs ♦ Artwork ♦ Slides ♦ Drawings A Anything you want as a T-shirt ♦ Custom design services Opt* 7*171 (ampul Store M Htt 1M An. * A cron from Ik* li of 0 Bookstore